Overlay Talk:Youbroketheinternet

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2017 verbosity

Talk status
This discussion is done as of 2022-02-24.

There is also: GNUnet for Gentoo on gnunet.org (and I'm not sure if the tip needs to be updated as per: Custom_repository
I'm not yet sure... Anybody feel free to correct me about it. --MiroR (talk) 12:19, 17 February 2017 (UTC) It is fine. Except, no adding of PORTDIR_OVERLAY, by the (still relatively) new rules.
Instead, add to /etc/portage/repos.conf/local.conf:

location = /usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay
masters = gentoo
auto-sync = no
--MiroR (talk) 13:51, 17 February 2017 (UTC)

BTW, I don't know if this matters:

>>> Emerging (1 of 8) net-dns/dnssec-root-20150403::gentoo
* Fetching files in the background.
* To view fetch progress, run in another terminal:
* tail -f /var/log/emerge-fetch.log
>>> Downloading ''
>>> Downloading ''
>>> Downloading 'http://data.iana.org/root-anchors/root-anchors.xml'
!!! Couldn't download 'root-anchors-20100715.xml'. Aborting.
* Fetch failed for 'net-dns/dnssec-root-20150403', Log file:
* '/var/log/portage/net-dns:dnssec-root-20150403:20170217-134347.log'

>>> Failed to emerge net-dns/dnssec-root-20150403, Log file:

>>> '/var/log/portage/net-dns:dnssec-root-20150403:20170217-134347.log'

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies *** Resuming merge...

Probably yes... And so I quit the installation... Any clues how to fix this? --MiroR (talk) 14:02, 17 February 2017 (UTC)

I think that a 7 ys old root-anchors-20100715.xml XML file having been changed, or me being MiTM'ed, or the developers having got exactly and only that file's hashes wrong... is pretty interesting here... Because I thought about getting that file elsewhere, and then I look closely, and hey: it's the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority themselves website. They can't be wrong, can they, so what is it: my connection to them, or the devs' hashes...?!
But this calls for support from, say gentoo-users mailing list... Which I'm going to do just next... --MiroR (talk) 14:23, 17 February 2017 (UTC)

But I haven't been clear... These are from my logs, both, the second one, the before and after find run, likely unusual, but I often do it. See, all fetched fine, most of them being in my local mirror.:

# cat /var/log/emerge-fetch.log
* mpfr-3.1.5.tar.xz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
>>> Downloading ''
* perl-5.24.1.tar.xz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]
>>> Downloading ''
* perl-5.24.1-patches-2.tar.xz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]
>>> Downloading ''
* perl-cross-1.1.3.tar.gz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]
>>> Downloading ''
* speedtest-cli-1.0.2.tar.gz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]
>>> Downloading ''
* gnutls-3.5.9.tar.xz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]
>>> Downloading ''
* wget-1.19.1.tar.xz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]
* git-2.10.2.tar.xz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
>>> Downloading ''
* cgit-1.1.tar.xz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]

However, the diff by simply two runs of "find / -xdev -name '*'" before and after the successful fetching above lists these:

> /root/FIND_170217_1420_g0n.diff
> /root/FIND_170217_1436_g0n
> /etc/portage/package.unmask/package.unmask.file
> /usr/portage/distfiles/unbound-1.6.0.tar.gz
> /usr/portage/distfiles/Python-3.5.2.tar.xz
> /usr/portage/distfiles/python-gentoo-patches-3.5.2-0.tar.xz
> /usr/portage/distfiles/automake-1.14.1.tar.xz
> /usr/portage/distfiles/libmicrohttpd-0.9.52.tar.gz
> /usr/portage/distfiles/root-anchors-20100715.xml._checksum_failure_.wxcel31j
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/dev-libs
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8z_p8
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/dev-libs/openssl-1.1.0c
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnurl-7.50.3
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnurl-9999
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnunet-0.10.1_pre01021
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnunet-0.10.1
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnunet-0.10.2_rc2
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnunet-0.10.2_rc1
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnunet-0.10.2_rc3
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnurl-7.52.1
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnurl-7.51.0
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/net-misc/gnunet-9999
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/dev-perl
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.24.0
> /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/local/youbroketheinternet-overlay/dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.33.0

And I hope you noticed:
> /usr/portage/distfiles/root-anchors-20100715.xml._checksum_failure_.wxcel31j
--MiroR (talk) 14:40, 17 February 2017 (UTC)

In the follow-up to this email on gentoo-user: gnunet dependency dnssec-root checksum fail for 7 yrs old IANA XML
(which follow-up hasn't showed up yet there at the time of my posting of this)
I also posted one more issue, and right at the start, with the packages that don't fetch. Since it is kind of important, here it is, shorter: # cat /var/log/emerge-fetch.log
>>> Downloading
>>> Downloading 'http://data.iana.org/root-anchors/root-anchors.xml'
!!! Couldn't download 'root-anchors-20100715.xml'. Aborting.
>>> Downloading 'http://data.iana.org/root-anchors/Kjqmt7v.csr'
!!! Couldn't download 'Kjqmt7v-20100715.csr'. Aborting.
* unbound-1.6.0.tar.gz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
* Python-3.5.2.tar.xz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
* python-gentoo-patches-3.5.2-0.tar.xz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
* gnutls-3.5.9.tar.xz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
* libmicrohttpd-0.9.52.tar.gz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
* automake-1.14.1.tar.xz size ;-) ... [ ok ]

--MiroR (talk) 17:18, 17 February 2017 (UTC)

Hi MiroR, could you please use any kind of bugtracker for filing your bugs and requests? We are not monitoring this wiki page and I only recently returned to using the Gentoo wiki. The other contributor is not using the wiki at all. Since your feedback is quiet old by now, could you state what is still not working without being as verbose as above? Thanks! ng0 (talk) 10:18, 12 November 2018 (UTC)

There is also: GNUnet for Gentoo on gnunet.org (and I'm not sure if the tip needs to be updated as per: [[1]] I'm not yet sure... Anybody feel free to correct me about it.

This has been addressed long time ago, and the drupal based documentation is obsolete. Refer to our (gnunet) documentation at https://doc.gnunet.org and the repository. The drupal website is on its way out, due to be shut down in 2019 and replaced with a new website we are working on. Keep in mind that Gentoo support at this moment is inofficial, but we (mostly: I) are working on adding more OS support. ng0 (talk) 10:22, 12 November 2018 (UTC)