User:Jens3/Compiling big packages
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This page is obsolete, since there is Knowledge_Base:Emerge_out_of_memory
The Raspberry Pi 400 has 4GB RAM and 4 cores. To calculate how many threads should be possible use as a thumb of rule: about 1 thread per core but not more then RAM/2GB and at least one thread. The Pi400 has 4 cores but only (4 GB/2GB)=2 threads are recommended.
Using LTO may lead to a higher RAM usage.
Some programms need more RAM then 2GB per thread. A useful list of big programs can be found at Portage_TMPDIR_on_tmpfs, though that wiki site is for using more RAM to build with a tmp dir in RAM. If you compile packages which need much ram you can add -j1 on a per package base to use less ram.
I use the following configuration to compile some packages with just one thread:
package.env example for -j1 per packageapp-office/libreoffice one-make-thread.conf
dev-db/mysql one-make-thread.conf
dev-java/icedtea one-make-thread.conf
dev-lang/ghc one-make-thread.conf
dev-lang/mono one-make-thread.conf
dev-lang/rust one-make-thread.conf
dev-lang/spidermonkey one-make-thread.conf
dev-qt/qtwebengine one-make-thread.conf
mail-client/thunderbird one-make-thread.conf
sci-libs/tensorflow one-make-thread.conf
sys-devel/gcc one-make-thread.conf
www-client/chromium one-make-thread.conf
www-client/firefox one-make-thread.conf
one-make-thread.conf example for -j1 per packageMAKEOPTS="-j1"
#LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--no-keep-memory" # uses less memory but creates more IO