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Games Project
Description The Games Project manages the game categories (dev-games, games-*) in Portage
Project email
Packages p.g.o/

IRC channel #gentoo-games (webchat)
Bugs Related bugs
Last elected: 2019-05-12
(and inherited member(s))
Parent Project Gentoo
Project listing

The Gentoo Games Project manages some of the games in the Portage tree. We also manage a few utilities that are used heavily in many games, such as the SDL* libraries, but we don't manage heavily integrated games packages such as 'gnome-games' or 'kdegames'.


The games project aims to turn Gentoo into the premiere Linux gaming platform. We strive to have the best compatibility not only for free games, but also for commercial titles.

The Games ebuild howto explains how to write proper games ebuilds.

Gentoo Games bugs FAQ

Should I attach an ebuild to a version bump request?

Usually, no. If simply copying the ebuild to the new name and creating a new digest works for the upgrade, then please mention that in the bug. It will save us time from looking at an ebuild and trying to determine what has changed. If there has been a few minor changes, then a diff between the two ebuilds using diff -u old.ebuild new.ebuild is perfect. If there has been major changes between versions, then an ebuild is appropriate and appreciated.

What information do I need to post with my bug report?

As in any bug report, you should always post the output of emerge --info into every bug report that you submit (see Bug report guide). If you think there are other pertinent pieces of information that could possibly help us in tracking down the bug, then be sure to include that information, too. One example is the opengl implementation that you are using when filing a bug against an opengl-based game. Anything you can provide us could possibly be the one piece of information that we need to accurately and quickly resolve the bug. This could include information such as your method of installation in a CD-based install, or the situation in which the bug occurs.

This download is too big. Can we make it download the patches?

No. In general, ebuilds are designed to be used as if one is not upgrading from a previous version. As soon as we start having people download version $foo and patch $bar, people complain that there is a $foo-$bar distfile. We can't please both camps, so we simply do not offer incremental downloads. While this can be a pain for users on dial-up, it makes things easier on us.

Which developer can help regarding a bug where a CD/DVD is required?

Some bugs such as bug #716898 are trivial to fix, if we can confirm the situation with an original CD/DVD. The list of discs by developers can help to clarify problems regarding the image.

Want to help?

A good start is to provide patches or ebuilds to bug reports that have already been filed on Gentoo's Bugzilla. Simply adding new bug reports is also helpful in getting problems resolved in the long term, but does not help get them resolved in the near term. Also, please join games project members in #gentoo-games (webchat) on Libera.Chat.

Open bugs assigned to the Games Project