değişkeni Portage'ın indirdiği kaynak kodu paketlerini saklayacağı yeri belirler. Öntanımlı olarak /usr/portage/distfiles dizini kullanılır.
Genelde distfiles olarak da belirtilen bu dizin, sisteme kurulan (veya kurulmak istenen) tüm paketlerin indirildiği yerdir. Otomatik olarak temizlenmediği için (app-portage/gentoolkit paketindeki) eclean-dist komutuna ihtiyaç duyabilirsiniz. Detaylı bilgi için Eclean makalesini incelemenizi tavsiye ederiz.
Kullanıcılar bu değişkeni /etc/portage/make.conf dosyasına koyacakları DISTDIR
sayesinde ayarlayabilir.
Beware where you place your DISTDIR! Only trusted users should be granted write access to this location.
Using a different DISTDIR locationDISTDIR=/var/gentoo/distfiles
Source of archives
To download source code archives, Portage will download files from servers defined in the GENTOO_MIRRORS variable first (to alleviate load on upstream project resources and for other reasons). The SRC_URI variable in individual ebuilds, points to the package's original source files, which is originally downloaded by the ebuild maintainers during ebuild creation and development.
Part of ebuild development is the creation of Manifest files, which ensure the upstream source files are not modified from the time they are downloaded by the ebuild developer, distributed to Gentoo's mirror system, then to their destination on the endpoint system.
Bypassing Gentoo mirrors
To download the source archives bypassing Gentoo mirrors, set the GENTOO_MIRRORS variable to an empty value from the command-line. For example:
root #
GENTOO_MIRRORS="" emerge --ask www-client/firefox
See also
- Local distfiles cache — details some approaches to setting up a local distfiles cache which will save bandwidth when several machines are running Gentoo on the same local area network.
- PKGDIR — the location Portage keeps binary packages.
- Knowledge Base: Remove obsoleted distfiles
- Eclean — a tool for cleaning repository source files and binary packages.