From Gentoo Wiki
- OpenRC/CGroups — OpenRC includes support for cgroups.
- OpenRC/openrc-init — Open-RC's own init system - Az OpenRC saját init rendszere.
- OpenRC/Prefix — The following guideline applies to a Gentoo Prefix on RHEL-5.6 amd64 and on Debian 6.0 amd64, for other setups it should be similar.
- OpenRC/Stacked runlevel — a tutorial for setting up complicated networking with the help of stacked runlevel.
- OpenRC/supervise-daemon — OpenRC's daemon supervisor
- OpenRC/Users — an (incomplete) list of distributions and operating systems using OpenRC.
- /etc/local.d — /etc/local.d/ can contain small programs or light scripts to be run when the local service is started or stopped.
- Gentoo AMD64 Kézikönyv - Az initscript rendszer
- A fő OpenRC beállításfájl, az /etc/rc.conf. Részletes megjegyzéseket tartalmaz az OpenRC beállításáról.