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crossdev is a set of bash scripts that utilize emerge to provide a system integrated cross-compilation capability.

A Gentoo host machine's toolchain is leveraged by compiling for the specified target; by overriding several environment variables.[1][2]



root #emerge --ask sys-devel/crossdev

Crossdev overlay

Improperly using crossdev may "pollute" ebuild repositories: crossdev operates by adding packages to an ebuild repository, so care must be taken to ensure crossdev adds packages to a separate repository. Follow one of the creation methods below to create a separate repository for crossdev.

eselect creation

To use eselect-repository to create the repository, first install the package.

root #emerge --ask app-eselect/eselect-repository

Then, create the repository with:

root #eselect repository create crossdev

Manual creation

To manually create a crossdev repository:

root #mkdir -p /var/db/repos/crossdev/{profiles,metadata}
root #echo 'crossdev' > /var/db/repos/crossdev/profiles/repo_name
root #echo 'masters = gentoo' > /var/db/repos/crossdev/metadata/layout.conf
root #chown -R portage:portage /var/db/repos/crossdev

If the Gentoo ebuild repository is synchronized using Git, or any other method with Manifest files that do not include checksums for ebuilds, prevent "masked by: corruption" errors with:

FILE /var/db/repos/crossdev/metadata/layout.conf
masters = gentoo
thin-manifests = true

Instruct Portage, and subsequently crossdev, to use the new ebuild repository by enabling it:

FILE /etc/portage/repos.conf/crossdev.conf
location = /var/db/repos/crossdev
priority = 10
masters = gentoo
auto-sync = no

Repository search order

In order of precedence, crossdev will make use of a Portage repository specified by:

  1. The command-line option: --ov-output (-oO)
  3. Repository with name cross-${CTARGET}
  4. Repository with name crossdev


The -S option (for stable) should not be used on arches with no stable keywords or a mixed (unstable, inconsistent) profile, e.g. mips or riscv.


user $crossdev --help
Usage: crossdev [options] --target TARGET

    -L,  --llvm              Use LLVM/Clang as a cross compiler
    --b, --binutils ver      Specify version of binutils to use
    --g, --gcc ver           Specify version of gcc to use
    --k, --kernel ver        Specify version of kernel headers to use
    --l, --libc ver          Specify version of libc to use
                                Note: versions support depend atom syntaxes:
                                 e.g. ">=2.20" "~4.6.1" "=2.13.1-r3"
    -A, --abis abis          Specify ABIs to build, first one is the default
    --host-abi abi           Specify the ABI of the compiler itself
    --env env                Specify env settings for all packages (see below)
    --[bdgkl]env env         Specify env settings for binutils/gdb/gcc/kernel/libc
                                Note: make sure to quote: 'VAR="some value"\nFOO="cow"'
    --[bdgkl]cat category    Use binutils/gdb/gcc/kernel/libc package from category
    --[bdgkl]pkg pkg         Use binutils/gdb/gcc/kernel/libc package with given name
    -f, --force              I don't need a seat belt!
    -S, --stable             Use latest stable versions as default
    -C, --clean target       Uninstall specified target
    -P, --portage opts       Options to pass to emerge (see emerge(1))
    --with[out]-headers      Build C library headers before C compiler?
    --show-fail-log          If the build fails, dump the failing log

Overlay Options:
    -oS, --overlays list     Space delimited list of overlays to search
                                [default: `portageq repositories_configuration`]
    -oO, --ov-output path    Parent directory of overlay to write crossdev package links
                                [default: uses repo with name 'crossdev', or
                                 'cross-${CTARGET}', or falls back to first
                                 from --overlays list]
    -ob, --ov-binutils path  Overlay for binutils ebuilds [default: search]
    -od, --ov-gdb path       Overlay for gdb ebuilds [default: search]
    -og, --ov-gcc path       Overlay for gcc ebuilds [default: search]
    -ok, --ov-kernel path    Overlay for kernel ebuilds [default: search]
    -ol, --ov-libc path      Overlay for C library ebuilds [default: search]
    -ox, --ov-extra path     Overlay for extra packages [default: search]

Stage Options:
    -s0, --stage0            Build just binutils
    -s1, --stage1            Also build a bare C compiler (no C library/
                                C++/shared GCC libs/C++ exceptions/etc...)
    -s2, --stage2            Also build kernel headers
    -s3, --stage3            Also build the C library
    -s4, --stage4            Also build a full compiler [default]
                                (shared libs GCC/various lang frontends/etc...)

External Tooling Options:
    --show-target-cfg        Display target settings that crossdev will use
    --init-target            Setup config/overlay/etc... files only

Extra Fun (must be run after above stages):
    --ex-only                Skip the stage steps above
    --ex-gcc                 Build extra gcc targets (gcj/ada/etc...)
    --ex-gdb                 Build a cross gdb
    --ex-pkg pkg             Build extra packages (may be used multiple times)

LLVM/Clang Specific Options (--llvm):
    --r, --crt ver           Specify version of compiler-rt to use
    --c, --ccw ver           Specify version of clang-crossdev-wrapper to use
    --[rc]env env            Specify env settings for compiler-rt/clang-crossdev-wrapper
    --[rc]cat category       Use compiler-rt/clang-crossdev-wrapper package from category
    --[rc]pkg pkg            Use compiler-rt/clang-crossdev-wrapper package with given name
    -or, --ov-crt path       Overlay for compiler-rt ebuilds [default: search]
    -oc, --ov-ccw path       Overlay for clang-crossdev-wrapper ebuilds [default: search]

Target (-t) takes a tuple ARCHITECTURE-VENDOR-OS-LIBC; see 'crossdev -t help'

To see the supported architectures, C libraries, and special targets:

user $crossdev --target help
Target (-t) takes a tuple ARCHITECTURE-VENDOR-OS-LIBC:

Supported Architectures (ARCHITECTURE):
   - alpha
   - arm / armeb / aarch64
   - hppa (parisc)
   - ia64
   - i386 / i486 / i586 / i686 (x86)
   - m68k
   - mips / mipsel / mips64 / mips64el
   - or1k
   - powerpc (ppc) / powerpc64 (ppc64)
   - riscv32 / riscv64
   - sparc / sparc64
   - s390 / s390x
   - sh / sh[1-5] / sh64
   - x86_64 (amd64)
Supported C Libraries (LIBC):
   - glibc (gnu)
   - klibc       [prob wont work]
   - musl
   - newlib      [bare metal/no operating system]
   - uclibc      [not all arches are ported]
Special Targets (full tuple):
   - avr
   - bfin
   - h8300
   - mingw64
   - mmix
   - msp430
   - nds32
   - nios2
   - xc16x
   - ppu / spu (cell) [Cell/Playstation 3 targets]
Softfloat toolchains:
   Include 'softfloat' in the 'vendor' field
   e.g. armeb-softfloat-linux-uclibc  powerpc-booya_softfloat-linux-gnu

To build a cross toolchain, specify the target with the --target flag, such as:

root #crossdev --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

To use the host LLVM toolchain as a cross compiler instead of compiling a target specific GCC toolchain, use the --llvm flag.

root #crossdev --llvm --target aarch64-gentoo-linux-musl
It is currently not possible to compile glibc with LLVM/Clang, therefore any -gnu triplet will fail with the --llvm flag. There are also several CPU architectures not fully supported by the compiler-rt builtins library, which is needed for LLVM crossdev.
C++ and unwinding is currently not supported by LLVM crossdev, but it is planned for the near future. It is therefore recommended to set USE="-cxx" in the meantime.

Build packages with crossdev

To cross compile packages it is now possible to use emerge-$CHOST, using an aarch64 glibc cross compiler it would look like emerge-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu then use the Portage's commands as normal.

Set profiles

Profiles can be set like on normal system by doing the following.

First, list the available profiles:

root #PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu eselect profile list
  [1]  default/linux/arm64/23.0 (exp) *
  [2]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/hardened (exp)
  [3]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/hardened/selinux (exp)
  [4]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/hardened/selinux/systemd (exp)
  [5]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/desktop (exp)
  [6]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/desktop/gnome (exp)
  [7]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/desktop/gnome/systemd (exp)
  [8]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/desktop/plasma (exp)
  [9]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/desktop/plasma/systemd (exp)
  [10]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/desktop/systemd (exp)
  [11]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/systemd (exp)
  [12]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/llvm (exp)
  [13]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/llvm/systemd (exp)
  [14]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr (exp)
  [15]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/hardened (exp)
  [16]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/hardened/selinux (exp)
  [17]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/desktop (exp)
  [18]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/desktop/gnome (exp)
  [19]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/desktop/plasma (exp)
  [20]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/llvm (exp)
  [21]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/big-endian (exp)
  [23]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/big-endian/systemd (exp)
  [24]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/big-endian (exp)
  [25]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/musl (exp)
  [26]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/musl/llvm (exp)
  [27]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/musl/hardened (exp)
  [28]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/musl/hardened/selinux (exp)
  [29]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/musl (exp)
  [30]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/musl/llvm (exp)
  [31]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/musl/hardened (exp)
  [32]  default/linux/arm64/23.0/split-usr/musl/hardened/selinux (exp)

Then pick the required profile for the system needs.

root #PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu eselect profile set default/linux/arm64/23.0

Setting emerge options

crossdev allows the same configuration as /etc/portage by editing make.conf, package.use, package.accept_keywords etc in the /usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/etc/portage directory. See Portage documentation for more information.

Emerge a single package

To emerge a single package then just run:

root #emerge-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --ask app-editors/nano

Replacing the package with the one required for the system.

Emerge all the packages in system set

To emerge all packages in @system then run:

root #emerge-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --ask --verbose --oneshot @system

Binary packages

By default crossdev will create packages in /usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/var/binpkgs which can be used to set up a Binary Host to install packages on a much weaker system which would take days, if not weeks otherwise.

User Patches

Because crossdev makes the ebuilds via symlinks, the default patch directory becomes /etc/portage/patches/cross-${CTARGET}/${PN}/. For example, to apply foobar.patch to sys-libs/glibc on the target system, the patch file should be placed in in /etc/portage/patches/cross-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/glibc/foobar.patch.

17.x to 23.0 migration

Users that have cross toolchain profiles created for 17.x profiles are recommend to delete the cross compiler and then recreate them again using a 23.0 profile to prevent multiple issues and assure the correct USE flags are set.

Please follow below for removal steps then see Crossdev#Usage on how to create them again.

Toolchains for architectures Gentoo doesn't officially support

Sometimes a user needs to build a cross compiler for a CPU arch which isn't supported by Gentoo however the toolchain does.

Visit and find the current versions for the packages sys-devel/binutils, sys-devel/gcc and sys-libs/glibc or sys-libs/musl.


With these version we can force crossdev to use the required versions in this usage case with the following:

root #ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="**" crossdev -s4 --binutils 2.42-r2 --libc 2.39-r9 --gcc 14.1.1_p20240622 sh4-unknown-linux-gnu

ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="**" Tells portage to temporailty accept any architeure keyword.

--binutils Explicitly set the binutils version

--gcc Explicitly set the GCC version

--libc Explicitly set the Glibc or musl version (crossdev selects the correct libc based on the triple provided.)

sh4-unknown-linux-gnu Triple required for cross compiler.

This will build a very basic cross compiler without profile support.


Specifying the same machine-vendor-kernel-operating system as the host utils during removal could result in breakages that are irrecoverable without a proper backup method!
To remove a LLVM/Clang crossdev target you need to explicitly pass --llvm.
Optionally, please see make.conf for setting up regular backups via binpkg & Portage's built-in features!

To remove a crossdev-generated toolchain, set the --clean flag before the --target flag using the target tuple to remove, for example:

root #crossdev --clean --target arm-none-eabi
 * Uninstalling target 'arm-none-eabi' ...
*** unmerging cross-arm-none-eabi/newlib-4.1.0-r1
*** unmerging cross-arm-none-eabi/binutils-2.37_p1-r1
*** unmerging cross-arm-none-eabi/gcc-11.2.1_p20211127
 * gcc-config: Could not locate profile # !
Cleaning up masquerade for ccache ...
removed 'arm-none-eabi-gcc'
removed 'arm-none-eabi-gcc-11.2.1'
 * Removing last cross-compiler instance. Deleting dangling symlinks.
rm: cannot remove '/usr/arm-none-eabi/usr': Is a directory
/usr/arm-none-eabi: directory still exists; remove recursively? [y/N] y


root #emerge --ask --depclean --verbose sys-devel/crossdev

See also


  1. Gentoo Gitweb: "Crossdev Script"
  2. crossdev was originally written by: Joshua Kinard (kumba)