User talk:Csfore/Blocks

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Formatting the ESP

root #mkfs.vfat -F 32

The -F32 is not required. both FAT16 and FAT32 are supposed to work. It the automatics decide to use FAT12, the partition is too small anyway. As given the command will fail. The black device to format is required. --NeddySeagoon (talk) 10:48, 15 June 2024 (UTC)

Fixed! The block device is missing because it's just a copy/paste from the handbook and we use variables for some block devices (the esp in this case)
--csfore (talk) 14:44, 31 July 2024 (UTC)

UEFI systems

root #root mkdir
root #root mount

Will both fail as given. Where is the directoy to be made? What is to be mounted where. --NeddySeagoon (talk) 10:58, 15 June 2024 (UTC)

As referenced above, this is just a copy/paste from the Handbook so it would be easier to transplant the sections into their blocks so the variables are missing
--csfore (talk) 14:45, 31 July 2024 (UTC)

ESP Mounting

The ESP can be mounted anywhere in the chroot when installing. Convention was /boot/EFI. Now its /EFI. It can be anywhere as long as you tell grub where it is when grub is installed there. It only ever needs to be mounted to change its content. It's never mounted during the boot process. --NeddySeagoon (talk) 10:58, 15 June 2024 (UTC)

I'm not qualified to comment on the rest. --NeddySeagoon (talk) 10:58, 15 June 2024 (UTC)