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This page is a translated version of the page KDE and the translation is 44% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

KDE es una comunidad de software libre, que produce una amplia gama de aplicaciones, incluyendo el conocido entorno de escritorio Plasma.

El soporte para KDE en Gentoo es excelente, con un empaquetado completo de KDE Frameworks 5, Plasma 5 y aplicaciones de KDE 5, así como una amplia gama de programas diversos basados ​​en KDE.

Requisitos previos


Lee relevant documentation antes de hacer cualquier cambio de perfil.

La elección de un perfil adecuado, aunque no obligatorio, es recomendable pues establece una serie de parámetros USE, globales como para programas específicos, que facilitan la instalación y garantizan una experiencia de KDE sin problemas.

Con el fin de elegir el perfil más adecuado, primero liste los que están disponibles:

root #eselect profile list
  [1]   default/linux/amd64/17.1 (stable)
  [2]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/selinux (stable)
  [3]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/hardened (stable)
  [4]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/hardened/selinux (stable)
  [5]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop (stable)
  [6]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/gnome (stable)
  [7]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/gnome/systemd (stable)
  [8]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/plasma (stable)
  [9]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/plasma/systemd (stable)

A continuación, seleccione el perfil adecuado, sustituyendo X con el número del perfil correspondiente:

root #eselect profile set X

Para un completo entorno de escritorio KDE, se recomienda utilizar el perfil desktop/plasma, que se adapta para su uso con OpenRC. Si se usa systemd, elija desktop/kde/systemd en su lugar. Para un entorno de escritorio Plasma 5 elija desktop/plasma con OpenRC o desktop/plasma/systemd con systemd. Nótese que otra combinación de USE puede ser técnicamente posible (especialmente si selecciona correr aplicaciones en vez de un entorno plasma completo), pero puede no ser soportado, no testeado o llevar a una inesperada perdida de funcionalidad.

Combined hardened profiles

Users that run hardened profiles can also combine it with all the features of the plasma desktop profile. For steps on doing this please follow KDE/Hardened_KDE_Plasma_profile.


Los servicios incorporarán automáticamente las configuraciones predeterminadas, mediante los pasos de instalación de los siguientes capítulos, según la selección de perfil realizada anteriormente, pero aún es necesario configurarlos correctamente antes de iniciar KDE Plasma por primera vez. Para cambiar las configuraciones predeterminadas se recomienda hacerlo antes de instalar KDE Plasma o KDE Release Service y usar emerge ‑‑oneshot para que Portage tenga en cuenta estos cambios. Puede visitar los enlaces para obtener información sobre cómo configurar estos servicios.

Sistema de inicio

Solo debes elegir uno:

  • elogind: Paquete de inicio de sesión predeterminado para desktop/plasma extraído del proyecto de systemd para usarlo com OpenRC u otros sistemas de inicio.
  • systemd: Utiliza la parte de seguimiento de sesiones de systemd. Los usuarios de systemd no necesitan realizar ninguna otra acción adicional aquí.

Administrador de dispositivos

Por defecto, systemd-utils es usado en sistemas OpenRC, y systemd es usado en sistemas systemd. Los usuarios que no quieran cambiar pueden saltar este paso.

Solo debes elegir uno:

  • udev: Habilita la compatibilidad con la nomenclatura dinámica y persistente de dispositivos de udev Linux.
  • eudev: Bifurcación de udev para una mejor compatibilidad con kernels más antiguos y varias cadenas de herramientas.
  • systemd Utiliza la parte del administrador de dispositivos de systemd. Los usuarios de systemd no necesitan tomar ninguna otra iniciativa aquí.


  • D-Bus: Permite el uso del sistema de bus de mensajes D-Bus.
  • polkit: Activa el marco polkit para controlar los privilegios de los servicios de todo el sistema.
  • udisks: Habilita la compatibilidad con algunos servicios relacionados con el almacenamiento.

Servidor X

Lea y siga las instrucciones del artículo X server para configurar el entorno X.


In Plasma 6, Wayland is the default session. Many users have been shifted to a Wayland session without even realizing.

Starting from Plasma 6.2.1 in Gentoo, kde-plasma/plasma-login-sessions controls the default Plasma session via USE flags:

USE flags for kde-plasma/plasma-login-sessions KDE Plasma login sessions

+wayland Install Wayland session file for Display Managers
X Install X11 session file for Display Managers (default is Wayland if both enabled)

Users can set X or wayland on this package if they wish to control the default.

For Plasma 6, have a system with applicable VIDEO_CARDS USE expand settings and kernel with DRMs (Direct Rendering Manager) enabled for Mesa. KWin, the window manager and Wayland compositor, uniquely falls back to low performance software Rendering if unsatisfied.


Plasma 5 es la actual generación del entorno de escritorio de KDE, basado en Qt 5 y KDE Frameworks 5.

Versiones disponibles

KDE Gentoo Ebuild repository Status
KDE Plasma 6.2.4 kde-plasma/plasma-meta-6.2.4 gentoo Stable for amd64 and arm64; testing for ppc64, riscv and x86
KDE Plasma 6.2.5 kde-plasma/plasma-meta-6.2.5 gentoo Testing for amd64, arm64, ppc64, riscv and x86
KDE Plasma 6.2 stable branch kde-plasma/plasma-meta- KDE Live version
KDE Plasma 6 master branch kde-plasma/plasma-meta-9999 KDE Live version
Antes de continuar, asegurese de elegir un plasma profile.


Parámetros USE

El paquetekde-plasma/plasma-meta proporciona el escritorio Plasma 5 completo, configurable mediante los siguientes parámetros USE:

USE flags for kde-plasma/plasma-meta Merge this to pull in all Plasma 6 packages

+browser-integration Enable integration with Chrome/Firefox with browser extensions
+crash-handler Pull in kde-plasma/drkonqi for assisted upstream crash reports
+display-manager Pull in a graphical display manager
+elogind Enable session tracking via sys-auth/elogind
+firewall Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-firewall for system firewall administration
+kwallet Enable support for KWallet auto-unlocking via kde-plasma/kwallet-pam
+networkmanager Enable net-misc/networkmanager support
+sddm Pull in the x11-misc/sddm display manager and system settings module
+smart Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-disks for disk health monitoring
+wallpapers Install wallpapers for the Plasma Workspace
+xwayland Enable Wayland windows screensharing to XWayland applications via gui-apps/xwaylandvideobridge
accessibility Add support for accessibility (eg 'at-spi' library)
bluetooth Enable Bluetooth Support
colord Enable kde-plasma/kwin color management via x11-misc/colord
crypt Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-vault for encrypted vaults integration
cups Add support for CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)
discover Pull in resources management GUI; a centralised GHNS alternative and optional sys-apps/fwupd frontend
flatpak Pull in kde-plasma/flatpak-kcm for flatpak permissions administration
grub Pull in Breeze theme for sys-boot/grub
gtk Enable Breeze widget style and system settings module for GTK+
oxygen-theme Pull in Oxygen icons, sound theme and visual style for KDE Plasma
plymouth Pull in Breeze theme for sys-boot/plymouth
pulseaudio Install Plasma applet for PulseAudio volume management
qt5 Pull in required packages for seamless integration of KF5/Qt5-based applications
rdp Enables RDP/Remote Desktop support
sdk Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-sdk for Plasma development
systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking
thunderbolt Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-thunderbolt control center module
unsupported Allow packages that are known to ruin runtime experience ** DO NOT FILE BUGS WITH THIS ENABLED **
wacom Pull in kde-plasma/wacomtablet control center module
webengine Use kde-apps/khelpcenter to access the locally installed KDE Help System Handbook

USE flags for kde-plasma/plasma-meta Merge this to pull in all Plasma 6 packages

+browser-integration Enable integration with Chrome/Firefox with browser extensions
+crash-handler Pull in kde-plasma/drkonqi for assisted upstream crash reports
+display-manager Pull in a graphical display manager
+elogind Enable session tracking via sys-auth/elogind
+firewall Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-firewall for system firewall administration
+kwallet Enable support for KWallet auto-unlocking via kde-plasma/kwallet-pam
+networkmanager Enable net-misc/networkmanager support
+sddm Pull in the x11-misc/sddm display manager and system settings module
+smart Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-disks for disk health monitoring
+wallpapers Install wallpapers for the Plasma Workspace
+xwayland Enable Wayland windows screensharing to XWayland applications via gui-apps/xwaylandvideobridge
accessibility Add support for accessibility (eg 'at-spi' library)
bluetooth Enable Bluetooth Support
colord Enable kde-plasma/kwin color management via x11-misc/colord
crypt Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-vault for encrypted vaults integration
cups Add support for CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)
discover Pull in resources management GUI; a centralised GHNS alternative and optional sys-apps/fwupd frontend
flatpak Pull in kde-plasma/flatpak-kcm for flatpak permissions administration
grub Pull in Breeze theme for sys-boot/grub
gtk Enable Breeze widget style and system settings module for GTK+
oxygen-theme Pull in Oxygen icons, sound theme and visual style for KDE Plasma
plymouth Pull in Breeze theme for sys-boot/plymouth
pulseaudio Install Plasma applet for PulseAudio volume management
qt5 Pull in required packages for seamless integration of KF5/Qt5-based applications
rdp Enables RDP/Remote Desktop support
sdk Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-sdk for Plasma development
systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking
thunderbolt Pull in kde-plasma/plasma-thunderbolt control center module
unsupported Allow packages that are known to ruin runtime experience ** DO NOT FILE BUGS WITH THIS ENABLED **
wacom Pull in kde-plasma/wacomtablet control center module
webengine Use kde-apps/khelpcenter to access the locally installed KDE Help System Handbook


root #emerge --ask kde-plasma/plasma-meta

Puede optar por kde-plasma/plasma-desktop que proporciona un escritorio muy básico, dejando al usuario la libertad de instalar solo los paquetes adicionales que necesite, o bien, añadir las características que le hagan falta.

Tenga en cuenta que instalar solo kde-plasma/plasma-desktop excluirá paquetes importantes y ncesarios para que KDE Plasma funcione correctamente, como: kde-plasma/powerdevil (Gestor de energía, suspensión e hibernación), kde-plasma/systemsettings, y algunos más. Este paquete debe utilizarse teniendo en cuenta que será necesario instalar paquetes adicionales para garantizar un entorno funcional. No espere soporte cuando utilice este paquete

Iniciar Plasma

Gestor de pantallas

SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager) es el gestor de inicio recomendado y es descargado automáticamente mediante kde-plasma/plasma-meta por defecto. Esto es la mejor opción. Alternativamente, LightDM puede ser usado y seleccionado usando el parámetro USE -sddm para kde-plasma/plasma-meta. Cambia la configuración de forma concordante en /etc/conf.d/display-manager. También, asegúrate de leer la pagina SDDM por si algún problema aparece.

Sin gestor de pantallas

Plasma puede iniciarse a la antigua usando startx, pero hay que tener cuidado y asegurarse que obtiene una sesion valida

ARCHIVO ~/.xinitrc
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-x11

Cuando se usa Wayland, plasma puede iniciarse con dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-wayland

Esto puede añadirse al archivo de configuración del usuario que se ejecutará al iniciar sesión en:

ARCHIVO ~/.profile
dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-wayland


Muchos útiles widgets se encuentran en el paquete kde-plasma/kdeplasma-addons (el cuál ya es incluido en kde-plasma/plasma-meta):

root #emerge --ask kde-plasma/kdeplasma-addons


Many users will be introduced to kde-frameworks/kwallet, Plasma's encrypted password storage, while adding a (wireless) network connection after login or adding E-Mail accounts in kde-apps/kmail.

For managing KWallets, importing and exporting passwords, there is kde-apps/kwalletmanager:

root #emerge --ask kde-apps/kwalletmanager

Desbloqueo autónomo de KWallet

kde-plasma/kwallet-pam provides a mechanism to avoid being subsequently asked for access to kwallet after login.

root #emerge --ask kde-plasma/kwallet-pam

It requires the following setup:

  • For KWallet security, use classic blowfish encryption instead of GPG
  • Choose same password for login and kwallet
  • Configure a display manager with support for PAM - both x11-misc/sddm and x11-misc/lightdm fulfill that requirement:
ARCHIVO /etc/pam.d/sddmConfig lines for KWallet PAM unlocking via SDDM
-auth           optional        pam_kwallet5.so
-session        optional        pam_kwallet5.so auto_start

For unlocking on tty login (no display manager, or like gui-apps/tuigreet), edit /etc/pam.d/login accordingly. The user will need to specify the force_run parameter.

ARCHIVO /etc/pam.d/greetdConfig lines for KWallet PAM unlocking via Greetd
-auth           optional        pam_kwallet5.so
-session        optional        pam_kwallet5.so auto_start force_run
For LightDM, /etc/pam.d/lightdm needs to be edited instead.
If the filesystem containing a user's KWallet files is mounted by pam_mount upon logging on, it may be required to copy ~/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.salt to the same path on the root filesystem. Otherwise, PAM attempts to unlock KWallet before the home directory is available and fails. The file ~/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.kwl which actually contains the encrypted KWallet passwords does not need to be copied.

Deshabilitar KWallet

To disable the KWallet subsystem completely, edit the following file:

ARCHIVO ~/.config/kwalletrc

SSH/GPG Agent startup/shutdown scripts

ssh-agent scripts are located in /etc/xdg/plasma-workspace/env and /etc/xdg/plasma-workspace/shutdown. Shutdown scripts require executable bit set because they are not sourced. The Keychain article provides more information about this.

Non-root user authentication for dialogs

Some KDE dialogs such as printers, adding wireless networks and adding users require administrator authentication. This is handled through sys-auth/polkit and operates independently from app-admin/sudo. By default in Gentoo, the root account is the only administrator, and so even if a user account can run root commands through sudo, authentication in these KDE dialogs will fail.

Adding wireless networks using net-misc/networkmanager is allowed by a polkit rule which is part of the Gentoo package and already allows access for every user in the group plugdev. For other dialogs the behavior must be configured manually: If all users of the group wheel are required to be administrators, create a copy of /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/50-default.rules starting with a number lower than 50, and edit the line return ["unix-user:0"] to the following:

ARCHIVO /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/49-wheel.rulesAdministrator wheel group
polkit.addAdminRule(function(action, subject) {
    return ["unix-group:wheel"];

The Polkit wiki page provides more details on rules configuration.

Correr aplicaciones GUI con privilegios root

It could be a very bad idea to start GUI applications with root privileges, versus adding the regular user to the relevant group or simply just running the command unprivileged. Only use kdesu when absolutely necessary.

KDE Plasma has a utility to start graphical programs with root privileges. It is provided by kde-plasma/kdesu-gui and is already pulled in by kde-plasma/plasma-meta. It requires Xorg, and only works within X[1].

root #emerge -1 kde-cli-tools

It can be used by invoking kdesu either from KRunner or a terminal emulator:

user $kdesu <nombre-del-programa>

A message dialog will be displayed prompting for the root password.

Some applications such as kwrite, dolphin etc. refuse to be opened with kdesu for security reasons.


XDG standard directories are being used for KDE Plasma and KDE applications:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (defaults to $HOME/.config) - Configuration files
  • $XDG_DATA_HOME (defaults to $HOME/.local/share) - Application data


The first step to remove KDE Plasma and its dependencies is to unmerge kde-plasma/plasma-meta. This will not yet remove any files from the installation, so the desktop environment will keep running:

root #emerge --ask --depclean --verbose kde-plasma/plasma-meta

In a next step it can be useful to scan /etc/portage directory for any KDE Plasma specific entries in package.mask, package.unmask and package.accept_keywords and clean them up.

Finally, run the command to uninstall any Plasma packages and their dependencies. It would make sense to quit any running Plasma session beforehand:

root #emerge --ask --depclean  
Please note that this will not just remove KDE Plasma but also any other package not registered (or being depended on) in @world. Carefully read through the list of packages to be removed before continuing. Alternatively, run this command prior to unmerging of kde-plasma/plasma-meta to get an overview of already dangling packages on the system.


KDE Gear consists of various applications and supporting libraries based on Qt/KDE Frameworks.

Versiones disponibles

KDE Gentoo Ebuild repository Status
KDE Gear 24.08.3 kde-apps/kde-apps-meta-24.08.3 gentoo Stable for amd64 and arm64; testing for x86
KDE Gear 24.12.1 kde-apps/kde-apps-meta-24.12.1 gentoo Testing for amd64, arm64 and x86
KDE Gear 24.12 stable branch kde-apps/kde-apps-meta- KDE Live version
KDE Gear master branch kde-apps/kde-apps-meta-9999 KDE Live version

KDE Gear is divided in the following meta packages:

Package name Description
kde-apps/kdeaccessibility-meta Accessibility applications and utilities.
kde-apps/kdeadmin-meta Administrative utilities, which help in managing the system.
kde-apps/kdecore-meta Basic applications such as file browser, editor, terminal emulator.
kde-apps/kdeedu-meta Educational applications and games.
kde-apps/kdegames-meta Standard desktop games.
kde-apps/kdegraphics-meta Graphics applications such as image viewers, color pickers, etc.
kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta Audio and video playback applications and services.
kde-apps/kdenetwork-meta Network applications and VNC services.
kde-apps/kdepim-meta PIM applications such as emailer, addressbook, organizer, etc.
kde-apps/kdesdk-meta Various development tools.
kde-apps/kdeutils-meta Standard desktop utilities such as an archiver, a calculator, etc.


The kde-apps/kde-apps-meta package provides the full KDE Gear bundle:

root #emerge --ask kde-apps/kde-apps-meta

If not all the packages are required, one or several smaller meta packages from the list above may be picked instead. Alternatively, it is possible to set USE flags to reduce the number of applications installed by kde-apps/kde-apps-meta.

Cambiar el idioma

Plasma and Applications are shipping their localization per-package. Enable desired localization in System Settings.


KDE PIM is a whole suite of applications to manage personal information including mail, calendar, contacts and more. It has several optional runtime dependencies to extend its functionality:


KDE Frameworks 5 es una colección de bibliotecas y de frameworks que proporcionan la base para KDE Plasma 5 y las aplicaciones de KDE 5, pero pueden ser utilizadas por cualquier aplicación Qt.

Como los frameworks son, en su mayoría, bibliotecas y proporcionan poca funcionalidad de usuario, ello hace que no sea necesaria su instalación de forma manual —los paquetes requeridos serán obtenidos automáticamente, así como sus dependencias—.

Versiones disponibles

KDE Gentoo Ebuild repository Status
KDE Frameworks 5.116.0 kde-frameworks/*-5.116.0 gentoo Stable for amd64, arm64, and x86; testing for arm, loong, ppc64 and riscv
KDE Frameworks 6.7.0 kde-frameworks/*-6.7.0 gentoo Stable for amd64 and arm64 and ppc64; testing for riscv and x86
KDE Frameworks 6.9.0 kde-frameworks/*-6.9.0 gentoo Testing for amd64, arm64, ppc64, riscv and x86
KDE Frameworks 6.10.0 kde-frameworks/*-6.10.0 gentoo Testing for amd64, arm64, ppc64, riscv and x86
KDE Frameworks 6 (master) branch kde-frameworks/*-9999 KDE Live version

Más software para KDE

Las aplicaciones KDE más importantes se encuentran en el árbol portage y muchas se encuentran en las categorías kde-apps y kde-misc.

Solución de problemas

Véase el sub-artículo Troubleshooting

Véase también

Links externos
