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This page is a translated version of the page Sway and the translation is 35% complete.
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Sway (forma ridotta del compositore SirCmpwn's Wayland) è un compositore Waykand a sorgente libera progettato per essere compatibile col gestore delle finestre i3.


Opzioni USE

USE flags for gui-wm/sway i3-compatible Wayland window manager

+filecaps Use Linux file capabilities to control privilege rather than set*id (this is orthogonal to USE=caps which uses capabilities at runtime e.g. libcap)
+man Build and install man pages
+swaybar Install 'swaybar': sway's status bar component
+swaynag Install 'swaynag': shows a message with buttons
X Enable support for X11 applications (XWayland)
tray Enable support for StatusNotifierItem tray specification
wallpapers Install sway's default wallpaper image


root #emerge --ask gui-wm/sway


Per visionare tutte le opzioni di configurazione disponibili

user $man 5 sway


Ogni utente utilizzante sway può modificare il documento di configurazione predefinito per personalizzare la sessione di sway. Gentoo tiene questi documenti nelle posizioni di /etc/sway/config predefinite:

user $mkdir -p ~/.config/sway/
user $cp /etc/sway/config ~/.config/sway/

Emulatore di terminale

Per impostazione predefinita Sway usa il terminale virtuale foot (trovato nel pacchetto gui-apps/foot). È bene emergere questo emulatore di terminale in modo che ce ne sia uno disponibile all'utilizzo di Sway:

root #emerge --ask gui-apps/foot

Altre scelte diffuse sono x11-terms/alacritty o x11-terms/kitty, che funziona nativamente con Wayland se la variabile ambientale KITTY_ENABLE_WAYLAND è impostata su 1.

Un'altra alternativa leggera è st, ma non è nativa per Wayland

Configurazione dello schermo

Le opzioni di visualizzazione possono essere richieste con:

user $swaymsg -t get_outputs
Output DP-1 'HP Inc. HP X34 6CM2261GK2' (focused)
  Current mode: 3440x1440 @ 165.000 Hz
  Position: 0,0
  Scale factor: 1.000000
  Scale filter: nearest
  Subpixel hinting: unknown
  Transform: normal
  Workspace: 1
  Max render time: off
  Adaptive sync: disabled
  Available modes:
    3440x1440 @ 165.000 Hz
Output DP-2 'LG Electronics LG HDR QHD 110NTTQ0U193'
  Current mode: 2560x1440 @ 59.951 Hz
  Position: 3440,0
  Scale factor: 1.000000
  Scale filter: nearest
  Subpixel hinting: unknown
  Transform: normal
  Workspace: 2
  Max render time: off
  Adaptive sync: disabled
  Available modes:
    2560x1440 @ 59.951 Hz
    2560x1440 @ 74.971 Hz
Output DP-3 'Ancor Communications Inc VE247 E3LMQS103610'
  Current mode: 1920x1080 @ 60.000 Hz
  Position: 6000,0
  Scale factor: 1.000000
  Scale filter: nearest
  Subpixel hinting: unknown
  Transform: normal
  Workspace: 3
  Max render time: off
  Adaptive sync: disabled
  Available modes:
    1920x1080 @ 60.000 Hz

I risultati sono stati abbreviati in modo da contenere solo le risoluzioni desiderate. Le posizioni predefinite non sono configurate correttamente, e possono essere corrette modificando ~/.config/sway/config. A documento salvato, l'impostazione può essere ricaricata con $mod+Shift+C

FILE ~/.config/sway/configConfigura lo schermo di sinistra che è fisicamente leggermente più grande dello schermo primario
output DP-1 resolution 3440x1440@165hz pos 2560 350
FILE ~/.config/sway/configConfigura lo schermo primario che è centrato
output DP-2 resolution 2560x1440@74.971hz pos 0 250
FILE ~/.config/sway/configConfigura un'altro schermo che è verticale
output DP-3 resolution 1920x1080@60hz pos 6000 0 transform 270

Dispositivi di Input

I dispositivi di input possono essere visualizzati con:

user $swaymsg -t get_inputs
Input device: Logitech G502 HERO Gaming Mouse Keyboard
  Type: Mouse
  Identifier: 1133:49291:Logitech_G502_HERO_Gaming_Mouse_Keyboard
  Product ID: 49291
  Vendor ID: 1133
  Libinput Send Events: enabled
Input device: Logitech G502 HERO Gaming Mouse Keyboard
  Type: Keyboard
  Identifier: 1133:49291:Logitech_G502_HERO_Gaming_Mouse_Keyboard
  Product ID: 49291
  Vendor ID: 1133
  Active Keyboard Layout: English (US)
  Libinput Send Events: enabled
Input device: Logitech G502 HERO Gaming Mouse
  Type: Mouse
  Identifier: 1133:49291:Logitech_G502_HERO_Gaming_Mouse
  Product ID: 49291
  Vendor ID: 1133
  Libinput Send Events: enabled
FILE ~/.config/sway/configDisabilita l'accelerazione del mouse, riduci la velocità del cursore
input "1133:49291:Logitech_G502_HERO_Gaming_Mouse" {
    accel_profile "flat"
    pointer_accel -0.1

Application launcher

By default, Sway is configured to use dmenu, which uses X. dev-libs/bemenu is a good alternative that supports Wayland.

root #emerge --ask dev-libs/bemenu
FILE ~/.config/sway/configConfigure Sway to use bemenu
set $menu bemenu-run | xargs swaymsg exec --
FILE ~/.config/sway/configConfigure Sway to use bemenu with no prompt
set $menu bemenu-run -p "" | xargs swaymsg exec --

Barra di stato

In aggiunta alla barra di stato propria di Sway, Waybar può essere usato come una barra di stato altamente personalizzabile per esso.

root #emerge --ask gui-apps/waybar

Questa può essere abilitata con:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configAbilita Waybar, nascondi la barra integrata
bar {
    status_command waybar
    mode invisible


FILE ~/.config/sway/configAbilita Waybar
exec waybar


la pagina di github per dev-libs/light attualmente (2023-09) stata: "Questo progetto è considerato orfano a partire dall'8 marzo 2023. Il suo uso è altamente scpraggiato fino a quando non verrà adottato da un altro sviluppatore.". Attualmente il pacchetto rimane nella Gentoo ebuild repository, ma gli utenti potrebbero voler tenere in considerazione il messaggio dello sviluppatore.

dev-libs/light può venir usato per modificare la retroilluminazione e luminosità. Qui un esempio di configurazione:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configImposta i comandi da tastiera per il supporto alla luminosità dello schermo
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec light -U 2
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec light -A 4

In alternativa, sys-power/acpilight può effettuare gli stessi cambiamenti della luminosità tramite un comando compatibile con xbacklight:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configImposta i comandi da tastiera per il supporto alla luminosità dello schermo
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -dec 2
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -inc 4


Se pulseaudio è in uso, la seguente impostazione può essere usata per modificare il volume:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configImposta i comandi da tastiera per cambiare il volume con pulseaudio
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%

Se PipeWire è in uso, la seguente impostazione può essere usata per modificare il volume (con Wireplumber):

FILE ~/.config/sway/configImposta i comandi da tastiera per cambiare il volume con PipeWire
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-

Se ALSA è in uso, la seguente impostazione può essere usata per modificare il volume (con Wireplumber):

FILE ~/.config/sway/configImposta i comandi da tastiera per cambiare il volume con ALSA
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -Mq set Speaker 5%+
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -Mq set Speaker 5%-

Se media-sound/sndio è in uso, la seguente impostazione può essere usata per modificare il volume (con Wireplumber):

FILE ~/.config/sway/configImposta i comandi da tastiera per cambiare il volume con sndio
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec sndioctl -f snd/default output.level=+0.05
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec sndioctl -f snd/default output.level=-0.05

Acquisire schermate

Simple approach: use slurpshot

(Slurpshot) is a script to simplify taking screenshots. It uses native wayland apps only and enables selecting specific windows only, as well as previewing and printing screenshots withous saving them. First install dependencies:

root #emerge --ask gui-apps/grim gui-apps/slurp app-misc/jq dev-libs/bemenu

Put the slurpshot script somewhere in your PATH, for example to ~/bin, make it executable and just set one keybind:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configSet the keyboard shortcuts for slurpshot support
# Screen capture
bindsym Print exec slurpshot

Manual approach

To add screenshot support, use the grim utility (found in the gui-apps/grim package). The abbreviation grim is defined as Grab Images. This utility is tailored to the specifics of the Wayland protocol. In order to install grim, use the following command:

root #emerge --ask gui-apps/grim

To add support for determining the boundaries of the selected screen area, the slurp utility, found in the gui-apps/slurp package, is used in combination with the grim utility. To install slurp, use the command:

root #emerge --ask gui-apps/slurp

Next, edit the configuration file to add support for keyboard shortcuts to perform a screenshot operation:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configSet the keyboard shortcuts for screenshot support
# Screen capture
set $ps1 Print
set $ps2 Control+Print
set $ps3 Alt+Print
set $ps4 Alt+Control+Print
set $psf $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/ps_$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png
bindsym $ps1 exec grim - | wl-copy
bindsym $ps2 exec grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy
bindsym $ps3 exec grim $psf
bindsym $ps4 exec grim -g "$(slurp)" $psf

Please note that the Print or Ctrl + Print keys combination creates a screenshot in the wl-copy buffer. This allows pasting the image directly from the clipboard, without having to save to a file on disk.

For the Alt + Print or Alt + Ctrl + Print keyboard shortcuts, the method of automatically saving the image file in the Pictures user directory is used.

Snipping tool like behavior

The following captures an area of the screen to the clipboard when mod+shift+S is pressed:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configSimilar function to the snipping tool
bindsym $mod+shift+s exec grimshot copy area

Set a random wallpaper

A random wallpaper can be pulled from a folder and be set: [1]

FILE ~/.config/sway/configSet a random wallpaper from a folder
set $wallpapers_path $HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers
output * bg $(find $wallpapers_path -type f | shuf -n 1) fill


gui-apps/swaylock can be used to lock the current session.

root #emerge --ask gui-apps/swaylock
FILE ~/.config/sway/configLock the session when $mod+l is pressed
bindsym $mod+l exec swaylock --ignore-empty-password --show-failed-attempts --color 1e1e1e
FILE ~/.config/sway/configWith colors man swaylock for more info
bindsym $mod+l exec swaylock --ignore-empty-password --show-failed-attempts \
    --color 1e1e1e --inside-color cccccc --ring-color ffffff \
    --inside-clear-color 11a8cd --ring-clear-color 29b8db \
    --inside-ver-color 2472c8 --ring-ver-color 3b8eea \
    --inside-wrong-color cd3131 --ring-wrong-color f14c4c
If the account is locked out, swaylock will not indicate this, and will simply fail. Switching to another TTY and attempting login can help diagnose this


gui-apps/swayidle runs a command after a certain idle time, typically to lock and/or power off the screen.

root #emerge --ask gui-apps/swayidle
FILE ~/.config/sway/configPower off all displays after 15 minutes of idle
exec swayidle -w \
  timeout 900 'swaymsg "output * power off"' \
  resume 'swaymsg "output * power on"'


To adjust sway's rendering for HiDPI displays (4K and above), the name of the display to be adjusted must be obtained. After a sway session is running, issue the following:

user $swaymsg -t get_outputs
The swaymsg USE flag must be enabled for the swaymsg command to be available on the system.

The output statement in the sway configuration file will accept a scale parameter to adjust the scaling of the high resolution display.


FILE ~/.config/sway/configReload ~/.Xresources on sway reload
exec_always test -f ~/.Xresources && xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

GTK configuration

Dark Mode


GTK3 dark mode can be enabled by setting:

FILE ~/.config/gtk-3.0/config.iniEnable gtk3 dark mode
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true

GTK2 does not have a dark mode toggle, a dark theme must be selected:

FILE ~/.gtkrc-2.0Enable gtk3 dark mode
gtk-theme-name = "Adwaita-dark"

GTK3 Themes and Fonts

Currently setting a GTK font and theme should be done by editing sway's configuration file (see Sway's wiki as well):

FILE ~/.config/sway/configSet the font and theme for GTK applications
set $gnome-schema org.gnome.desktop.interface
exec_always {
    gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme 'theme name'
    gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme 'icon theme name'
    gsettings set $gnome-schema cursor-theme 'cursor theme name'
    gsettings set $gnome-schema font-name 'Sans 10'

If encountering problems setting the mouse cursor with certain applications (including sway), this may help:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configSet the cursor theme
seat seat0 xcursor_theme custom_cursor_theme custom_cursor_size

Replace custom_cursor_theme and custom_cursor_size. Adwaita and 24 are pretty much default on all Linux distributions.

Automatic floating windows

By default, Sway opens new windows in tiling mode. The following configuration snippet makes many common windows which should float, float:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configMore reasonable floating windows[2]
for_window [window_role = "pop-up"] floating enable
for_window [window_role = "bubble"] floating enable
for_window [window_role = "dialog"] floating enable
for_window [window_type = "dialog"] floating enable
for_window [window_role = "task_dialog"] floating enable
for_window [window_type = "menu"] floating enable
for_window [app_id = "floating"] floating enable
for_window [app_id = "floating_update"] floating enable, resize set width 1000px height 600px
for_window [class = "(?i)pinentry"] floating enable
for_window [title = "Administrator privileges required"] floating enable

Firefox Tweaks

FILE ~/.config/sway/configMake relevant Firefox windows float[3]
for_window [title = "About Mozilla Firefox"] floating enable
for_window [window_role = "About"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="firefox" title="Library"] floating enable, border pixel 1, sticky enable
FILE ~/.config/sway/configRemove the sharing indicator window for Firefox[4]
for_window [title = "Firefox - Sharing Indicator"] kill
for_window [title = "Firefox — Sharing Indicator"] kill

Steam Tweaks

FILE ~/.config/sway/configMake Steam dialog windows float[5]
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Friends$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="Steam - News"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* - Chat"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Settings$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* - event started"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* CD key"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam - Self Updater$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Screenshot Uploader$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam Guard - Computer Authorization Required$"] floating enable
for_window [title="^Steam Keyboard$"] floating enable



On OpenRC based systems, elogind must be added to the boot runlevel:

root #rc-update add elogind boot


Starting Sway

Although not officially supported, some display managers may work with sway.[6]
Starting Sway with dbus requires that XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set. elogind or systemd will set this if used. Omitting the dbus-run-session may cause runtime errors.

Launching Sway automatically with TTY login

To start Sway on login to the first TTY:

FILE ~/.bashrcLaunch Sway after logging into the first TTY
if [ -z "${WAYLAND_DISPLAY}" ] && [ "${XDG_VTNR}" -eq 1 ]; then
    dbus-run-session sway

Starting Sway manually

user $dbus-run-session sway

Launching Sway from a script

This method uses a script to forcibly take over a virtual terminal and launch Sway in it. The typical use case is to launch Sway automatically on boot.

Sway is not supposed to be launched this way, the script may need some tuning to work.
FILE /usr/sbin/sway_launcherSway Launcher
# Launch sway with a specific user, from a specific Virtual Terminal (vt)
# Two arguments are expected: a username (e.g., larry) and the id of a free vt (e.g., 7)
# prepare the tty for the user. vtX uses /dev/ttyX
chown "$1" "/dev/tty${2}"
chmod 600 "/dev/tty${2}"
# setup a clean environment for the user, take over the target vt, then launch sway
su --login --command "openvt --switch --console ${2} -- sway >\${HOME}/.sway_autolauncher.log 2>&1" "$1"
# this script returns immediately

This script has a few limitations:

  • XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is expected to be defined and valid, see the section above.
  • Without the --switch option for openvt, sway will freeze when trying to switch to a different VT (Ctrl+Alt+Fn), whether this is a bug or not is unknown.
  • The VT is not cleared when Sway exits, clear it by calling deallocvt.
  • Similarly the TTY's owner and mode are not changed back to their default values when Sway exits.

Launching this script on boot can be done with the local service:

FILE /etc/local.d/sway.startLaunch Sway on boot
sway_launcher larry 7

Starting Sway without elogind or systemd

Systems that are configured with neither systemd nor elogind will need to create a shell script (or use some other means) to set the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR variable.

The environment variable can be defined in the usual configuration files. For example, if Larry the cow (Larry) sets the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR variable in his shell's configuration file and he has chosen that the directory will be in /tmp:

FILE /home/larry/.bash_profileSet the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR variable
if test -z "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then
  UID="$(id -u)"
  export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/"${UID}"-runtime-dir
    if ! test -d "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then
        mkdir "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"
        chmod 0700 "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"

With the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR defined, sway can be launched as usual:

user $dbus-run-session sway

If issues are encountered, check Sway issues on GitHub before contacting the Sway community on IRC (#sway (webchat)) or opening a new Gentoo bug.


All key combinations will be defined in the ~/.config/sway/config configuration file.

The Super key is defined as the $mod value by default. On most keyboards this will be the Windows key.

Sway has a Vi-like interface. h (left), j (down), k (up), and l (right) can be used for movement, in addition to the arrow keys.

Focus can be moved with mod+direction key, windows can be moved with mod+shift+direction key:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configDefault movement definitions
bindsym $mod+Left focus left
bindsym $mod+Down focus down
bindsym $mod+Up focus up
bindsym $mod+Right focus right
bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right

See man 5 sway-input for more information.

Useful binds

FILE ~/.config/sway/configCycle between workspaces with mod+control+left arrow and mod+control+right arrow
bindsym $mod+control+Right workspace next
bindsym $mod+control+Left workspace prev


By default, Sway uses a tiling layout. Layout modes can be switched with the following default binds:

  • mod+b - Horizontal split
  • mod+v - Vertical split
  • mod+s - Stacking
  • mod+w - Tabbed
  • mod+e - Toggle split
  • mod+shift+space - Toggle floating
FILE ~/.config/sway/configDefault layout definitions
bindsym $mod+b splith
bindsym $mod+v splitv
bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle


The default key combination to open a terminal emulator is $mod+Enter.

Foot Server

Foot is a minimal Wayland terminal emulator that can be configured to run as a server, reducing resource usage.

FILE ~/.config/sway/configStart the Foot server with Sway
exec foot -s
FILE ~/.config/sway/configSet the default terminal to be a foot client
set $term footclient
If starting the foot server with Sway, it may not start fast enough to also auto-start a service, exec swaymsg "workspace 2; exec $term {command}" may be slow enough to mitigate this

Adding features

Sway is designed to be extended, adding additional features is easy:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configStart htop when control+shift+esc is pressed
bindsym control+shift+escape exec $term htop

If using foot, the app_id, which is set with -a, can be set to make it float automatically:

FILE ~/.config/sway/configStart htop floating when control+shift+esc is pressed
bindsym control+shift+escape exec $term -a 'flying-foot' htop
for_window [app_id="flying-foot"] floating enable


Screen sharing does not work

Ensure sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal is built with the screencast USE flag.

Make sure the package gui-libs/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr is installed. By default, it is autostarted by D-Bus but it fails to run because it needs environment variables exported by Sway, and the D-Bus session is started before Sway. To fix, update the D-Bus environment by adding the following line to the beginning of Sway's config:

FILE ~/.config/sway/config
exec --no-startup-id dbus-update-activation-environment --all

Also see this link to see if PipeWire is working properly. Ensure XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway.

Failed to connect to user bus

[swaybar/tray/tray.c:42] Failed to connect to user bus: No such file or directory

Warning: no icon themes loaded

[swaybar/tray/icon.c:348] Warning: no icon themes loaded

It is looking for x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme

No backend was able to open a seat

[ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:78] No backend was able to open a seat

It is looking for a seat management daemon such as sys-auth/seatd or sys-auth/elogind. Also check whether setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is required.

Se sys-auth/seatd viene usato, l'opzione USE server è richiesta.

I programmi dimenticano gli accessi

Alcuni programmi (es. net-misc/nextcloud-client) usano un "agente per servizi segreti" (Secret-Service-Agent) per salvare le credenziali d'accesso. Se un programma richiede le credenziali d'accesso ad ogni esecuzione, un agente configurato incorrettamente ne potrebbe essere la causa.

Prima, emergere gnome-base/gnome-keyring.

root #emerge --ask gnome-base/gnome-keyring

Poi, abilitare l'opzione USE gnome-keyring.

FILE /etc/portage/package.use
# Sway Secret-Service-Agent
*/* gnome-keyring

Aggiorna il sistema ed applica le nuove opzioni USE.

root #emerge -avuDN @world

Per eseguire e sbloccare il luogo d'Agente quando si accede ad una sessione di Sway, modificare questi due documenti.

FILE ~/.config/sway/config
exec dbus-update-activation-environment --all
exec gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets
exec export $(gnome-keyring-daemon)
FILE /etc/pam.d/login
auth      optional  pam_gnome_keyring.so
password  optional  pam_gnome_keyring.so
session   optional  pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start

Vedi anche
