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This page is a translated version of the page Gentoolkit and the translation is 30% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
不要混淆 Genkernel.




Gentoolkit包含大量有用的工具,可帮助用户管理包并跟踪系统中发生的情况。 大多数用户(特别是经常更新系统的用户)将从安装Gentoolkit中受益。

The gentoolkit commands have man pages, type "man <command>" for each command for full documentation.


USE flags

USE flags for app-portage/gentoolkit Collection of administration scripts for Gentoo

test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)


Install gentoolkit:

root #emerge --ask app-portage/gentoolkit



构建和安装包时,源文件将下载并保存在 DISTDIR 中,通常是 /var/cache/distfiles。如果不定期清洁,这可能会累积数千兆字节的材料。用户应该运行 eclean-dist 来清理 DISTDIR 中的源文件。

可以使用 quickpkgFEATURES="buildpkg" 创建已安装软件包的存档。这些存档的包保存在 PKGDIR 中,通常是 /var/cache/binpkgs。当它们不再需要时,或者它们太旧时,可以运行 eclean-pkg 将它们从 PKGDIR 中移除,这是确保系统上的任何二进制包只是最新版本的好方法。

有关eclean的更多信息以及维护无残留系统的提示,请阅读man eclean或查看eclean文章。


epkginfo is a tool used to display package metadata information. It is a shortcut to using the equery meta command.


equery is a tool to make several common Portage operations simpler. Among other operations, it can display package dependencies, metadata, and installed files.



文件 make.conf启用elog
这只是保存elog消息的一种方法。 有关Portage elog系统如何工作的更多信息,请参阅Portage手册中的相应页面。


user $eread
This is a list of portage log items. Choose a number to view that file or type
q to quit.
1) app-portage:gentoolkit-0.2.4_pre2:20070320-000256.log
2)  app-portage:gentoolkit-0.2.4_pre2:20070320-000258.log
3)  app-portage:gentoolkit-0.2.4_pre2:20070320-000319.log
4)  app-portage:gentoolkit-0.2.3:20070320-000408.log




Display keywords for specified package or for package that is in pwd.

To show keywords for a specific package, indicate that package on the command line, for example:

root #eshowkw gentoo-sources
Keywords for sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:
          |                               |   u          |  
          | a   a     p s     l r   a     |   n          |  
          | m   r h   p p   i o i s l m m | e u s        | r
          | d a m p p c a x a o s 3 p 6 i | a s l        | e
          | 6 r 6 p p 6 r 8 6 n c 9 h 8 p | p e o        | p
          | 4 m 4 a c 4 c 6 4 g v 0 a k s | i d t        | o
 4.14.302 | o o o o o o + o o o o o o o o | 8 o 4.14.302 | gentoo
 4.14.305 | + + + ~ + + ~ + ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 o 4.14.305 | gentoo
 4.14.309 | + ~ ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 o 4.14.309 | gentoo
 4.14.311 | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 o 4.14.311 | gentoo
 4.14.312 | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 o 4.14.312 | gentoo


euse provides functionality to set (disable/enable) and obtain information about USE flags in make.conf, without having to edit the file directly.


It is not necessary to run this tool for general use. The portage FEATURE preserve-libs makes the original purpose obsolete. The primary purpose of this tool is now ABI changes for specific libraries when instructions are provided by developers.


revdep-rebuild will pass flags to emerge which lets the --pretend flag pass through, to see what is going to be emerged again before going any further.

user $revdep-rebuild -p
 * Configuring search environment for revdep-rebuild
 * Checking reverse dependencies
 * Packages containing binaries and libraries broken by a package update
 * will be emerged.
 * Collecting system binaries and libraries
 * Generated new 1_files.rr
 * Collecting complete LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 * Generated new 2_ldpath.rr
 * Checking dynamic linking consistency
[ 48% ]  *   broken /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ (requires /usr/lib/
[ 64% ]  *   broken /usr/lib/ (requires /usr/lib/
[ 67% ]  *   broken /usr/lib/ (requires /usr/lib/
[ 85% ]  *   broken /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/gdkgl/ (requires /usr/lib/
 *   broken /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkgl/ (requires /usr/lib/
[ 97% ]  *   broken /usr/qt/3/lib/ (requires -lpng)
[ 100% ]
 * Generated new 3_broken.rr
 * Assigning files to packages
 *   /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ -> media-plugins/gst-plugins-taglib
 *   /usr/lib/ -> x11-libs/gtkglext
 *   /usr/lib/ -> x11-libs/gtkglext
 *   /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/gdkgl/ -> dev-python/pygtkglext
 *   /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkgl/ -> dev-python/pygtkglext
 *   /usr/qt/3/lib/ -> x11-libs/qt
 * Generated new 4_raw.rr and 4_owners.rr
 * Cleaning list of packages to rebuild
 * Generated new 4_pkgs.rr
 * Assigning packages to ebuilds
 * Generated new 4_ebuilds.rr
 * Evaluating package order
 * Generated new 5_order.rr
 * All prepared. Starting rebuild
emerge --oneshot --pretend  dev-python/pygtkglext:0
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R   ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-taglib-0.10.17
[ebuild   R   ] x11-libs/gtkglext-1.2.0
[ebuild   R   ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8b-r2
[ebuild   R   ] dev-python/pygtkglext-1.1.0
 * Now you can remove -p (or --pretend) from arguments and re-run revdep-rebuild.


root #revdep-rebuild

Other tools

gentoolkit also provides other tools:

Name Description
ebump Ebuild revision bumper (more useful for developers).
enalyze Gentoo's installed packages analysis and repair tool. See man page, which states "CAUTION: This is beta software and is not yet feature complete".
imlate Displays candidates for keywords for an architecture (more useful for developers?).

See the man pages for each of these tools for more info.


  • Equery — 一个用于简化常用 Portage 操作的工具
  • Eclean — 一个清理仓库源文件和二进制包的工具
  • Epkginfo — a tool used to display package metadata information.
  • Q applets — a collection of small, fast Portage query utilities written in C.
  • Useful_Portage_tools — 提供了一个ebuild 仓库内可用的 Gentoo 特有的系统管理工具列表,尤其是针对 Portage

This page is based on a document formerly found on our main website
The following people contributed to the original document: Matt Butcher, John P. Davis, Erwin, Shyam Mani, Xavier Neys, Karl Trygve, José Luis Rivero, Joshua Saddler, Douglas Anderson
They are listed here because wiki history does not allow for any external attribution. If you edit the wiki article, please do not add yourself here; your contributions are recorded on each article's associated history page.