User:Maffblaster/Recommended applications

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Hey! You may or may not be interested in learning what applications I recommend in order to have a pleasant Gentoo experience, but something bought you to this page...nonetheless, I hope you find this helpful.

If you think there is either a better tool or an easier way to do the job the tool is supposed to do (see my feedback on each tool) feel free leave a comment on the talk page or message me in #gentoo-wiki (webchat). I love learning about new tools and smarter workflows!

TODO: Create sets for role-specific scenarios.

World file

When everything is done the world file will look something like this:

FILE /var/lib/portage/worldmaffblaster's world file

The quick and dirty way of rebuilding the system with all these packages is to updated the @world set after copy/pasting the the above text into the system's world file:

root #emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse --with-bdeps=y @world

Network engineering

Network troubleshooting

  • dig, host, nslookup, nsupdate, dnssec-keygen, etc... all tools useful for network engineering and troubleshooting - net-dns/bind-tools

Network scanning

Network security

System management

gentoo repository


My favorite repos.conf/gentoo.conf value for sync-uri:

FILE /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf
main-repo = gentoo

location = /usr/portage
sync-type = rsync
sync-uri = rsync://


FILE /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.confGentoo ebuild repository sync via git
main-repo = gentoo

location = /var/db/repos/gentoo
sync-type = git
# Official "sync-friendly git mirror of repo/gentoo with caches and metadata"
# sync-uri =
# GitHub mirror (saves the Gentoo project bandwidth - of *this* sync-friendly git mirror is preferred)
sync-uri =
auto-sync = yes
sync-rsync-verify-jobs = 1
sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest = yes
sync-rsync-verify-max-age = 24
sync-openpgp-key-path = /usr/share/openpgp-keys/gentoo-release.asc
sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-count = 40
sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-overall-timeout = 1200
sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-exp-base = 2
sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-max = 60
sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-mult = 4

# for daily squashfs snapshots
#sync-type = squashdelta
#sync-uri = mirror://gentoo/../snapshots/squashfs

distfile mirror

My favorite GENTOO_MIRRORS value for make.conf:


FILE /etc/portage/make.conf

Gentoo specific


System resource monitoring


  • uptimed is a system uptime logger. It is really only necessary for OpenRC (since these kinds of times are not specifically logged by default), but it will work on systemd as well - app-misc/uptimed

Must-have distribution developer tools


  • A tmux fork with built-in terminal sharing (useful for pair programming, remote access assistance, etc.) - app-misc/tmate

Task management

  • A command-line todo list manager. Keep this open in a tmux buffer. - app-misc/task
  • The server part of the command-line todo list manager (above). - app-misc/taskd

Version control

File management


Embedded work

Portage development


Ideal setup

  • btrfs: the best filesystem created (so far). Enable it kernel side too and use it for everything (except your EFI partition!) - sys-fs/btrfs-progs
  • Preserve your eyeballs. For desktop environments that do not include blue light filtering - x11-misc/redshift
    • Gnome 3 includes this functionality under the term "Night Light".
    • Plasma includes this functionality under the term "Night Color".





Log files


Firmware reverse engineering

  • Timesaver on determining what kinds of filesystems: app-misc/binwalk
  • Viewing embedded filesystems such as NFTL, JFFS2, NAND, FTL, or UBI: sys-fs/mtd-utils
  • Data carving utility: dd


Web browsers

IRC clients

Silo chats

Application services within this silo chats category have open source front-end with a proprietary back end.

Self-hosted chats

These applications have backends which are self-hostable and front-ends that are FOSS.

Voice chat

Email clients

