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This article will provide information on setting up and using a webcam on Gentoo using v4l-utils.



KERNEL Enable Webcam support
Device Drivers --->
  LED Support --->
    {*} LED Class Support Search for <code>CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS</code> to find this item.
    <*> LED Flash Class Support Search for <code>CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS_FLASH</code> to find this item.
  <*> Multimedia support Search for <code>CONFIG_MEDIA_SUPPORT</code> to find this item. --->
    [*] Filter media drivers Search for <code>CONFIG_MEDIA_SUPPORT_FILTER</code> to find this item.
    Media device types --->
      [*] Cameras and video grabbers Search for <code>CONFIG_CAMERA_SUPPORT</code> to find this item.
    Video4Linux options --->
      <M> V4L2 flash API for LED flash class devices Search for <code>CONFIG_V4L2_FLASH_LED_CLASS</code> to find this item.
    Media drivers  ---> 
      [*] Media USB Adapters Search for <code>CONFIG_MEDIA_USB_SUPPORT</code> to find this item. ---> 
        <M> USB Video Class (UVC) Search for <code>CONFIG_USB_VIDEO_CLASS</code> to find this item.
        [*] UVC input events device support Search for <code>CONFIG_USB_VIDEO_CLASS_INPUT_EVDEV</code> to find this item.
To enable sound on webcams equipped with a microphone, separate options, such as "USB Audio/MIDI driver" (CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO), may need to be configured.

USE flags

Recommended USE flags for v4l include: opengl, qt5, and udev - at least qt5 will be needed to follow on with this article.

USE flags for media-libs/libv4l v4l-utils libraries and optional utilities

+utils Build the v4l-utils collection of utilities
bpf Enable support for IR BPF decoders
doc Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
dvb Add support for DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting)
jpeg Add JPEG image support
qt6 Add support for the Qt 6 application and UI framework
tracer Build the v4l2-tracer tool and library


Install media-libs/libv4l:

root #emerge --ask media-libs/libv4l

Additional software

There are several webcam viewer applications in the Gentoo ebuild repository, a few examples are:

Name Package Description
Cheese media-video/cheese Cheesy program to take pictures and videos from a webcam.
guvcview media-video/guvcview Simple Qt5 or GTK+3 interface for capturing and viewing video from v4l2 devices.
kamoso kde-apps/kamoso Application to take pictures and videos from a webcam, by KDE.
Motion media-video/motion Software motion detector.

Media players like VLC or mpv may be used to view or sometimes record video from a webcam.

See media-video for more video software.


v4l-utils is used here to check/set the camera's preferences.

Configuration GUI and settings test

Launch the v4l GUI:

user $qv4l2
The availability of the preceding command depends on the qt5 flag for the media-tv/v4l-utils package.

Get settings from video device

Example of using the video4linux control application to display supported video formats:

user $v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext

Settings example

Some Cheap USB Cameras (like integrated models in thinkpad latops) always use a 640x480 resolution but are able to use 720p, it is possible to set this in v4l2-ctl:

user $v4l2-ctl --set-parm=30 --set-fmt-video=width=1280,height=720,pixelformat=MJPG --device /dev/video0


--set-parm = Framerate (integer)

--set-fmt-video = Resolution + Compression

Check settings

Launch the v4l2 video capture viewer to test if the settings are working:

user $qvidcap
The availability of the preceding command depends on the qt5 flag for the media-tv/v4l-utils package.

Make options persistent

Getting device info:

root #lsusb | grep Cam
Bus 003 Device 007: ID '''5986''':'''0268''' Acer, Inc SunplusIT INC. Integrated Camera

Creating a rule:

FILE /etc/udev/rules.d/99-v4linux.rulesExample udev rule
SUBSYSTEM=="video4linux", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="5986", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0268", PROGRAM="/usr/bin/v4l2-ctl --set-parm=30 --set-fmt-video=width=1280,height=720,pixelformat=MJPG --device /dev/%k"

See also

  • v4l-utils — a set of utilities for handling media devices