User:0xdc/Drafts/KDE IME

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Assumptions: you've installed KDE plasma via the profile and kde-plasma/plasma-meta, you run plasma from SDDM, and you're looking to read/write Japanese.
IBus' keyboard layout selection is more limited than KDE's available keyboard layouts.

Add USE=ibus to your global use flags. This affects kde-plasma/plasma-desktop, dev-qt/qtgui and media-libs/libsdl2.

FILE /etc/portage/make.conf

In addition to rebuilding world packages, you'll need your IBus engine.

IBus has an emoji picker, you'll need the emoji fonts to view it properly. The droid fonts contain glyphs for other languages. Since KDE plasma already has a dependency on noto, these fonts are complimentary.

Packages & alternatives
Purpose Selected Alternatives
Engine app-i18n/ibus-anthy See IBus article
Emoji font media-fonts/noto-emoji
Non-Latin font media-fonts/droid See Fontconfig & Japanese fonts articles
Loader app-i18n/imsettings setting it up manually
root #emerge --ask --update --deep --changed-use @world app-i18n/ibus-anthy app-i18n/imsettings media-fonts/noto-emoji media-fonts/droid
As an alternative to adding noto-emoji to your world file, set kde-plasma/plasma-desktop[emoji] to pull it in as a dependency.

While you can do it by other methods, I find using imsettings is much easier to set the required environment variables and run the daemon.

user $test -d ~/.config/imsettings || mkdir -p ~/.config/imsettings
user $ln -s /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/ibus.conf ~/.config/imsettings/xinputrc

Then log out and log back in.