Anyone who writes both English and a foreign language can help the community out by translating documentation on the wiki.
Note that all articles must be written in English before being translated into other languages.
Za pomoć u prevođenju Gentoo Wiki stranica na druge jezike koristimo mogućnosti TranslateWiki Prevođenja stranica. Ovdje se koristi sustav poruka gettext oblika koji podijeli članak na manje dijelove teksta koje je jednostavnije prevesti.
There are specific instructions for translating the handbook.
Za sve: Kako postati prevoditelj
Ako ste dovršili prethodne korake, ili niste prvi prevoditelj za određeni jezik, dodajte svoje podatke na Gentoo_Wiki:Translator_account_requests.
Ako vaš jezik nije na listi gore, to znači da ste prvi prevoditelj za konkretni jezik. U ovom slučaju, prvo prevedite ovu help stranicu. Molimo napravite stranicu na vašem korisničkom prostoru s prijevodom ove stranice. Dodajte link na nju kad budete zatraživali prevoditeljski račun.
Trenutno imamo prihvaćene prevoditelje za slijedeće jezike:
- Kineski (中文)
- Hrvatski
- Češki (Český jazyk)
- Nizozemski (Nederlands)
- Francuski (français)
- Njemački (deutsch)
- Talijanski (italiano)
- Korejski (한국말)
- Indonezijski (Bahasa Indonesia)
- Japanski (日本語)
- Poljski (polski)
- Portugalski (português)
- Ruski (русский)
- Španjolski (español)
- Ukrajinski (українська мова)
For all editors
Translation tags
"Translation tags" are snippets of text that automatically get added to appropriate elements of a page by the Translate extension, each time a page is marked for translation. These tags take the form <!--T:15-->
and pertain to the internal workings of the extension. They are not for use by editors.
Do not create or edit these tags. If a paragraph is to be modified, just modify the content and leave the tags in place. When completely deleting a paragraph, delete its translation tag at the same time. When moving the paragraph within the page, keep the tag with the content.
When adding new paragraphs to a page, do not "hand craft" translation tags, just add the content without translation tags. Modifications to the article will have it show up in the Page translation list, and from there changes be reviewed and the page can be marked for translation again, which will add translation tags to the new sections.
For long sections of output in block level layout elements, such as FileBoxes or CodeBoxes, whitespace may be added to any empty lines so that the entire output will be treated as a unique translatable section. Otherwise each section separated by an empty line would be split into separate paragraphs, each with an individual translation tag.
Za uređivače: Označavanje prevodivih dijelova
Prije nego se stranica može prevoditi, morate označiti prevodive dijelove. U većini slučajeva, to je cijeli članak.
Prije nego se stranica može prevoditi, potrebno je označiti prevodive dijelove. U većini slučajeva to je cijeli članak.
Da biste označili prevodivi dio, smjestite ga u XML oznake <translate>
, na sljedeći način:
We are using the [ TranslateWiki Page translation] features to help translating pages on the Gentoo Wiki into other languages.
It uses a gettext-style message system that breaks up an article into small chunks of text that are easily translatable.
Također dodajte traku izbornika jezika na vrhu vašeg članka korištenjem oznake <languages />
<languages />
We are using the [ TranslateWiki Page translation] features to help translating pages on the Gentoo Wiki into other languages.
It uses a gettext-style message system that breaks up an article into small chunks of text that are easily translatable.
Use the correct link style so that translations work
All internal links should be represented by {{Link}} template:
Old-style, obsolete links:
Visit the [[Main Page]]
How to make a correct link:
Visit the {{Link|Main Page}}
The link template may also accept a label to show as text in place of the actual page name. Original:
[[Help:Translating|help on translating]]
{{Link|Help:Translating|help on translating}}
Links to sections, that used square bracket links should also use the link template instead. Sections must be passed to the template parameter section
in order for the links to work on non-English pages:
Visit the [[Portage#Usage|using Portage]]
Visit the {{Link|Portage|section=#Usage|using Portage}}
This allows for direction to the translated page if it exists or the main article if it does not. This is dynamic as new pages are created with less work after translations are completed.
Additionally, sections should be tagged like {{Anchor|{section name in English}}}
so any hash references are equal between languages. These are NOT to be translated on subsequent languages. An alternative name for the anchor may also be used in place of the section name, particularly in abnormally long or those with non-alpha characters. When using an alternative name, the Link section must point to this Anchor.
Nakon što dovršite svoj članak, možete zatražiti omogućavanje prevođenja.
Za uređivače: Zahtjev za prevođenje stranice
Nakon što ste završili prethodne korake (dodavanje oznaka za prevođenje i izbornik jezika), stranica će se automatski pojaviti na stranici Prevođenje stranica. Administrator ili glavni prevoditelj će provjeriti kvalitetu članka i prihvatiti ili odbiti zahtjev. Obavezno pratite stranicu rasprave jer će se na njoj raspravljati o razlogu zašto je zahtjev odbijen.
Articles that that have pending changes that need marking to allow their translation will have the text "this page contains changes which are not marked for translation" at the top.
For administrators the text will read "this page has changes since it was last marked for translation" and the "marked for translation" part of that text is a link that can be clicked to start the process of marking the page for translation.
Za prevoditelje: Prevođenje
Before starting translation work, consider if an article has changes that are not marked for translation. If at the top of an article it says "this page contains changes which are not marked for translation", (or "this page has changes since it was last marked for translation"), then only an "outdated" version will be available for translation. Contact an admin or lead-translator to request that an article be reviewed and marked for translation.
Da biste započeli s prevođenjem članka, kliknite na poveznicu Prevedi ovu stranicu ispod naslova stranice. Na sljedećoj stranici, u gornjem desnom kutu, izaberite jezik na koji prevodite stranicu.
Pojavit će se tablica s prevodivim odlomcima. Klikom na poveznice u krajnjem lijevom stupcu pojavit će se polje za unos vašeg prijevoda. Kad prevedete odlomak, kliknite na Prijeđi na sljedeći prijevod. Nakon što ste gotovi, kliknite Spremi prijevod.
Those who are promoted to a lead translator, also have access to translate messages for templates.
Posebni predlošci
Ovi predlošci su prevedeni:
- {{Note}}
- {{Warning}}
- {{Important}}
- {{CodeBox}}
- {{FileBox}}
- {{KernelBox}}
- {{Link}}
- {{Confused}}
- {{See}}
NOVO! Predloške ne treba mijenjati, oni automatski prikazuju prevedene poruke.
Ako vaš jezik nedostaje, ili želite predložiti omogućavanje prevođenja novih Predložaka, kontaktirajte korisnika a3li
Iznimke jezičnih kodova
Za neka pisma nema uporabljivog ISO 639-1 koda. U tom slučaju koriste se sljedeće iznimke:
For some scripts, there is no usable ISO 639-1 code. These exceptions are used instead:
Zamjenski kod | Jezik |
zh-cn | Pojednostavljeni kineski (简体中文) |
Statistike prevođenja
Popis nepotpuno prevedenih stranica možete pronaći upisivanjem jezičnog koda na Special:LanguageStats.