Project:KDE/Migration plan
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Individual applications
- KDE4-based applications (mostly) work fine in Plasma 5
- KF5-based applications can cause issues in KDE 4
- KF5-based applications can look strange in non-KDE environments
- It's safe to stabilise newer versions of applications that are still KDE4-based
- KF5-based applications should not be stabilised until Plasma 5 is stable
- KF5-based applications should be checked outside of a KDE environment prior to stablisation
<kde-apps/kde-wallpapers-15.08.3-r1[-minimal(-)] ("<kde-apps/kde-wallpapers-15.08.3-r1[-minimal(-)]" is blocking kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.5.1
- revdeps to depend on >=kde-apps/kde-wallpapers-15.08.3-r1 to help avoid this blocker
Same sort of block as kde-wallpapers/kcheckpass.
<kde-base/kcheckpass-4.11.22-r1:4 ("<kde-base/kcheckpass-4.11.22-r1:4" is blocking kde-plasma/kscreenlocker-5.5.1)
- revdeps to depend on >=kde-base/kcheckpass-4.11.22-r1 to help avoid this blocker