Password management tools

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This meta article is dedicated to secure password generation, auditing of generated passwords for security, and management of existing passwords.

Password managers

Generated passwords are extremely random and difficult to remember, therefore a password manager should be employed.


x11-misc/fpm2 is a GTK password manager utility with password generator.


app-crypt/gorilla is a Password Safe clone for Linux. It stores passwords in secure way with GUI interface.


app-admin/keepass is a light-weight password management system. KeePass depends on Mono.


KeePassXC is a fork of KeePassX that aims to incorporate stalled pull requests, features, and bug fixes that have never made it into the main KeePassX repository.


KeePassXC/cli- command line interface for the KeePassXC password manager.


app-admin/kpcli is a minimal command line interface to KeePass database files, that also supports Password Safe v3 databases.


pass stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely using app-crypt/gnupg, app-admin/pwgen, and dev-vcs/git.

The password store (or pass) is a simple shell script, which provides commands for conveniently storing passwords in separated PGP encrypted files, temporally copying a password to clipboard, and tracking changes using git. It realizes password management in respect to the Unix philosophy.

There's also a GUI client, a Firefox plugin, and an iOS interface.

For further details visit the project's homepage.


app-admin/pwman3 is a command-line password manager written in python3 with multiple database backends.


app-misc/pwsafe is a command-line password manager compatible with Password Safe.


x11-misc/revelation is a password management system for GNOME. It is also suitable for non GNOME users.


app-misc/tkpasman is a useful and reliable personal password manager written in Tcl/Tk.

Password generators


Apg's default settings do not enforce usage of uppercase letters, numbers or symbols. Use to following command to generate an extremely secure password:

user $apg -M CNS -m 165


Generate password of the lenght -L 64:

user $keepassxc-cli generate -L 64

Generate diceware with 3 words

user $keepassxc-cli diceware -W 3
platonic blinks camping


app-admin/makepasswd is a random password generator.


app-admin/pwgen is a password generator.


app-admin/ranpwd generates random passwords using the in-kernel cryptographically secure random number generator.