User:Midnite/Notes/Shell Script/Variable argument count needs eval
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If variable argument count (i.e. $#) is needed, use of eval is needed.
CODE If variable argument count (i.e. $#) is needed, use of eval is needed.
func() {
printf '%d func args:' $#
printf ' [%s]' "$@"
printf '\n'
unset nil
printf '=== 01) Non blank args have no problems ===\n'
func "$( printf '%s' "$var1" )" "$( printf -- '--%s' "$var2" )" --"$( printf '%s' "$var1" )"
printf '=== 02) Blank and unset args will still be passed ===\n'
func "$( printf '%s' "$blank" )" "$( printf '%s' "$nil" )" "$( printf -- '--%s' "$nil" )" "$( printf '%s' "$var1" )"
printf '=== 03) Even non-printed args will be passed as blank args ===\n'
# test isset nil
func "$( { [ -n "$blank" ] && printf '%s' "$blank" ;} ||: )" "$( { [ -n "${nil+x}" ] && printf -- '--%s' "$nil" ;} ||: )" "$( printf '%s' "$var2" )"
printf '=== 04) If change of $# is needed, '"\`"'eval'"\`"' is needed. ===\n'
# test isset nil
eval func "$( printf '%s' "$blank" )" "$( { [ -n "${nil+x}" ] && printf -- '--%s' "$nil" ;} ||: )" "$( printf '%s' "$var2" )"
=== 01) Non blank args have no problems ===
3 func args: [one] [--two] [--one]
=== 02) Blank and unset args will still be passed ===
4 func args: [] [] [--] [one]
=== 03) Even non-printed args will be passed as blank args ===
3 func args: [] [] [two]
=== 04) If change of $# is needed, `eval` is needed. ===
1 func args: [two]