Talk:Network interface

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Charles, finish this article

Talk status
This discussion is done.

Dear Charles17 , Please finish this article that you started about year and a half ago. I look forward to helping you format it. Lots of love, --Maffblaster (talk) 22:31, 9 November 2016 (UTC)

Sorry. Maybe better to delete this article? I am not really seeing much Gentoo specific on this topic.--Charles17 (talk) 13:27, 10 November 2016 (UTC)
Perhaps we could merge the framework this article has built into the Network management article and make adjustments as necessary. I think it would be helpful to have another place outside of the Handbook that explains networking on Gentoo in more detail. Something that includes init system networking and then also alternatives to managing networking outside of init system. Even if the merged article ends up being just a simple overview that explains when/why to use each network software stack (IE OpenRC's netifrc scripts, systemd's networkd, wpa_supplicant, wicd, etc.). What do you think? --Maffblaster (talk) 22:59, 11 November 2016 (UTC)
I would prefer a single source of explanation as it is easier to keep up-to-date than multiple partly overlapping articles. But if you think it's a good idea, please go ahead.--Charles17 (talk) 11:30, 14 November 2016 (UTC)
I am merging relevant content into the Network management article and closing this discussion. Thanks! --Maffblaster (talk) 22:20, 14 November 2016 (UTC)