User talk:Sakaki/Sakaki's EFI Install Guide/Using Your New Gentoo System under OpenRC

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Section clarification

Talk status
This discussion is still ongoing.

There is an ambiguity that exists in the section about "Completely Removing the Need for a Boot USB Key (Option 6) on this page.

It states in Option 6: "It is otherwise similar to option 4 above, so please read through the comments there before continuing."

One of the comments there is: "As described earlier however, even in an 'option 1' system, you can perform all but the final copy-kernel-from-staging step (using genup) without having to insert the boot USB key, so this is not a major problem."

So, the question is: Does genup understand that everything has been moved from the key to the disk? If so, does it try to roll out the kernel update (assuming there is enough space in the ESP (EFI System Partition)? If it does not, then (again assuming there is enough space in the ESP), is this something that will have to be done manually (meaning there will have to be some, as yet undocumented [in the context of this guide], process for doing so)? — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Cd19s (talkcontribs)