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FILE ~/.muttrc.muttrc 예제 파일
# character set on sent messages
set send_charset="utf-8"
# if there is no character set given on incoming messages, it is probably windows
set assumed_charset="iso-8859-1"
# make sure Vim knows Mutt is a mail client and that a UTF-8 encoded message will be composed
set editor="vim -c 'set syntax=mail ft=mail enc=utf-8'"
# just scroll one line instead of full page
set menu_scroll=yes
# we want to see some MIME types inline, see below this code listing for explanation
auto_view application/msword
auto_view application/pdf
# make default search pattern to search in To, Cc and Subject
set simple_search="~f %s | ~C %s | ~s %s"
# threading preferences, sort by threads
set sort=threads
set strict_threads=yes
# show spam score (from SpamAssassin only) when reading a message
spam "X-Spam-Score: ([0-9\\.]+).*" "SA: %1"
set pager_format = " %C - %[%H:%M] %.20v, %s%* %?H? [%H] ?"
# do not show all headers, just a few
ignore          *
unignore        From To Cc Bcc Date Subject
# and in this order
unhdr_order     *
hdr_order       From: To: Cc: Bcc: Date: Subject:
# brighten up stuff with colors, for more coloring examples see:
color normal      white          black
color hdrdefault  green          default
color quoted      green          default
color quoted1     yellow         default
color quoted2     red            default
color signature   cyan           default
color indicator   brightyellow   red
color error       brightred      default
color status      brightwhite    blue
color tree        brightmagenta  black
color tilde       blue           default
color attachment  brightyellow   default
color markers     brightred      default
color message     white          black
color search      brightwhite    magenta
color bold        brightyellow   default
# if you don't like the black progress bar at the bottom of the screen,
# comment out the following line
color progress    white          black
# personality settings
set realname = "Larry the cow"
set from = "larry@mail.server"
alternates "larry@mail.server|larry.the.cow@mail.server"
# this file must exist, and contains your signature, comment it out if
# you don't want a signature to be used
set signature = ~/.signature
# aliases (sort of address book)
source ~/.aliases
# IMAP connection settings
set mail_check=60
set imap_keepalive=300
# IMAP account settings
set folder=imaps://larry@imap.mail.server/
set spoolfile=imaps://larry@imap.mail.server/
set record=imaps://larry@imap.mail.server/Sent
set postponed=imaps://larry@imap.mail.server/Drafts
# use headercache for IMAP (make sure this is a directory for better performance!)
set header_cache=/var/tmp/.mutt
# uncomment this to enable the sidebar feature
#set sidebar_visible = yes
set sidebar_width = 15
set sidebar_folder_indent = yes
set sidebar_short_path = yes
# make the progress updates not that expensive, this will update the bar every 300ms
set read_inc = 1
set time_inc = 300
# only if you compiled Mutt with USE=gpgme, enable the gpgme backend
set crypt_use_gpgme = yes
# you can set this to hide gpg's verification output and only rely on Mutt's status flag
#set crypt_display_signature = no
# enable signing of emails by default
set pgp_autosign = yes
set pgp_sign_as = 0xXXXXXXXX   # your gpg keyid here
set pgp_replyencrypt = yes

# mailboxes we want to monitor for new mail
mailboxes "="
mailboxes "=Lists"
# mailing lists for a Gentoo user (these are regexps!)
subscribe "gentoo-.*@gentoo\\.org"
# SMTP mailing configuration (for sending mail)
set smtp_url=smtp://larry@mail.server/