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pkgdev is a collection of tools for Gentoo development.


USE flags

USE flags for dev-util/pkgdev Collection of tools for Gentoo development

doc Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)


root #emerge --ask dev-util/pkgdev


Upstream's documentation describes the config file format and locations.

The DEFAULT section in the config will apply to all repositories unless overridden by a later section.

For example, a configuration file for the current user:

FILE ~/.config/pkgdev/pkgdev.conf
# Always run 'pkgcheck scan --commits' at the point of commit
# The default is not to do this (for performance) and instead runs on 'pkgdev push'
commit.scan = true

# Add a 'Signed-off-by' tag to all commits, regardless of repository
commit.signoff = true

# Ask before creating a commit with detected serious QA issues
push.ask = true

To enable adding a signoff (not the same as PGP signing) automatically only for the gentoo repository:

FILE ~/.config/pkgdev/pkgdev.conf
commit.signoff = true


The upstream repository covers usage briefly.

pkgdev has the following subcommands:

  • pkgdev commit - uses to commit the staged changes in the current directory, generates a smart commit message, ensures the Manifest is regenerated, and runs pkgcheck scan if configured to do so (not by default, see above)
    • pkgdev commit -e - same as above but opens $EDITOR to edit the generated commit message
    • pkgdev commit ... - any unknown arguments are passed directly to git, so check git(1).
  • pkgdev manifest - regenerates the Manifest for ebuilds in the current directory.
  • pkgdev push - makes final QA checks (runs pkgcheck scan and aborts on fatal errors) before running git push automatically
  • pkgdev mask - used for last-riting (removing) packages


The most common pattern is to enter a repository, navigate to a package (using app-misc/scrub as an example), make some changes, and run pkgdev commit, like so (example here is to bump/update a version of an ebuild):

user $cd ~/git/gentoo/app-misc/scrub
user $sudo emerge -av1o --with-test-deps app-misc/scrub
user $cp scrub-2.6.0.ebuild scrub-2.6.1.ebuild
user $pkgdev manifest
user $$EDITOR scrub-2.6.1.ebuild
user $ebuild scrub-2.6.1.ebuild clean test install merge
user $git add scrub-2.6.1.ebuild && pkgdev commit
  DeprecatedEapi: version 2.6.0: uses deprecated EAPI 6
  RedundantVersion: version 2.6.0: slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by version: 2.6.1
  DeprecatedEapi: version 2.6.1: uses deprecated EAPI 6
[master 65b81235dc06d] app-misc/scrub: add 2.6.1
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 app-misc/scrub/scrub-2.6.1.ebuild


pkgdev bugs --stablereq gets the "no change for" wrong

pkgdev checks when the ebuild was last modified using git. If the repository was cloned with the --depth flag as suggested it will not contain the full history. That means that the tool will be only able to check for changes until the oldest commit in your local repository.

To check what is the oldest commit, so to see how far back can pkgcheck reach a command can be run inside the repository:

user $git log --date short --max-parents 0 | grep Date
Date:   2024-08-25

Older commits up to a certain date can be fetched with:

user $git fetch --shallow-since YYYY-MM-DD

while the full repo history can be fetched with:

user $git fetch --unshallow

pkgdev tries to use an invalid commit hash

If you get an error similar to this one, e.g. when using the commit sub-command

user $pkgdev commit
pkgdev commit: error: failed running git log: fatal: Invalid revision range 7d50e72c9ce20d1dfdd730d26e9695989c2f9ca2..origin/HEAD

It's probably related to caching issues (e.g. [1]). One way to workaround it is to clear the cache while within the affected repository:

user $pkgcheck cache -R

pkgdev doesn't sign-off my commits

pkgdev does not sign-off ('Signed-off-by' trailer) commits by default for any repo, following git upstream behavior, to encourage a conscious decision to sign off.

To enable automatic sign-offs per repository or globally, see Pkgdev#Configuration. pkgdev only uses what git is configured to use.

pkgdev uses new /var/cache/distfiles directory unexpectedly

See also the pkgcheck article.

For systems not migrated to the modern repository data locations, pkgdev manifest may try write to /var/cache/distfiles unexpectedly. This is because pkgcore doesn't read /usr/share/portage (which is where Portage's defaults reside).

There are three solutions:

  1. Set manifest.distdir = /usr/portage/distfiles in ~/.config/pkgdev/pkgdev.conf, or
  2. Set DISTDIR=/usr/portage/distfiles in /etc/portage/make.conf, or
  3. Migrate the repository locations.

git signing errors

When committing in a repository (like ::gentoo) with 'sign-commits = true' in metadata/layout.conf, pkgdev will ask git to sign commits. This requires a GPG key.

There are two options:

  1. Generate a key and configure git to use it
  2. non-developers committing to Gentoo via pull requests or patches don't actually need a key and can disable signing, as only the person pushing to the repository needs a key at present. They can locally set sign-commits = false in metadata/layout.conf but of course this change should not be committed. This will prevent pkgdev from trying to sign commits.

See Gentoo git workflow#GPG configuration for details on how to generate a key and debug GPG errors. pkgdev only uses what git is configured to use.

If errors persist, run GIT_TRACE=1 pkgdev commit ... and run the gpg ... command mentioned in its output manually to further debug.

See also

  • Standard git workflow — describing a modern git workflow for contributing to Gentoo, with pkgcheck and pkgdev
  • Gentoo git workflow — outlines some rules and best-practices regarding the typical workflow for ebuild developers using git.
  • pkgcheck — a pkgcore-based QA utility for ebuild repos.

External resources