Distribution kernels
Distribution Kernels are ebuilds that cover the complete process of unpacking, configuring, compiling, and installing the kernel. The primary advantage of this method is that the kernels are updated to new versions by the package manager as part of @world upgrade. This requires no more involvement than running an emerge command. Distribution kernels default to a configuration supporting the majority of hardware, however two mechanisms are offered for customization: savedconfig and config snippets. See the project page for more details on configuration.
Installing a distribution kernel
Before installing the kernel package the dracut USE flag needs to be added for the package sys-kernel/installkernel in /etc/portage/package.use:
Enable dracut supportsys-kernel/installkernel dracut
Users may also wish to enable additional sys-kernel/installkernel USE flags at this stage. See the Installation/Kernel#Installkernel section for details.
To build a kernel with Gentoo patches from source, type:
root #
emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel
System administrators who want to avoid compiling the kernel sources locally can instead use precompiled kernel images:
root #
emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin
Optional: Signed kernel modules
The kernel modules in the prebuilt distribution kernel (sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin) are already signed. To sign the modules of kernels built from source enable the modules-sign USE flag, and optionally specify which key to use for signing in /etc/portage/make.conf:
Enable module signingUSE="modules-sign"
# Optionally, to use custom signing keys.
MODULES_SIGN_CERT="/path/to/kernel_key.pem" # Only required if the MODULES_SIGN_KEY does not also contain the certificate.
MODULES_SIGN_HASH="sha512" # Defaults to sha512.
If MODULES_SIGN_KEY is not specified the kernel build system will generate a key, it will be stored in /usr/src/linux-x.y.z/certs. It is recommended to manually generate a key to ensure that it will be the same for each kernel release. A key may be generated with:
root #
openssl req -new -nodes -utf8 -sha256 -x509 -outform PEM -out kernel_key.pem -keyout kernel_key.pem
The MODULES_SIGN_KEY and MODULES_SIGN_CERT may be different files. For this example the pem file generated by OpenSSL includes both the key and the accompanying certificate, and thus both variables are set to the same value.
OpenSSL will ask some questions about the user generating the key, it is recommended to fill in these questions as detailed as possible.
Store the key in a safe location, at the very least the key should be readable only by the root user. Verify this with:
root #
ls -l kernel_key.pem
-r-------- 1 root root 3164 Jan 4 10:38 kernel_key.pem
If this outputs anything other then the above, correct the permissions with:
root #
chown root:root kernel_key.pem
root #
chmod 400 kernel_key.pem
Optional: Signing the kernel image (Secure Boot)
The kernel image in the prebuilt distribution kernel (sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin) is already signed for use with Secure Boot. To sign the kernel image of kernels built from source enable the secureboot USE flag, and optionally specify which key to use for signing in /etc/portage/make.conf. Note that signing the kernel image for use with secureboot requires that the kernel modules are also signed, the same key may be used to sign both the kernel image and the kernel modules:
Enable custom signing keysUSE="modules-sign secureboot"
# Optionally, to use custom signing keys.
MODULES_SIGN_CERT="/path/to/kernel_key.pem" # Only required if the MODULES_SIGN_KEY does not also contain the certificate.
MODULES_SIGN_HASH="sha512" # Defaults to sha512.
# Optionally, to boot with secureboot enabled, may be the same or different signing key.
The SECUREBOOT_SIGN_KEY and SECUREBOOT_SIGN_CERT may be different files. For this example the pem file generated by OpenSSL includes both the key and the accompanying certificate, and thus both variables are set to the same value.
For this example the same key that was generated to sign the modules is used to sign the kernel image. It is also possible to generate and use a second separate key for signing the kernel image. The same OpenSSL command as in the previous section may be used again.
See the above section for instructions on generating a new key, the steps may be repeated if a separate key should be used to sign the kernel image.
To successfully boot with Secure Boot enabled, the used bootloader must also be signed and the certificate must be accepted by the UEFI firmware or Shim. This will be explained later in the handbook.
Upgrading and cleaning up
Once the kernel is installed, the package manager will automatically update it to newer versions. The previous versions will be kept until the package manager is requested to clean up stale packages. To reclaim disk space, stale packages can be trimmed by periodically running emerge with the --depclean
root #
emerge --depclean
Alternatively, to specifically clean up old kernel versions:
root #
emerge --prune sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin
Post-install/upgrade tasks
Distribution kernels are capable of rebuilding kernel modules installed by other packages. Portage provides a hook with dist-kernel USE flag which is part of linux-mod-r1.eclass and controls a subslot dependency on virtual/dist-kernel.
This USE flag should be applied globally if using a distribution kernel inside /etc/portage/make.conf. Doing so will allow packages such as sys-fs/zfs and x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers to automatically be rebuilt against a newly updated kernel and, if applicable, will re-generate the initramfs accordingly.
Manually rebuilding the initramfs or Unified Kernel Image
If required, manually trigger such rebuilds by, after a kernel upgrade, executing:
root #
emerge --ask @module-rebuild
If any kernel modules (e.g. ZFS) are needed at early boot, rebuild the initramfs afterward via:
root #
emerge --config sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel
root #
emerge --config sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin