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OATH-Toolkit is a free software toolkit for (OTP) One-Time Password authentication using HOTP/TOTP algorithms. The software ships a small set of command line utilities covering most OTP operation related tasks.

This configuration procedure explains OATH-Toolkit PAM authentication using the OpenSSH deamon. Further configuration examples are found in the official documentation.


Following packages need to be build using PAM authentication support, when configuring authentication on the server:

Create following portage configuration files on the server:

FILE /etc/portage/package.use/oath-toolkitEnabling PAM USE flag for oath-toolkit
sys-auth/oath-toolkit pam
FILE /etc/portage/package.use/opensshEnabling PAM USE flag for openssh
net-misc/openssh pam

Rebuild the software listed using pam support on the SSH server.

The SSH client does not need pam USE flag being enabled using gentoo.

USE flags

USE flags for sys-auth/oath-toolkit Toolkit for using one-time password authentication with HOTP/TOTP algorithms

pam Build PAM module for pluggable login authentication for OATH
static-libs Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)


root #emerge --ask sys-auth/oath-toolkit

Additional software

Install PAM supporting software, the OpenSSH server:

root #emerge --ask net-misc/openssh


The setup procedure described is taken from the official website and applied to gentoo specifics.


Prior to configuration of the OATH-toolkit, each system user needs a secret. The secrets mentioned

  • Hex secret ~/.oath_toolkit on the target SSH server, as a plain text file, not encrypted.
  • Base32 secret in a password management tools on personal computer, mobile, encrypted storage.

Generate secret

Generating a secret using oathtool and the random output of openssl library:

user $oathtool --verbose $(openssl rand -hex 16)
Hex secret: c869145915b76907f0bd7e33feacf3bd
Base32 secret: ZBURIWIVW5UQP4F5PYZ75LHTXU======
Digits: 6
Window size: 0
Start counter: 0x0 (0)


Hex secret

This file is stored in the users home directory on the SSH server. It is a plain text file.

Generated Hex secret is stored to ~/.oath_toolkit file, using following syntax:

FILE ~/.oath_toolkit
#token         user   PIN  secret
HOTP/T30       larry  -    c869145915b76907f0bd7e33feacf3bd

The specific entries and the syntax are explained on the official documentation website.

Finally restrict the file permissions to be read and write for to current user only:

user $chmod go-rw ~/.oath_toolkit

Base32 secret

Use a password managent tool to store secrets and generate OTP one-time passwords.

Use one of the password management tools listed to store the Base32 secret encrypted. Password management tools generate the OTP one-time password needed for authentication.


Keep a login session active during configuration of two-factor authentication and during the authentication verification process, otherwise you might lock out yourself out of the system.

Environment variables

  • usersfile - Specify filename where credentials are stored, f.e. /etc/users.oath. The placeholder values ${USER} and ${HOME} may be used to specify the filename on a per-user basis. The values ${USER} and ${HOME} expand to the user's username and home directory, respectively.
  • window - Specify search depth, an integer typically from 5 to 50 but other values can be useful too.
  • digits - Specify number of digits in the one-time password, required when using passwords in usersfile. Supported values are 6 , 7, and 8.


  • /etc/pam.d/sshd - OpenSSH's PAM module authentication configuration file.
  • /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/10_OTP-OATH-toolkit.conf - Mandatory OpenSSH's configuration setting for OATH toolkit.
  • ${HOME}/.oath_toolkit - Conventional path and filename setting for user credentials.

path and filename variables used for usersfile:, can be set to everything to match the specific environement needs.

The filename for user credentials is set in this document to ~/.oath_toolkit. This is to match the default naming scheme of Google Authenticator which creates ~/.google_authenticator. It makes both setups easier to compare. Both packages are just different implementations of the same technology.

3 different types of tokens can be configured for the authentication process:

  • event-based: HOTP - HOTP event-based token with six digit OTP
  • time-based: HOTP/T60/5 - HOTP time-based token with 60 second interval and five digit OTP
  • mobile: MOTP - Mobile-OTP time-based token 10 second interval and six digit OTP

Further file format and parameter examples are listed in the official documentation website.


Following steps are mandatory for the PAM authentication to work:


Read the PAM module manual for the configuration parameters set in /etc/pam.d/sshd:

user $man pam.conf

Further specific module configuration parameters used (usersfile=, window=,digits=) for pamd_oath.so are explained in the manual for pam_oath on the official website.

Add the first requisite configuration line to the /etc/pam.d/sshd file, and keep the added rule at the highest position in this file:

FILE /etc/pam.d/sshdSet ${HOME}/.oath_toolkit as default credentials file
auth       requisite    pam_oath.so usersfile=${HOME}/.oath_toolkit window=20 digits=6
auth       include      system-remote-login
account    include      system-remote-login
password   include      system-remote-login
session    include      system-remote-login


Create OATH specific autentication configuration:

FILE /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/10_OTP-OATH-toolkit.conf
UsePAM yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

After applied configuration settings, restart the openssh daemon:

root #service sshd restart


Demostration of a working 2FA authentication sequence for a example SSH session for larry:

user $ssh gentoo
(larry@gentoo) One-time password (OATH) for `larry': 
(larry@gentoo) Password:
larry@gentoo ~ $ 

The authenticating SSH user larry will get displayed:

  1. display One-time password (OATH) for `larry': at the prompt. User OTP authentication.
  2. IF the put in token is found VALID, THEN display Password: at the prompt. User keyboard-interactive authentication.

Once a user authentication process has been successfully finished, ~/.oath_toolkit will show a added timestamp. Timestamp for the last successful authentication, and the used (OTP) one-time password 665004:

FILE /home/larry/.oath_toolkit
#token         user   PIN  secret
HOTP/T30        larry   -       c869145915b76907f0bd7e33feacf3bd  0       665004  2024-01-11T13:37:42L

Generate OTP

Use a password managent tool to store secrets and generate OTP one-time passwords.

Example how to generate a OTP one-time password token using the oathtool and the given secrets.

Generate a one-time password using the Hex secret:c869145915b76907f0bd7e33feacf3bd:

user $oathtool --totp c869145915b76907f0bd7e33feacf3bd

Generate a one-time password using the Base32 secret:ZBURIWIVW5UQP4F5PYZ75LHTXU:

user $oathtool --totp -b ZBURIWIVW5UQP4F5PYZ75LHTXU


user $oathtool --help
Usage: oathtool [OPTION]... [KEY [OTP]]...
Generate and validate OATH one-time passwords.  KEY and OTP is the string '-'
to read from standard input, '@FILE' to read from indicated filename, or a hex
encoded value (not recommended on multi-user systems).

  -h, --help                    Print help and exit
  -V, --version                 Print version and exit
      --hotp                    use event-based HOTP mode  (default=on)
      --totp[=MODE]             use time-variant TOTP mode (values "SHA1",
                                  "SHA256", or "SHA512")  (default=`SHA1')
  -b, --base32                  use base32 encoding of KEY instead of hex
  -c, --counter=COUNTER         HOTP counter value
  -s, --time-step-size=DURATION TOTP time-step duration  (default=`30s')
  -S, --start-time=TIME         when to start counting time steps for TOTP
                                  (default=`1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC')
  -N, --now=TIME                use this time as current time for TOTP
  -d, --digits=DIGITS           number of digits in one-time password
  -w, --window=WIDTH            number of additional OTPs to generate or
                                  validate against
  -v, --verbose                 explain what is being done  (default=off)

Report bugs to: oath-toolkit-help@nongnu.org
oathtool home page: <https://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/>
General help using GNU software: <https://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>


Debugging authenticaton

To get more verbose debug while troubleshooting authentication configuration, add the debug configuraton option to the system PAM module used. In example shown enabling debug on su binary.

FILE /etc/pam.d/su
auth [user_unknown=ignore success=ok] pam_oath.so debug usersfile=/etc/users.oath window=20

Run su. At the prompt type anything for the password and the OTP token to get interactive debug output:

user $su
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(122)] called.
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(123)] flags 0 argc 4
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(125)] argv[0]=alwaysok
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(125)] argv[1]=debug
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(125)] argv[2]=usersfile=/etc/users.oath
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(125)] argv[3]=window=20
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(126)] debug=1
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(127)] alwaysok=1
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(128)] try_first_pass=0
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(129)] use_first_pass=0
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(130)] usersfile=/etc/users.oath
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(131)] digits=0
[pam_oath.c:parse_cfg(132)] window=20
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_authenticate(162)] get user returned: root
One-time password (OATH) for `root':
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_authenticate(237)] conv returned: 328482
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_authenticate(297)] OTP: 328482
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_authenticate(308)] authenticate rc 0 last otp Wed Jan  3 19:22:50 2024
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_authenticate(329)] done. [Success]
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_setcred(341)] called.
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_setcred(347)] retval: 0
[pam_oath.c:pam_sm_setcred(367)] done. [Success]

Applications need to be rebuild using the debug portage USE flag to generate more verbose authentication logs.



root #emerge --ask --depclean --verbose sys-auth/oath-toolkit

See also

  • Google Authenticator — describes an easy way to setup two-factor authentication on Gentoo.
  • PAM — allows (third party) services to provide an authentication module for their service which can then be used on PAM enabled systems.
  • PAM securetty — restricting root authentication with PAM.
  • Password management tools — This meta article is dedicated to secure password generation, auditing of generated passwords for security, and management of existing passwords.
  • YubiKey — a hardware security device that can be used to safely store cryptographic keys, OTP tokens, and challenge response seeds

External resources