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Testing this package is extra tricky, because you need a working PostgreSQL server.

The test suite in this package is supposed to auto-spawn one, but that consistently fails at present.

Portage Configuration

Instead, you need to set one up manually.

FILE /etc/portage/env/pgtest.conf
# Important: You want to skip hostname and port
# here if you need to use unix sockets
# eg: under FEATURES="network-sandbox"
# Uncomment this if you have problems working out why its skipping
FILE /etc/portage/package.env/pgdb.conf
dev-perl/DBD-Pg pgtest.conf

Database Configuration

Then, you must setup the named account, database, and permissions as follows via psql -U postgres

CODE schema
CREATE ROLE pgtest_user LOGIN PASSWORD 'test' VALID UNTIL 'infinity';
  WITH OWNER = pgtest_user
       ENCODING = 'UTF8';
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE pgtest TO pgtest_user;

Test Output

If you see output like this:

t/00basic.t ......... ok   
t/01connect.t ....... Please wait, creating new database (version 9.6) for testing
# DBI                         Version 1.637
# DBD::Pg                     Version 3.7.0
# Perl                        Version 5.24.3
# OS                          linux
# PostgreSQL (compiled)       ?
# PostgreSQL (target)         ?
# PostgreSQL (reported)       ?
# Default port                ?
# DBI_DSN                     dbi:Pg:dbname=pgtest;host=localhost;port=5432
# DBI_USER                    pgtest_user
# Test schema                 dbd_pg_testschema
# LANG                        C
# Adjusted:                   initdb
# Error was: FATAL:  role "pgtest_user" does not exist at t/ line 592.
t/01connect.t ....... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/01constants.t ..... ok     
t/02attribs.t ....... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/03dbmethod.t ...... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/03smethod.t ....... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/04misc.t .......... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/06bytea.t ......... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/07copy.t .......... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/08async.t ......... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/09arrays.t ........ skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/12placeholders.t .. skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/20savepoints.t .... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/30unicode.t ....... skipped: Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing
t/99cleanup.t ....... ok   
All tests successful.

Then your configuration has failed and you have not passed any meaningful tests, and you should probably employ DBDPG_DEBUG=1 to see what is breaking your connection attempts.