Project Talk:Handbook

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HTTPS links

Talk status
This discussion is done as of 2018-08-28.

The following links support the HTTPS protocol:

Fturco (talk) 07:48, 6 August 2017 (UTC)

Thanks. Fixed now! Took me a long time to notice this discussion. Thank you for the input. --Maffblaster (talk) 09:15, 28 August 2018 (UTC)

Explaining Xorg / Graphics support

Talk status
This discussion is done as of 2021-10-27.

Dear Handbook team,

I was wondering, what you would think about the idea of including a short section marked as "Optional" or something similar, which would help people kickstart Xorg and drivers on their system. While I do recognize the fact, that both graphics cards/their respective drivers and Xorg already have excellent wiki pages, I still think most people would consider it a logical next step to install a graphical environment on their system after the OS installation. A few guiding thoughts on this topic would help ease those who are used to binary distros into the quite different world that is Gentoo.

I am of course willing to try and write this, if you deem the idea good. Thank you for your time. --Nemin (talk) 12:23, 14 May 2020 (UTC)

Hmm... I just noticed there is a page exactly like what I wished for here: Complete_Handbook. Perhaps then mentioning the existence of this extended handbook could serve as the previously mentioned easing in for newer users? --Nemin (talk) 09:30, 16 May 2020 (UTC)

We could mention the extended handbook, however the issue is that it is largely unmaintained and incomplete, so it is not worth linking at this time. If you or another community member wants to review the extended handbook, and work on modernizing it, I will consider linking to it from within the official handbook. I did link to meta articles in a different discussion here. You can see the diff of the changes here: Special:Diff/1023639/1023669.

Divide translation sections in Handbook:Main_Page

Talk status
This discussion is done as of October 27, 2021.

Please divide list in Handbook:Main_Page#Viewing_the_Handbook section into separate translation sections. --Winterheart (talk) 21:36, 29 November 2020 (UTC)

This request has been completed as requested. See Special:Diff/1023723/1023729. --Maffblaster (talk) 21:03, 27 October 2021 (UTC)