Project:Public Relations

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Public Relations
Description The Public Relations project improves Gentoo's visibility toward the rest of the world. We maintain a presence for Gentoo on various walled-garden web silos such as Facebook, Twitter/X, and various chat services (Matrix, Telegram, etc.)
Project email
Mailing list (archive)
IRC channel #gentoo-pr (webchat)
Bugs Related bugs
  • Matthew Marchese (maffblaster)
    Cafepress store, Mastodon (admin), X, Telegram (admin), LinkedIn (admin)

Last elected: 2022-08-02
(and inherited member(s))
Parent Project Gentoo
Project listing

The Public Relations project improves Gentoo's visibility toward the rest of the world. We maintain a presence for Gentoo on various social web silos such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and various chat services. In the members list can be found persons responsible on a per-site basis.

Extending and improving a meta-distribution such as Gentoo is not possible without the continued involvement of our community. Apart from the bug reporting, enhancement requests, mailing list/IRC activity, and other important aspects of development, the motivation of the users is one of, perhaps even the most, influential facet of distribution development. Such motivation can be brought to the users by well-coordinated public relation efforts.

Public relations goes well beyond just "informing the world". It embraces research, planning, communication, and evaluation manufactured to the organization's core values. It does not stop with explaining the virtues of the organization and the decisions made, but also extends to uncovering the principles that are used to go where the organization wants to go.

Road map

Want to know what do be doing? Here is a list of things the whole team can work on.


  • Create Gentoo (color) themed side template(s) for use in tech talk presentations. This will help our community focus more on the content of the presentation, but also will help get the Gentoo identity (logo, colors, etc.) into the minds of the audience.
    • Templates should be at least CC-BY-SA 4.0 (or equivalent) licensed for community reuse.

Official presence

Gentoo representatives maintain an official presence within the following web silos.

Merchandise sites

Social networking silos

The following is a list of official social media accounts for Gentoo. Developers involved can feel free to ask for permission to help push news updates or moderate these locations. Time permitting, please give other members of the team a brief consultation in #gentoo-pr (webchat) and/or on the mailing list before posting.


join our XMPP (formerly known as Jabber) multi user chat rooms. Currently we have an international channel for English language and a localized one for German language:

Chat silos

Unofficial presence

Unofficial Gentoo communities are not governed or overseen by Gentoo developers, and therefore may not have proper enforcement of PR Policy.

Social networking silos

Chat silos


The goal of having a policy for public relations is to provide uniformity across social sites so that community members can immediately recognize Gentoo's (official) presence and the expectations associated with that presence.

  1. Public relations team members involved with official Gentoo communities outside of the Gentoo-hosted ecosystem should follow the Gentoo name and logo usage guidelines and also take into consideration the social contract and Code of Conduct.
    • This implies proper moderation of content within the web silo hosting the community. Consider appointing active, trusted community members to help with moderation efforts. Gentoo should be represented in alignment to our social contract and code of conduct when 'official' is used for the community.
  2. For any social site to be officially run by PR project members, a minimum of two active Gentoo developers should have top-most administrative access. This is a necessary redundancy in the event that a single Gentoo developer goes missing in action (mitigation of bus factor = 1).
    • 'Active' is defined as not retired and not unavailable. In the eyes of the PR team, unavailable developers are those with ~/.devaway files on Woodpecker for longer than 2 weeks.
    • Top-level is defined differently by each site. The priory here is to provide full permissions to manage all areas of the site to a minimum of two active developers. Note that two is the minimum, ideally all active members of the PR team can have equal access.
  3. Where applicable, please use Gentoo's official 'Signet' logo as the 'profile' picture.

External collaborators

  • Haruka Kawahara Thepig - Gentoo Graphic Designer



The presentation project (once a solo-project) has now been merged with Public Relations. Presentations help keep our community informed about Gentoo development progress. The goal is to improve Gentoo's visibility by providing all appropriate information in up-to-date, well targeted presentations, and hand outs. These can then be downloaded and used by developers, users, and other interested parties. Developers are encouraged to not only view these themselves, but also to share with others in the public square through presentations, demonstrations, and direct contact with the community.

Presentation resources can be found in the following sub-articles:

Additional materials

Some of the following links may be deprecated or non-applicable:


  • Project archive — lists road maps from previous years and other historical information about Gentoo's PR project.