User:Jens3/Setting the default audio device

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After a reboot I was unable to play sound, neither with Firefox nor with mplayer. By random I realized that [c]vlc was working. leio recommended the player media-video/mpv.

user $ mpv --audio-device=help

Playing videos with the following worked:

user $ mpv --audio-device=alsa/sysdefault:CARD=b1 <filename>

The default sound config has changed somehow and differs between my user and root:

user $amixer info
Card default 'pulse'/'PulseAudio'
  Mixer name    : 'PulseAudio'
  Components    : ''
  Controls      : 4
  Simple ctrls  : 2
root #amixer info
Card default 'b1'/'bcm2835 HDMI 1'
  Mixer name    : 'Broadcom Mixer'
  Components    : ''
  Controls	: 2
  Simple ctrls  : 1

ALSA in the gentoo wiki.