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Base System
Description The Base System Project provides an umbrella project for keeping system tools, libraries, and layout consistent for all the various architectures under Gentoo Linux.
Project email
Packages p.g.o/

IRC channel #gentoo-base (webchat)
Bugs Related bugs
Last elected: 2022-05-28
(and inherited member(s))
Parent Project Gentoo
Project listing

Gentoo Base System aims to provide consistency in build systems, critical libraries, filesystem layouts, and startup scripts across all the architectures which Gentoo Linux supports. We try to provide maximum usability and flexibility to allow for porting to any architecture supported by the Linux kernel. The relevant categories in portage with which we are concerned include sys-apps, sys-boot, sys-devel, sys-fs, and sys-libs. However, we do not hold exclusive jurisdiction over any of the categories.


To provide a set of stable and secure system-level applications and libraries. The most visible and obvious among them: baselayout and the initscript system, Bash, autoconf, zlib, OpenSSH, and boot loaders


We are always willing to talk to talented programmers and people familiar with the GNU Autotools, miscellaneous critical system libraries like GNU coreutils, our rc/init system, or developers with an advanced knowledge of a specific architecture to improve the speed and stability of Gentoo Linux on any or all of our platforms.

Please contact or join our IRC channel on Libera.Chat to talk with us. If you would like more information on a particular architecture, please click the appropriate e-mail link in the table and contact the personnel of that particular architecture. Additionally contact the recruiters.

Rules and limitations

To provide some level of backwards compatibility for Gentoo installations that were not updated for a longer period, we usually refrain from bumping our packages to latest EAPIs immediately. Our rule of thumb is to wait approximately one year after introduction of a new EAPI until we adopt it for our packages.

EAPI Version Introduced in unstable Can be used in base-system unstable Introduced in stable Can be used in base-system stable
EAPI-6 17 Nov 2015 17 Nov 2016 Jan 2016 Jan 2017
EAPI-7 6 May 2018 6 May 2019 Jun 2018 Jun 2019
EAPI-8 13 Jun 2021 13 Jun 2022 Jul 2021 Jul 2022