From Gentoo Wiki
Wofi is a launcher/menu program for wlroots-based Wayland compositors, such as Sway.
USE flags
USE flags for gui-apps/wofi Wofi is a launcher/menu program for wlroots based wayland compositors like sway
root #
emerge --ask gui-apps/wofi
Information about configuring Wofi can be found in the wofi(5) man page.
One way to use Wofi is to create a simple shell script, e.g. wofi_run.sh, which runs Wofi with a standard set of options and the list of items passed to it:
wofi --width=400 --height=260 --hide-scroll --show="${1}"
Then, to open a dialog box with a list of programs to run:
user $
wofi_run.sh run
For further details about running wofi, refer to the wofi(1) man page. Information about modes available for the --show
option can be found in the wofi(7) man page.
See also
- x11-misc/rofi - A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement.