User:Pietinger/New at Gentoo

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Even though this page is in the user namespace, corrections and additions are much appreciated! This is simply wiki policy, this page can be moved to the main wiki as soon as it achieves critical mass more.

I wrote this article so that I can link to it in the Gentoo forums if users have questions about it.

Initial Installation

The most important thing you need to know about Gentoo before you try to install it:

Take your time !

Installing Gentoo will take longer than installing a binary Linux distribution ... and you will also need more time for reading manuals, because your normal Linux knowledge is not (yet) sufficient. Plan several days.

Before you jump into Handbook:AMD64 to install Gentoo, I would like to recommend a few things:

First, read this fabulous article by our famous wiki editor @maffblaster (in my opinion, it should actually be the first page in our Handbook):

and right after that these articles:

Secondly, even if you want to use a manually configured kernel, you should first install the precompiled kernel image sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin because you can then select it at any time via the boot manager and thus have a backup kernel when your manually configured kernel causes problems. This is the first option in Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Kernel.

If you have never configured a kernel manually, I recommend you read this first - including all the linked articles: User:Pietinger/Tutorials/Manual_kernel_configuration

Now you should have a better basis for deciding whether you want to go down this path.

If you are unsure which option to choose here: Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Bootloader then I would recommend:

For an OpenRC system use grub - for a systemd system use systemd-boot.

Don't worry if you want to boot your kernel directly via UEFI, you can always install "Alternative 2: EFI Stub" later. Just read User:Pietinger/Tutorials/Boot_kernel_via_UEFI after you have completed all installation steps.

However, a boot manager to start with is very handy in case you have a problem with a new / your manually configured kernel.

It might be helpful to have the following quick guide printed out next to you while reading the Handbook:AMD64 and to compare it (and to copy the commands from there if you are unsure somewhere): User:Pietinger/Draft/Quick_Installation_OpenRC_for_an_UEFI_System

Pause during Installation

Thirdly, you can take a break at any time during the initial installation to continue the next day. If you are at any step after this one:


and before you have completed this step:


you can pause by executing both in reverse order:

Instead of a reboot, you naturally perform a

root #shutdown -h now

and if you want start the next day you boot again: Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Booting_the_installation_media

and do these steps again = Chrooting into your Gentoo system:

1. Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Disks#Mounting_the_root_partition =>

root #mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo

2. Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Base#Mounting_the_necessary_filesystems =>

root #arch-chroot /mnt/gentoo

3. Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Base#Entering_the_new_environment =>

root #source /etc/profile

4. Mount your boot partition OR your ESP, depending if you use old BIOS boot or UEFI boot - Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Base#Preparing_for_a_bootloader =>

root #mount /dev/sda1 /efi

Now continue where you left off yesterday ;-)

These steps are also necessary to switch back to your installation when your system does not boot after Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Bootloader#Rebooting_the_system.