User talk:Necryotiks
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A comment [[User:Larry|Larry]] 13:52, 13 May 2024 (UTC) : A reply [[User:Sally|Sally]] 03:10, 11 September 2024 (UTC) :: Your reply ~~~~
Thanks for your contribution to the EFI stub kernel wiki article.
I have a question regarding the The name of the .efi ... note. Can this be verified by a reference to the UEFI specification? I know it might work for some conmputers. But should it work for all?
Another point is the addition of the whole efibootmgr stuff. This is either redundant to the efibootmgr article or should go there. Other methods for creating EFI boot items exist. That's the reason why I put e.g. in the last sentence before.
And, what's the reason for removing the version numbers? When testing kernel upgrades the user might get confused without having them. Why not keep them?
│ ├── Gentoo
│ │ ├── bzImage-4.14.8-gentoo-r1.efi
│ │ └── bzImage-4.9.72-gentoo.efi
--Charles17 (talk) 08:24, 2 January 2018 (UTC)
Hello. The reason I put that excerpt from the efibootmgr is twofold. If a user comes to this page wanting to create a stub kernel, I don't see the need to link to a whole new article. This excerpt provides the last two steps needed to install a stub kernel given the example you provided. On regards to removing version numbers, That was done to make upgrading a kernel as easy and as painless as possible(i.e not having to upgrade boot manager entries). The user would keep version numbers if they had multiple kernel images. I see where your coming from, but for the sake of simplicity I assumes the user would only have one kernel to boot from. --Necryotiks (talk) 13:25, 11 January 2018