Talk:Profile (Portage)

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 Adding translation tags

Talk status
This discussion needs help.
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I want to translate this page in French, marking the changes will also allow other country to have their own translation as well. I am not the best to state if it's in good shape in English but after a first reading, seems fine to me. So I added these tags at first and last line.

Regards, Kévin GASPARD DE RENEFORT (talk) 08:44, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

Profile diagram

Talk status
This discussion is done as of 2018-12-23.

The ASCII-art representation of profile building/'stacking' is very hard to follow .. does anyone have any ideas for a better representation?! -- veremit (talk) 21:19, 4 May 2018 (UTC)

Colorization ? --Cronolio (talk) 07:08, 5 May 2018 (UTC)
The diagram gets complicated because it tries to simultaneously show filesystem layout and settings inheritance. I simplified it, feel free to improve it or reopen the discussion. — GuillermoDH (talk) 19:04, 23 December 2018 (UTC)

Combining multiple profiles from the Gentoo ebuild repository

Talk status
This discussion is done as of 2023-03-01.

The syntax given for a custom profile parent file, gentoo:path/in/profiles, is not accepted by (at least up to) sys-devel/portage-3.0.43-r1:

!!! Unable to parse profile: '/etc/make.profile'
!!! ParseError: Parent '/var/db/repos/jmbreuer/profiles/default/linux/x86/17.0/desktop/systemd/gentoo:default/linux/x86/17.0/desktop' not found: '/var/db/repos/jmbreuer/profiles/default/linux/x86/17.0/desktop/systemd/parent'

As a workaround, I've used /usr/portage/profiles/... for now, but that's obviously not portable with respect to $PORTDIR. What's the proper way to reference profiles in one repository from another one at this time?

--Jmbreuer (talk) 12:37, 1 March 2023 (UTC)

I'm not sure, but a place to ask could be #gentoo (webchat) - see support article. If you find out, feel free to edit the page with the correction ;). Thanks for the heads up. -- Ris (talk) 12:43, 1 March 2023 (UTC)
Thank you! While waiting for someone on #gentoo (webchat) to notice, I started to dig around in the code. Turns out I was missing the
FILE metadata/layout.conf
profile-formats = portage-2
statement in my custom repo... following all of the docs, it actually works. --Jmbreuer (talk) 13:13, 1 March 2023 (UTC)