User talk:Maffblaster/Todo

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Create community member equivalent of developer form

Talk status
This discussion is still ongoing.

What is the difference between this and the User template and corresponding User form? --Grknight (talk) 13:56, 24 August 2022 (UTC)

Brian Evans (Grknight) , Well...shucks. I honestly forgot that I created the User form. That is exactly what I was planning to create with Community member idea. Honestly, between the two, I do like the "Community member" name better than the term "User". "Community member" bears more weight, commitment, and better fits with us using the Developer form. In my mind, a community member is more likely to contribute to our wiki (and other areas of Gentoo) than a plain old "user" would. Maybe it's just me on the terminology.
I'll look into how much trouble it will be to search and replace the "User" form with the one named "Community member". If you don't like that idea then I don't have a problem nixing my go forward plans with "Community member" transition. We miss you on IRC! --Maffblaster (talk) 05:48, 27 August 2022 (UTC)