User:Ris/notes/installation notes
This is just some personal notes, please ignore this page.
whats on minimal cd, vs admincd ? what admin cd for ?
is other linux distro installation "supported" or just possible ?
boot cd does not give time to choose keymap
keymap selection not work
passwd root says "pick this as password" but how ???
when connect to root ssh of boot cd, msg says "The root password on this system has been auto-scrambled for security." & "To start an ssh server" : shouldnt
no man on installcd
why must mkdir --parents /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/repos.conf ?
after chroot, accessible commands change, no vi for ex
nb action now act on actual installation
emerge-webrsync very slow, says "Syncing local tree ..." for long time
spacify No-multilib not recommended in hb 'installing base sys'
cpuid2cpuflags during install ?
katp32 "the handbook seems to be outdated on its timezone-setting instructions for openrc, as `emerge --config timezone-data` mimics the instructions given for systemd and then deletes /etc/timezone"
Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Base#Timezone could maybe just say symlink for both openrc and systemd
echo "UTC" > /etc/timezone
suggest os prober ?
gpt to mbr correction : mount mount -a fdisk /dev/vda (monvert boot from efi to linux type) mount umount /boot partprobe /dev/vda em parted gdisk /dev/vda em sys-apps/gptfdisk efibootmgr ls /sys/firmware/efi grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot v /etc/mtab
explain to CHECK with CLI if bios or uefi ?
nb, cannot & should not ssh as root, use wheel usr - but can with livecd
mention difference between installation env network and final installation network config
it is important to understand, when installing following the handbook, what gets installed and why. when the stage3 tarball is copied to the destination system, it will provides a selection of packages to provision a workable envrionmet after reboot. Some of theses packages are part of the system set, defined by the selected profile (though currently, all profiles often have the same system set). other packages are provided to satisfy virrtual package dependencies that are part of the system set. if alternatives to these dependancies are explicitly installed at a later date, emerce --depclean may uninstall the package ogiginilly installed to satisfy the virtual dependancy. always check depclean packages before uninstallation. to keep a package that would be unmerged after installation of an alternative that satisfies the virtual dependancy, emerge --? packagename.
g is not "click and run" - it requires the new user to use their brain :). to installl gentoo, the user must understand how things work, and think about how they will install it, to meet their needs. the process uses the command line, as will system maintenance throughout the lifetime of the installtion.
the cli may seem a little austere to some, but if this 70yo tool is still used today, be assured that it is in no way down to habbit or the unwillingness of developpers over the years to make an alternative. the fact is that the command line remains today the most powerful, flexable, precice and useful way for a professional user to interact with any machine - and this has been true sice it's inception by computer scientists at * in *,
similarly, if G installtion is using the cli and following the H ist still the reccomended way to do things, it is not because of resistence to change, but really is down to the instrinsic advantages of using the command line for this. installation scripts and GUIs have come and gone over the years, and so have graphical Portage tools, and the reason for them often not gaining much traction, is surely much down to the sacrifices that must be made to ridgidify the installtion to create "of the shelf", easier to use tools.
if the cli installtion may require more involvement, reading, and understanding than a "next, next" installer, the advantages of control and leaning/understanding have led the project to retain this for more than two decades now. thus, the installaion process will allow many wildly different configurations on exceptionaly diverse hardware. the necesaery understanding gained through the process will serve professional users throughout their career, not just for Gentoo, but for UnixLike systems (which is most modern OSs), and for computer use in general.