Trusted Boot
Trusted Boot, specifically Intel Trusted Execution Technology (TXT) is Intel's implementation of the Dynamic Root of Trust. This technology can be used and enabled on Gentoo Linux.
Using Trusted Boot on your system is currently only recommended for development purposes. In particular, the current implementation sys-boot/tboot is implemented as Compatibility Source Module (CSM) and does not fully support UEFI. UEFI variables are not accessible. Trusted Boot is also incompatible with Secure Boot.
TXT, TPM, and Trust Concepts
Trusted Platform Module
This is the hardware (or, especially on newer computers, firmware) that can store measurements, data, as well as decrypt and sign data. The TPM is limited in power and storage - it can only handle small of data (keys, counters, bitmaps), a has small amount for NVRAM (around 16k is typical), and is slow - TPM operations have a noticeable delay.
Platform Configuration Registers (PCR)
Measurement are stored here. There are 24 PCRs, some of which are reserved. They can't be written to in the standard sense, instead, they are "extended", under the following formula:
PCR(new) = H(PCR(old) || H(data))
H is a secure hash function like SHA-1 or SHA-256, || is the concatenation operator (not logical OR). This operation is neither communicative nor associative. The only way to get a PCR to particular value to measure the same data in the same order as originally.
Static Root of Trust
Under the Static Root of Trust, the first program run on the PC is core root of trust measurement (or CRTM). It then measures the BIOS and extends PCR0 with its contents (Note: Any identifying information, like serial numbers, asset tags, etc are omitted from the data measured. This a group of identical devices configured identically with have the same PCR values). The BIOS then measure other data and extends the appropriate PCRs. Then it invokes bootloader (which may, in turn, extend PCRs as well) and load the operating system. The trust of the system depends on each component above it.
Dynamic Root of Trust
Under the Dynamic Root of Trust, everything starts out the same as the Static Root of Trust. However, after the operating system is chosen but before its loaded, a special program is loaded. A special program - called the Authenticated Code Module (ACM) is loaded. This program acts as a "scout", verifying the various firmware an creating a secure enclave (in processors that support SGX, that is used, if it doesn't it does so through an unspecified mechanism). If everything checks and and the area is secure, it resets PCRs 17-23 (something only this code is allowed to do - in TPM terms Locality 4 is used, and proceeds with the step
TXT Errors
TXT does not deal with mismatches or errors gracefully. If an error occurs any time during the TXT process, (until tboot gains control) a TXT Abort is executed. The does a soft restart of the computer. Fortunately, the TXT error register is NOT cleared upon a soft reboot, so its possible to retrieve the last TXT error and decode it.
Measured Launch Elements
TXT works with a special structure that consists of Measured Launch Elements. There are 5 elements: mle (Measured Launch Environment) , pcr (Platform Control Register), custom (can be anything, but in this case is tboot-private data to set up the Verified Launch), sbios, and stm (SMI Transfer Monitor) but only the first 3 of them will be used. The other 2 elements are not useful in defining a Platform Owner policy. sbios only has an effect in the Platform Suppier policy, and stm element does not exist in production.
Kernel and BIOS configuration
Kernel Config
The important kernel options are:
The wording will vary,but at least hardware virtualization, Intel VT-d, Intel TXT. For TPM 1.2 the TPM needs to be enabled and active. CSM support must also be enabled, due the way sys-boot/tboot is implemented.
Install tboot and obtain ACM
Installation of tboot
Installing tboot is simple:
root #
emerge sys-boot/tboot
Note that sys-boot/tboot does not have stable keywords, so please see Knowledge Base:Accepting a keyword for a single package .
Downloading the Authenticated Code Mode (ACM)
Download the appropriate ACM if its not already BIOS (no harm if it is, the newest version is automatically used). The official URL is TXT-supporting processors not listed at that site have the ACM built into the BIOS. Extract the ACM from archive and extract into /boot . Note the name of the module is important so the grub scripts can find it.
Run grub-install and reboot
root #
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
root #
shutdown -r now
Run txt-stat
root #
Intel(r) TXT Configuration Registers: STS: 0x00018091 senter_done: TRUE sexit_done: FALSE mem_config_lock: FALSE private_open: TRUE locality_1_open: TRUE locality_2_open: TRUE ESTS: 0x00 txt_reset: FALSE E2STS: 0x0000000000000006 secrets: TRUE ERRORCODE: 0x00000000 DIDVID: 0x00000001b0018086 vendor_id: 0x8086 device_id: 0xb001 revision_id: 0x1 FSBIF: 0x0000000000000000 QPIIF: 0x000000009d003000 SINIT.BASE: 0xdf700000 SINIT.SIZE: 131072B (0x20000) HEAP.BASE: 0xdf720000 HEAP.SIZE: 917504B (0xe0000) DPR: 0x00000000df800041 lock: TRUE top: 0xdf800000 size: 4MB (4194304B) PUBLIC.KEY: 99 9c 2b ef 5f c4 d8 82 77 43 42 10 f4 ae d4 02 95 0d 33 33 50 b6 1c 3d db ff a1 6f 3f d5 d3 d1 *********************************************************** TXT measured launch: TRUE secrets flag set: TRUE ***********************************************************
If the bottom says "TXT measured launch: TRUE" it worked. If it does not, sure the ACM is correct for the processor, that it is named properly, and is in /boot.
Create /etc/defaults/grub-tboot
Optional, but we'll need it later:
Variables understood by the grub tboot scripts#GRUB_CMDLINE_TBOOT='logging=serial,memory,vga'
One change is recommend making is this:
GRUB_CMDLINE_TBOOT='pcr_map=da logging=serial,memory,vga'
The addition of pcr_map=da
changes the way PCR are filled. PCR 17 is extended with the details , and PCR 18 is extended with the authorities. Because the authorities rarely change, PCR 18 will be more stable and easier to seal under, whereas any configuration change will change PCR 17. Additionally old (legacy) way no longer supported by Intel.
Setup tboot - TPM 1.2
Install and start needed utilities and service
root #
emerge dev-crypt/tpm-utils
Enable tscd (OpenRC)
root #
rc-update add tcsd default
root #
rc-service tcsd start
Enable tcsd (systemd)
root #
systemctl enable --now tcsd
Take ownership of the TPM (to set an owner password, which should really be done, leave off the -y . The SRK MUST NOT have password, or tboot will hang on resume, so -z must remain
user $
tpm_takeownership -y -z
To change the owner password later:
user $
tpm_changeownerauth -o -z # if an owner password exists drop -z. To clear the owner password, add -r
Setting the Launch Control Policy
Now here be dragons. There a lot of "magic numbers" beyond this point. Some will typed in blindly, without knowing what they means, others looked up in a table, and other guessed
First, lets create workspace for out output files. They'll be quite a few.
user $
mkdir ~/tboot-files
user $
chmod 700 ~/tboot-files
user $
cd ~/tboot-files
Step 1: Measuring tboot and the tboot command line
First, we have to take a hash of the tboot command line and the tboot binary. By, default the options "logging=serial,memory,vga"
are passed to tboot
user $
lcp2_mlehash --create --alg sha1 --cmdline "logging=serial,memory,vga" /boot/tboot.gz > mle_hash
user $
lcp2_crtpolelt --create --type mle --minver 17 --out mle.elt mle_hash
This defines the first Measured Launch Element. The --minver 17
is a requirement of tboot.
Step 2: Measure PCR (optional)
The legacy PCONF element does NOT seem to work properly as of tboot-1.10.3, it results in a TXT abort (error 0xc0111c61 - something wrong with the size of the element) Therefore, skip this element for now.
Just like objects in the TPM, boot can "locked" certain PCR values. If the PCR values do not match, TXT will abort. It is recommend to protect at least PCR0, to protect against BIOS corruption attacks
user $
grep ^PCR-00 < /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/device/pcrs | sed -e 's/^PCR-0//' -e 's/[[:space:]]//g' > pcr0.txt
user $
echo "locality:0x1f" | cat - pcr0.txt > pcrs.txt
user $
lcp2_crtpolelt --create --type pconf pcrs.txt --out pconf.elt
The value for "Locality" was fetched from the tboot sources as the default.
user $
grep ^PCR-00 < /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/device/pcrs | sed -e 's/^PCR-0//' -e 's/[[:space:]]//g' > pcr0.txt
user $
grep ^PCR-07 < /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/device/pcrs | sed -e 's/^PCR-0//' -e 's/[[:space:]]//g' > pcr7.txt
user $
echo "locality:0x1f" | cat - pcr0.txt pcr7.txt > pcrs.txt
user $
lcp2_crtpolelt --create --type pconf pcrs.txt --out pconf.elt
Step 3: Create Verified Launch Policy.
There is where tboot comes into play. The other 4 MLE types are parsed by the ACM, now tboot gets control and processes its elements. First to create an empty verified launch policy.
user $
tb_polgen --create --alg sha1 --type continue vl.pol
Note that on a production machine one of the other types should be used, but for development purposes this is fine.
Now to tell tboot about the kernel and initramfs to be verified. Remember, that the tboot grub scripts will append intel_iommu=on noefi
to the kernel command line. Unfortunately tboot can only verify a single kernel, thus its not possible to pick from multiple kernels with a single .
user $
tb_polgen --add --num 0 --pcr 19 --hash image --cmdline "$(cut -d' ' -f2- </proc/cmdline)" --image "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" vl.pol
user $
tb_polgen --add --num 1 --pcr 20 --hash image --image "/boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img" vl.pol
The verified launch policy needs to be wrapped inside an element:
user $
lcp2_crtpolelt --create --type custom --out vl.elt --uuid tboot vl.pol
Step 4: Create a TXT policy with the created elements
The elements needs to be combined into a list:
user $
lcp2_crtpollist --create --listver 0x100 --out list_unsig.lst mle.elt pconf.elt vl.elt
The --listver 0x100
is required here for TPM 1.2. This creates an unsigned list. Signed lists are preferred, otherwise, every time the policy is updated, the NVRAM of the TPM needs to be written to with the new hash of the list. With signed lists, a hash of the key is used instead of the list itself, thus only requiring the initial write. So create a keypair:
user $
openssl genpkey -out tboot.priv -algorithm rsa
user $
openssl rsa -in tboot.priv -pubout -out
Keep these keys secure, ideally there would be a password on them and maybe they'd be stored in HSM (Hardware Security Module), but for now, this is suitable for a development platform.
Now sign the list:
user $
cp list_unsig.lst list_sig.lst
user $
lcp2_crtpollist --sign --sigalg rsa --hashalg sha1 --pub --priv tboot.priv --out list_sig.lst
Create the objects to be passed to tboot and written to the TPM:
user $
lcp2_crtpol --create --alg sha1 --polver 2.2 --type list --pol list.pol --data list_sig.lst
MUST be specified (otherwise, it spits out Error: LCPv3 signing alg mask not supported or not specified
) but its value depends on the CPU and BIOS. Its another "magic number" that may require some guessing. The version was provided in the provided ChangeLog for the ACM
Step 5: Write to TPM and setup Verified Launch
2 indexes must be defined in the TPM. This only needs to be done once.
user $
tpm_nvdefine -s 0x8 -i 0x20000002 -p 'AUTHREAD|AUTHWRITE' # Need to double check permissions
user $
tpm_nvdefine -s 0x36 -i 0x40000001 -p OWNERWRITE -y # If the owner password is set, use the -o option instead
More magic numbers. tboot stores the last TXT error at 0x20000002
. Defining it is optional but helpful. 0x40000001
is where TXT is going to look for the Platform Owner policy list. It is required.
Once done, the policy needs to be written to the TPM. If using signed lists, this only needs to be done once (unless the key is changed)
user $
tpm_nvwrite -f list.pol -i 0x40000001 -z # Use -p if the owner password set
Completing GRUB configuration
Copy to boot. Note that contents of this file will change any time a policy changes.
root #
cp /boot
Edit /etc/defaults/grub-tboot
And finally, update the grub config file
root #
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Reboot the computer and choose the tboot option in GRUB, then pick the kernel for verified launch. If it works, the computer should come up normally. If it fails, a TXT Abort will likely occur, in which case, see below.
PCRs 17-20 should be populated from tboot.
user $
cat /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/pcrs
The exact values will vary from system to system, of course. To seal some data using the SRK against PCR18 (make sure there's a backup)
user $
echo "secret" | tpm_sealdata -p18 -z
Setup tboot - TPM 2.0
TODO (Don't have the hardware)
Troubleshooting and FAQ
Diagnosing failure with txt-parse_err
If a TXT Abort occurs, fear not. Start the kernel without TXT. The error will be preserved across a reboot (but not a hard poweroff). Run the following:
root #
ERRORCODE: 0xc00b1c61 AC module error : acm_type=0x1, progress=0x06, error=0x7
The archive that the ACM was extracted from contains a list of error code, of which this partially decodes. "Progress" corresponds to the "Class Code", "Error" corresponds to the "Major Code", the "Minor Code" isn't decoded, but in this case its 0xb. That corresponds to "Invalid list version." This particular example was caused by the wrong list version (0x200 instead of 0x100).
Reboot and hangs
Reboot is how TXT deals with errors. See above for getting the error code. Sometimes it'll hang. That usually means /boot/ doesn't reflect the current configuration - this will often happen after a configuration change. The last steps are to run lcp2_crtpol
and copy the resulting file into /boot.