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keepassxc-cli is a command line interface for the KeePassXC password manager.



  • ~/Passwords.kdbx - Local (default) database name.
  • ~/keepass.keyx - (optional) key file for unlocking the database.


For secure database setup use the KeePassXC GUI.

keepassxc-cli provides the ability to query and modify the entries of a KeePass database, directly from the command line. This document shows a simple set of commands. Presented example commands cover most common use cases needed to create new db, add entries, list and remove entries from a example database.

Specific database entries need to be set using the KeePassXC GUI. Generating of (OTP) one-time passwords works.

Use the KeePassXC GUI to add a Base32 secret to the database entry.


Create a password database named Passwords.kdbx, the KeePassXC default database name, ask to set a database password:

user $keepassxc-cli db-create -p Passwords.kdbx
keepassxc-cli db-create -p Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to encrypt database (optional):
Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]: y

Successfully created new database.


Show technical information about the created database ~/Passwords.kdbx:

user $keepassxc-cli db-info Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx:
UUID: {cb79ec89-5f80-43da-8ed6-0ae6a1c79baa}
Cipher: AES 256-bit
KDF: AES (1000000 rounds)
Recycle bin is enabled.
Location: Passwords.kdbx
Database created: 15/01/2024 09:08
Last saved: 15/01/2024 10:08
Unsaved changes: no
Number of groups: 1
Number of entries: 0
Number of expired entries: 0
Unique passwords: 0
Non-unique passwords: 0
Maximum password reuse: 0
Number of short passwords: 0
Number of weak passwords: 0
Entries excluded from reports: 0
Average password length: 0 character(s)

2 database entries are empty using shown syntax.

  • Name:
  • Description:

Find and use additional keepassxc-cli commands to setup both (optional) entries.


Open passwords database, authenticate to the database, show ready prompt:

user $keepassxc-cli open Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx:

Use the quit command to exit.



Add user -u larry, generate random password -g, name this database entry

user $keepassxc-cli add Passwords.kdbx -u larry -g
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx: 
Successfully added entry


list database entries:

user $keepassxc-cli ls Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx:


Show entry name, show the protected show -s password entry

user $keepassxc-cli show -s Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx:
UserName: larry
Password: r2xTqE47DYkWzdhyPuyjEZVvUvyusyMu
Uuid: {bd849456-108d-43ee-a43c-b1c37354f7cc}

show (TOTP)

Generate a TOTP, a Time-Based One-Time Password from the the database entry using the show -t -t token command:

user $keepassxc-cli show -t Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx:


Copy passsword from the entry name to clipboard. A timer is running at command line output [...] skipped for brevity:

user $keepassxc-cli clip Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx: 
Entry's "Password" attribute copied to the clipboard!
Clearing the clipboard in 10 seconds... 
Clearing the clipboard in 1 seconds... 
Clipboard cleared!

The default timer is set to10 seconds. Use the Ctrl+V keys to paste.


Remove the database entry named

user $keepassxc-cli rm Passwords.kdbx
Enter password to unlock Passwords.kdbx: 
Successfully recycled entry

The entry will be moved to the database recycle bin.


keepassxc-cli generate random password, password length -L 64

user $keepassxc-cli generate -L 64


keepassxc-cli diceware a phrase using only 4 words -W 4. Default setting is 7:

user $keepassxc-cli diceware -W 4
casing handshake tank overdraft

Use a local wordlist by appending -w example_wordlist.txt at the end of the shown command example. Example wordlist are availble here.


For more commands and options use the manual pages:

user $man keepassxc-cli


user $keepassxc-cli
Usage: keepassxc-cli [options] command
KeePassXC command line interface.

Available commands:
add                 Add a new entry to a database.
analyze             Analyse passwords for weaknesses and problems.
attachment-export   Export an attachment of an entry.
attachment-import   Imports an attachment to an entry.
attachment-rm       Remove an attachment of an entry.
clip                Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard.
close               Close the currently opened database.
db-create           Create a new database.
db-edit             Edit a database.
db-info             Show a database's information.
diceware            Generate a new random diceware passphrase.
edit                Edit an entry.
estimate            Estimate the entropy of a password.
export              Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.
generate            Generate a new random password.
help                Display command help.
import              Import the contents of an XML database.
ls                  List database entries.
merge               Merge two databases.
mkdir               Adds a new group to a database.
mv                  Moves an entry to a new group.
open                Open a database.
rm                  Remove an entry from the database.
rmdir               Removes a group from a database.
search              Find entries quickly.
show                Show an entry's information.

  --debug-info   Displays debugging information.
  -h, --help     Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all     Displays help including Qt specific options.
  -v, --version  Displays version information.

  command        Name of the command to execute.


Passwordless authentication

Depending on the given situation it might be useful to authenticate using only a ~/*.keyx file, without the need of keyboard-interactive user authentication. For example, testing in automated environements.

Generate a random key file named keepass.keyx in current directory, generate using openssl:

user $openssl rand -out keepass.keyx 256

Now keepassxc-cli db-create the database, and set keyfile to --set-key-file keepass.keyx, using applications default Passwords.kdbx database name:

user $keepassxc-cli db-create --set-key-file keepass.keyx Passwords.kdbx
Successfully created new database.

Display database technical information using the keepassxc-cli db-info command, use --key-file keepass.keyx to authenticate and ask --no-password:

user $keepassxc-cli db-info Passwords.kdbx --key-file keepass.keyx --no-password
UUID: {f4fba927-ac90-4452-8295-52469c515b5c}
Cipher: AES 256-bit
KDF: AES (1000000 rounds)
Recycle bin is enabled.
Location: Passwords.kdbx
Database created: 21/01/2024 08:57
Last saved: 21/01/2024 09:57
Unsaved changes: no
Number of groups: 1
Number of entries: 0
Number of expired entries: 0
Unique passwords: 0
Non-unique passwords: 0
Maximum password reuse: 0
Number of short passwords: 0
Number of weak passwords: 0
Entries excluded from reports: 0
Average password length: 0 character(s)

See also

  • KeePassXC — modern, secure, open-source, and cross-platform password manager
  • pass — a command-line password manager that stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely.
  • Password management tools — This meta article is dedicated to secure password generation, auditing of generated passwords for security, and management of existing passwords.

External resources