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=dev-util/catalyst-9999 **2==/etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
test: /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
-, Liens
-, Gentoo_Wiki:Guidelines#Block-level_layout_elements
- test3
catalyst.conf file option list
The following table provides a list of catalyst.conf file options and their descriptions.
Option | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
digests | Creates a .DIGESTS file containing the hash output from each of the selected hashes. To see a list of supported hashes, run $ python3 -c 'import hashlib; print(hashlib.algorithms_available)'. Example: digests = ["blake2b", "sha512"] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
envscript | envscript file allows users to set options such as http proxies, MAKEOPTS, GENTOO_MIRRORS, or any other environment variables needed for building. The envscript file sets environment variables like so: export FOO="bar". Example: envscript = "/etc/catalyst/catalystrc" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
options | options sets different of the below listed build-time options for catalyst. Example: options = ["ccache", "keepwork"]
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port_logdir | port_logdir is where all build logs will be kept. This directory will be automatically cleaned of ALL files over 7 days old. If left undefined the logs will remain in the build directory and get cleaned every time a stage build is restarted. Example: port_logdir = "/var/tmp/catalyst/logs"
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var_tmpfs_portage | var_tmpfs_portage will mount a tmpfs for /var/tmp/portage so building takes place in RAM this feature requires a pretty large tmpfs ({open,libre}office needs ~8GB to build) WARNING: If you use too much RAM everything will fail horribly and it is not our fault. Set size of /var/tmp/portage tmpfs in gigabytes. Example: var_tmpfs_portage = 16 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
jobs | Integral value passed to emerge as the parameter to --jobs and is used to define MAKEOPTS during the target build. Example: jobs = 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
load-average | Floating-point value passed to emerge as the parameter to --load-average and is used to define MAKEOPTS during the target build. Example: load-average = 4.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
binhost | If you want catalyst to drop a binrepos.conf into /etc/portage, then define the binhost here. This value is concatenated with the configuration option binrepo_path in the spec file to obtain the src-uri. Example: binhost = "" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
subarch | The subarch simply sets the CHOST and CFLAGS /CXXFLAGS accordingly for the system, finer tuning can be achieved by looking in the toml files located in /usr/share/catalyst/arch.
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version_stamp | The version stamp is used as an identifier for the build. On the autobuilds the date is utilized for this setting, however it can be anything the user desires. This parameter will be used on the output tarball, (${target} -${ARCH} -${version_stamp} .tar.bz2), temporary directories, etc...
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pkgcache_path | This allows the optional directory containing the output packages for catalyst. Mainly used as a way for different .spec files to access the same cache directory. Default behavior is for this location to be auto-generated by catalyst based on the .spec file. |