Grundlegende Anleitung zum Schreiben von Gentoo Ebuilds
Dies ist eine Anleitung zum Einstieg in das Schreiben von Ebuilds, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Portage zu nutzen, um noch mehr Software zu installieren und zu verwalten.
Write an ebuild to install a piece of software on Gentoo, when there are no suitable preexisting ebuilds. It's a relatively straight forward task, and is the only way to cleanly install most "third party" software system-wide. The ebuild will allow the package manager to track every file installed to the system, to allow clean updates and removal.
From the ebuild article: An ebuild file is a text file, usually stored in a repository, which identifies a specific software package and tells the Gentoo package manager how to handle it. Ebuilds use a bash-like syntax style and are standardized through the Package Manager Specification, by adhering to a specific EAPI version.
Ebuilds contain metadata about each version of a piece of available software (name, version number, license, home page address...), dependency information (both build-time and run-time), and instructions on how to build and install the software (configure, compile, build, install, test...).
Once an ebuild is working, it can be shared by submitting it in a pull request or in a separate ebuild repository and making it accessible publicly. With a little effort, ebuilds can be proposed and maintained in the GURU repository.
See the dev manual on writing ebuilds for full reference documentation. See the quick start to writing ebuilds in the dev manual for further examples of how to write ebuilds. See the ebuild article for explanations about ebuilds themselves, the ebuild repository article about what an ebuild repository is, and the creating an ebuild repository article on how to create them.
In order for ebuilds to be available to Portage, they are placed in an ebuild repository that is configured for Portage through /etc/portage/repos.conf (see the section on repository management for general information about working with ebuild repositories).
Create an ebuild repository to experiment in, while following on with this guide. The rest of the article will consider a repository in /var/db/repos/example_repository.
eselect repository macht die Erstellung eines Repositoriums einfach:
root #
eselect repository create example_repository
Ebuilds can be installed with the ebuild command, however this is not recommended - this command is for development purposes only. This article will use the ebuild command with the ebuild file for testing during development, but be sure to use the emerge command with an ebuild in a repository otherwise.
Wie erstellt man ein Ebuild
Ebuilds sind in ihrer einfachsten Form Textdateien. Alles, was man braucht um Ebuilds zu schreiben, ist ein Texteditor, um installierbare Softwarepakete für Gentoo bereitzustellen.
In this section, {CATEGORY}, {PN}, and {P} represent package category, package name, and package name and version, and are standard variables used in ebuilds. Together, these variables can represent a version specifier.
Some editors have optional ebuild functionality, in that case there skip to the appropriate section. Otherwise a skeleton ("template") may be used to get started quicker.
Start with the skeleton
If the editor does not have integrated ebuild functionality to help to start off, there is a skeleton ebuild file (skel.ebuild) located in the Gentoo ebuild repository. To start with that file as a base, simply copy it to an appropriate location (nano is used as the text editor in this example):
user $
mkdir --parents /var/db/repos/example_repository/{CATEGORY}/{PN}
user $
cp /var/db/repos/gentoo/skel.ebuild /var/db/repos/example_repository/{CATEGORY}/{PN}
user $
cd /var/db/repos/example_repository/{CATEGORY}/{PN}
user $
nano {P}.ebuild
Es gibt ein Vim-Plugin, das beim Erstellen einer leeren Ebuild-Datei automatisch mit einem Skelett beginnt.
Benutzer von vim erhalten das Grundgerüst automatisch (bereitgestellt von app-vim/gentoo-syntax):
user $
mkdir --parents /var/db/repos/example_repository/{CATEGORY}/{PN}
user $
cd /var/db/repos/example_repository/{CATEGORY}/{PN}
user $
vim {P}.ebuild
A similar tool is available for users of Emacs, provided by app-emacs/ebuild-mode or app-xemacs/ebuild-mode, depending on Emacs distribution.
Language server
There is a language server for gentoo ebuild.
Demonstration am Beispiel
In diesem Beispiel wird ein Ebuild für scrub, Version 2.6.1, erstellt (falls noch nicht vorhanden), um zu zeigen, wie ein typischer Prozess ablaufen könnte.
Legen Sie ein Verzeichnis für das Ebuild an, und zwar in dem zuvor angelegten Ebuild-Repositorium:
user $
mkdir -p /var/db/repos/example_repository/app-misc/scrub
Ändern Sie das Arbeitsverzeichnis der Shell in den neuen Pfad:
user $
cd /var/db/repos/example_repository/app-misc/scrub
Einige Shells, wie z.B. Bash, stellen den letzten Parameter des vorherigen Befehls in der Variablen "$_" zur Verfügung. Dies kann dazu verwendet werden, das neu erstellte Verzeichnis aufzurufen, ohne den Pfad auf der Kommandozeile anzugeben, sofern dies als direkt folgender Befehl verwendet wird.
user $
cd $_
This example will use Vim to create the ebuild file and provide a skeleton to serve as a basis to write the ebuild on, but use editor of choice (see previous section about using Emacs, or the skeleton file):
user $
vim ./scrub-2.6.1.ebuild
Add important information about the new package by setting the ebuild-defined variables: DESCRIPTION, HOMEPAGE, SRC_URI, LICENSE. Licenses like BSD-clause-3 which are not found in the tree might be mapped in metadata :
Bearbeiten einer neuen Datei aus einer Vorlage# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
DESCRIPTION="Einige Worte hier"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
This — with the omission of those lines with =""
— is the minimum information necessary to get something that will work. Ebuilds inheriting certain eclasses might come with a different set of minimal information, e.g. ant-jsch-1.10.9.ebuild. Save the file - voila an ebuild, in its most basic form, it's that simple!
Using the
variable inside SRC_URI
is allowed, though this is not necessarily best practice. While it may be shorter to type, there is some reasoning on why not to use it that may be worth consideration.
# Reads better as, e.g.
See this ebuild file format policy guide page for more recommendations.
Es ist möglich, das Holen und Entpacken der Upstream-Quellen durch das neue Ebuild zu testen, indem man den Befehl ebuild verwendet:
user $
GENTOO_MIRRORS="" ebuild ./scrub-2.6.1.ebuild manifest clean unpack
Appending /var/db/repos/customrepo to PORTDIR_OVERLAY... >>> Downloading '' --2023-03-03 23:35:13-- Resolving Connecting to||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: [following] --2023-03-03 23:35:13-- Resolving,,, ... Connecting to||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 362536 (354K) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: '/var/cache/distfiles/scrub-2.6.1.tar.gz.__download__' /var/cache/distfiles/scrub-2.6.1. 100%[============================================================>] 354.04K --.-KB/s in 0.08s 2023-03-03 23:35:13 (4.31 MB/s) - '/var/cache/distfiles/scrub-2.6.1.tar.gz.__download__' saved [362536/362536] * scrub-2.6.1.tar.gz BLAKE2B SHA512 size ;-) ... [ ok ] >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking scrub-2.6.1.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/scrub-2.6.1/work >>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/scrub-2.6.1/work
Dies sollte den Quell-Tarball ohne Fehler herunterladen und entpacken, wie in der Beispielausgabe zu sehen ist.
Für einige außergewöhnlich einfache Pakete wie dieses, die nicht gepatcht oder anderweitig weiter behandelt werden müssen, kann das Ebuild genau so funktionieren - ohne weitere Anpassungen.
Im Sinne einer optimalen Vorgehensweise kann die Testsuite bereits in dieser Phase durchgeführt werden - dies gilt insbesondere für die Anfangsphase:
root #
ebuild scrub-2.6.1.ebuild clean test install
Um das neue Ebuild tatsächlich auf dem System zu installieren, führen Sie aus:
root #
ebuild scrub-2.6.1.ebuild clean install merge
Patching von Upstream-Quellen in einem Ebuild
Der Patch wird dann in einem Array namens PATCHES
aufgelistet, wie es im Devmanual erklärt wird.
src_prepare() {
Verwenden Sie pkgcheck (dev-util/pkgcheck), um nach QA-Fehlern in einem Ebuild zu suchen:
user $
pkgcheck scan
Siehe auch
- GitHub Pull Requests — how to contribute to Gentoo by creating pull requests on GitHub.
- java-ebuilder — an experimental package being developed by Gentoo Java developers to generate initial ebuilds from Maven
files. - Notes on ebuilds with GUI
- Project:GURU — an official repository of new Gentoo packages that are maintained collaboratively by Gentoo users
- Project:Proxy_Maintainers/User_Guide/Style_Guide
- Project:Python — Die Python-Projekt Seiten enthalten Informationen zur Erstellung von Ebuilds für in Python geschriebene Pakete
- Project:X11/Ebuild_maintenance
- Proxied Maintainer FAQ
- Test environment
- Writing go Ebuilds — a short reference, intended to be read alongside Basic guide to write Gentoo Ebuilds and the go-module.eclass documentation
Externe Ressourcen
- Gentoo Richtlinien Leitfaden
- Schnellstart Ebuild Leitfaden
- Gentoo Entwicklungsleitfaden
- Michał Górny: Der ultimative Leitfaden zu EAPI 7
- man 1 ebuild - Die Manpage des Befehls ebuild.
- man 5 ebuild - Die Manpage zum ebuild-Dateiformat.
- repoman metadata && repoman full - Um auf QA-Fehler zu überprüfen, die QA-Schlüsselwörter werden im letzten Teil von man repoman erläutert..
- Das skel.ebuild
- Hinzufügen neuer Pakete über das Proxy-Maint-Projekt