IPSet is used to set up, maintain and inspect so called IP sets in the Linux kernel. Depending on the type of the set, an IP set may store IP(v4/v6) addresses, (TCP/UDP) port numbers, IP and MAC address pairs, IP address and port number pairs, etc. - Wikipedia
IPSet is a tool for Iptables, successor of IPpool. It is an administration tool for IP sets which can be added to IPTables rules to filter out networks.
You will need to configure your kernel to support ipset.
For example, if ipset support is compiled as a module:
[*] Networking support --->
Networking options --->
[*] Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter) --->
<M> IP set support --->
as well as
Core Netfilter Configuration --->
<M> set target and match support
then select the desired ipset types.
USE flags
USE flags for net-firewall/ipset IPset tool for iptables, successor to ippool
Allow symbol stripping to be performed by the ebuild for special files |
Enable subslot rebuilds on Distribution Kernel upgrades |
Build the kernel modules |
Install compressed kernel modules (if kernel config enables module compression) |
Cryptographically sign installed kernel modules (requires CONFIG_MODULE_SIG=y in the kernel) |
Install IPSet:
root #
emerge --ask net-firewall/ipset
The simple following script can be used to filter IP addresses based on a file that have to be retrieved on the internet, and then create or update iptables firewall rules:
Example IPSet script#!/bin/sh
opt="hash:net --hashsize 64"
wget -qNP $datadir $target || exit
ipset create $tmp $opt
networks="$(grep -E '^[0-9]' $datadir/$set | sed -rne 's/(^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}).*$/\1/p')"
for i in $networks; do
ipset add $tmp ${i}/24
ipset create -exist $set $opt &&
ipset swap $tmp $set &&
ipset destroy $tmp &&
echo "IPSet: $set updated"
unset -v i networks opt set tmp
The above script is just a simple way to retrieve different or various IPSet table and make use of an up to date filtering.
The script creates a new table and swap and destroys a previous set if one exists. For a more refined script see the following examples:
Save the rules to a file and start IPSet init service:
root #
/etc/init.d/ipset save
root #
/etc/init.d/ipset start
root #
rc-update add ipset boot
The previous network filtering can be added to iptables with the following command:
root #
iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set IPBlock src,dst -j Drop
See also
- Iptables — a program used to configure and manage the kernel's netfilter modules.