eselect is a tool for administration and configuration on Gentoo systems. It will modify the system's behavior and should be used with care by the system administrator. eselect is a modular framework for writing configuration utilities, consisting of:
- a main program named eselect (found in app-admin/eselect)
- various modules (*.eselect files) which carry out different tasks
- several libraries which help to ensure consistent behavior and simplify the creation of new modules
A module provides several actions. Actions typically either display some information (list and show actions are common) or update the system somehow (for example, set and update). Each module also provides help and usage actions which explain how to use the module.
To list all currently installed modules, run eselect without any arguments. See also the eselect user guide.
Deployments of Gentoo Linux should already have eselect installed, as the app-admin/eselect package is part of the system set.
USE flags
USE flags for app-admin/eselect Gentoo's multi-purpose configuration and management tool
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally |
Add support for GNU Emacs |
Pulls in related vim syntax scripts |
After USE flag changes
After changing USE flags just for the eselect package, rebuild eselect for the new flags to be applied. As eselect is in the system set, --oneshot
should be used to avoid adding it to the world file:
root #
emerge --ask --changed-use --oneshot app-admin/eselect
After changing any global USE flags in make.conf that affect the eselect package, emerge world to update to the new USE flags:
root #
emerge --ask --verbose --update --deep --newuse @world
Install an eselect module just like any other package. For example, for the app-eselect/eselect-repository module:
root #
emerge --ask --verbose app-eselect/eselect-repository
Some modules will be pulled in when installing packages that depend on them.
See the modules section for information on finding optional modules for installation.
Just running eselect, or eselect help for a little more information, will provide usage information and list all installed modules and their function:
root #
eselect help
Gentoo has tens of eselect modules available, to automate various system configuration tasks. Several modules allow to select between optional subsytems, such as which installed vi editor package to use or which emacs distribution to be default.
Some modules are shipped by default with eselect, while other modules can be installed from the Gentoo repository.
To list all modules currently installed, run eselect without any arguments.
Default modules
These modules are maintained as part of the eselect project, so they should be available as long as the app-admin/eselect package is installed.
Arptables, iptables, and ebtables
Manage the iptables/arptables/ebtables symlinks. Because sys-apps/iproute2 is part of the system set, app-eselect/eselect-iptables is often pulled in by the dependency graph, to provide these modules.
user $
eselect arptables help
Manage installed versions of sys-devel/binutils. This module is not provided as part of the app-admin/eselect package, but is from sys-devel/binutils-config, a dependency of sys-devel/binutils. As sys-devel/binutils is part of the system set, eselect binutils should be available on all Gentoo systems.
user $
eselect binutils help
Manage the EDITOR environment variable, this determines what many CLI programs will run to edit text files.
See also the visual module section.
user $
eselect editor help
See setting default text editor.
Manage environment variables set in /etc/env.d.
user $
eselect env help
Manage installed versions of sys-devel/gcc. Because sys-devel/gcc is part of the system set, sys-devel/gcc-config will be pulled in, providing this module.
user $
eselect gcc help
See also upgrading GCC.
The /usr/src/linux symlink should point to the currently running kernel, this can be done with eselect.
user $
eselect kernel help
See setting the kernel link with eselect.
Manage the LANG environment variable, this sets the system language for users, date formats etc.
user $
eselect locale help
See the handbook, localization guide and UTF-8 article.
Query eselect modules.
user $
eselect modules help
Read Gentoo ("GLEP 42") news items. It is important to read and follow these, when they are shown after a Gentoo ebuild repository synchronization.
user $
eselect news help
Manage the PAGER environment variable, this will influence what programs will use to display pages of text to the user.
user $
eselect pager help
Manage the make.profile symlink, this is an important configuration item for Portage, and for the whole system.
user $
eselect profile help
See handbook, and the article about profiles.
Manage OpenRC scripts.
user $
eselect rc help
Manage the VISUAL environment variable, to set the default text editor for capable terminals.
See also the editor module section.
user $
eselect visual help
See the text editor article.
Additional modules
Here are some of the modules that can be installed from the Gentoo repository, and are documented in the wiki:
- eselect bashcomp - enable or disable specific completions.
- eselect blas / eselect lapack - BLAS/LAPACK switching: numerical linear algebra libraries.
- eselect emacs - link /usr/bin/emacs and its auxiliary programs to the ones belonging to the desired Emacs version.
- eselect fontconfig - manage symlinks of files in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/.
- eselect gnome-shell-extensions - manage system defaults that control whether Gnome shell extensions were installed system-wide.
- eselect java-vm - set default Java VM.
- eselect php cli - select which CLI PHP version to use by default.
- eselect php apache2 - change which version of PHP is used by Apache.
- eselect pinentry - choose between pinentry windows.
- eselect python - configure preferred/active Python interpreters.
- eselect repository — an eselect module for configuring ebuild repositories for Portage.
- eselect ruby - change the selected Ruby slot.
- eselect vi - mange the /usr/bin/vi symlink.
See also
- Project:Eselect/User guide — a modular framework for writing configuration utilities.
- Project:Eselect/Developer guide — a framework for simplifying and introducing consistency to the various foo-config and blah-update tools.
- Project:Base/Alternatives
- app-alternatives/sh guide - change the default system shell.
- Useful Portage tools — provides a list of Gentoo-specific system management tools, notably for Portage, available in the ebuild repository.