KeePassXC is a modern, secure, open-source, and cross-platform password manager. It is a fork of KeePassX that aims to incorporate stalled pull requests, features, and bug fixes that never made it into the main KeePassX repository.
USE Flags
USE flags for app-admin/keepassxc KeePassXC - KeePass Cross-platform Community Edition
Enable support for use as the the system keyring |
Enable network support |
Use KeePassXC to unlock SSH keys |
Add support for X11 |
Add support to autotype the passwords into other applications |
Enables browser plugin support |
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally |
Enable KeeShare sharing integration |
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently) |
Enable database unlocking via hardware keys supporting YubiKey-style HMAC-SHA1 protocol |
To install KeePassXC:
root #
emerge --ask app-admin/keepassxc
KeepassXC configuration file containing basic user settings
- ~/.config/keepassxc/keepassxc.ini - Local (per user) configuration file.
Secret Service
KeePassXC also supports the Secret Service API, which allows client applications to securely store secrets in a service running in the user’s login session.[1] To enable KeePassXC to handle the Secret Service API, following steps are required:
- A new group or database must be created, either via the command-line interface or the graphical user interface. This group or database will be used for integration and can be accessed by applications via libsecret.
- The newly created group or database must be exposed to other applications by selecting it in the Database Settings (Database --> Database Settings --> Secret Service Integration) and confirming the selection.
- Now the Secret Service Integration in the settings must be activated, to allow applications to handle their secrets in the created group or database.
If it is not possible to activate the Secret Service Integration of KeePassXC because another Secret Service API is running (e.g. the gnome-secret service) the related secret service must be stopped and removed from auto-start. The desktop environment documentation (if any, otherwise the users environment) should be referred for guidance on how to do so. A general approach could be to remove the file /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-secrets.desktop if the blocking service is gnome-keyring. Please make sure to make a backup of the file before removing it.
It is possible that the gnome-keyring secret service or another integration is starting before KeePassXC secret service. This can occur if an application requiring the Secret Service integration, starts before KeePassXC secret service API is running, resulting in KeePassXC's integration being blocked and the other service is loaded.
To resolve this, it is possible to simply remove the blocking application. For gnome-keyring for example:
root #
emerge --ask --depclean --verbose gnome-base/gnome-keyring
user $
Secret Service
When using the secret service integration in KeePassXC, it is crucial to ensure that KeePassXC starts before other applications that require the integration, such as web browsers. To achieve this, the autostart option for KeePassXC can be enabled. Moreover, before using applications that need to store secrets, such as browsers, the related group or database for the secret service must be unlocked. Otherwise, if the applications start before an active secret service API is running, they will not be able to store secrets, and users will not stay logged in on websites between browser sessions.
user $
keepassxc --help
Usage: keepassxc [options] [filename(s)] KeePassXC - cross-platform password manager Options: -h, --help Displays help on commandline options. --help-all Displays help including Qt specific options. -v, --version Displays version information. --config <config> path to a custom config file --localconfig <localconfig> path to a custom local config file --lock lock all open databases --keyfile <keyfile> key file of the database --pw-stdin read password of the database from stdin --debug-info Displays debugging information. --allow-screencapture allow screenshots and app recording (Windows/macOS) Arguments: filename(s) filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)
KeePassXC cannot detect smart card
If KeePassXC cannot detect a hardware key/security key/smart card for Challenge-Response, install app-crypt/ccid; this package contains drivers for various smart cards.
root #
emerge --ask app-crypt/ccid
After the package is installed, restart the pcscd service.
root #
rc-service pcscd restart
Now try re-plugging the smart card and restarting KeePassXC; the smart card should be detected. If KeePassXC still cannot detect the smart card, additional steps might need to be taken depending on the manufacturer; a common step is the need to add udev rules for the card. See the manufacturer's documentation.
Installing the CCID driver might prevent other applications from detecting the smart card depending on certain USE flags.
For example, if app-crypt/gnupg is installed with the usb
USE flag, running gpg --card-status
will not find any smart cards if app-crypt/ccid is also installed; this is because the description of the USE flag states that it builds direct CCID access instead of using the stand-alone driver. To fix this, install app-crypt/gnupg with the usb
USE flag disabled and then terminate the gpg-agent process.
root #
USE="-usb" emerge --ask app-crypt/gnupg
root #
killall gpg-agent
KeePassXC can be removed with unmerging it:
root #
emerge --ask --depclean --verbose app-admin/keepassxc
See also
- KeePassXC/cli — a command line interface for the KeePassXC password manager.
- Password management tools — This meta article is dedicated to secure password generation, auditing of generated passwords for security, and management of existing passwords.
External resources
- Documenting KeePass KDBX4 file format
- Discussion on CVE-2023–35866
- What's the difference between KeePass / KeePassX / KeePassXC?