User:Matthews/Drafts/Knot Resolver

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Knot Resolver is a minimalistic implementation of a caching validating DNS resolver.


USE flags

USE flags for net-dns/knot-resolver A scaleable caching DNS resolver

+manager Manager is a user-friendly interface and a component handling rolling restarts, config update logic and more.
caps Use Linux capabilities library to control privilege
debug Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
dnstap Build dnstap binary logging module
jemalloc Use dev-libs/jemalloc for memory management
kresc Build (experimental) command-line client
nghttp2 DNS-over-HTTPS support
systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking
test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
verify-sig Verify upstream signatures on distfiles
xdp Enable eXpress Data Path


root #emerge --ask net-dns/knot-resolver


The Knot Resolver configuration is handled via a Lua script, /etc/knot-resolver/kresd.conf. It defaults to listening on localhost and acting as a recursive resolver.

Moving cache to tmpfs

To improve performance and reduce disk I/O, the resolver cache can be moved to a tmpfs by mounting one at /var/cache/knot-resolver:

FILE /etc/fstab
tmpfs        /var/cache/knot-resolver        tmpfs   rw,size=2G,uid=knot-resolver,gid=knot-resolver,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=0700 0 0

The cache.fssize() function can be used in the configuration, to make the cache module aware of the tmpfs size:

FILE /etc/knot-resolver/kresd.conf
cache.size = cache.fssize() - 10*MB

Adding to runlevel


OpenRC users can add the kresd init script to the default runlevel with the following command:

root #rc-update add kresd default


The kresd systemd unit is templated, allowing multiple instances to be created for high availability and to handle higher volumes of traffic. For maximum performance, it is recommended to create as many instances as there are CPUs[1].

To start a single instance:

root #systemctl enable --now kresd@1.service

To start four instances:

root #systemctl enable --now kresd@{1..4}.service

See also

  • BIND — a popular free software DNS server


  1. Knot Resolver Documentation. Multiple Instances, retrieved on August 12th, 2023