shellinabox allows access to the command-line from web based terminal emulator. It is useful for web-based administrator access to a system. It is accessible to any JavaScript and CSS enabled web browser and does not require any additional browser plugins.[1].
Connections to shellinaboxd are not secure unless SSL/TLS certificates have been installed or generated.
USE flags
root #
emerge --ask www-misc/shellinabox
Securing the connection
The default configuration exposes a login shell with SSL disabled on the localhost interface only.
Information about the procedure for generating self-signed SSL certificates is explained here.
To generate an SSL certificate for use shellinabox the following commands can be issued:
root #
cd /etc/shellinabox/cert
root #
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
root #
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
root #
cp server.key
root #
openssl rsa -in -out server.key
root #
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
root #
cat server.crt server.key > certificate.pem
For Gentoo user convenience, the ebuild maintainer has provided the above commands in a file located here: /etc/shellinabox/cert/gen_ssl_cert.bash
This script can simply be executed in order to generate the SSL certificate:
root #
cd /etc/shellinabox/cert
root #
bash gen_ssl_cert.bash
Add the service to the default runlevel:
root #
rc-update add shellinaboxd default
Start the service now:
root #
rc-service shellinaboxd start
To start the service at boot:
root #
systemctl enable shellinaboxd
Start the service now:
root #
systemctl start shellinaboxd
After the service is running, open a web browser to the IP address of the system and port 4200
user $
firefox http://localhost:4200
root #
shellinaboxd --help
Usage: shellinaboxd [OPTIONS]... Starts an HTTP server that serves terminal emulators to AJAX enabled browsers. List of command line options: -b, --background[=PIDFILE] run in background -c, --cert=CERTDIR set certificate dir (default: $PWD) --cert-fd=FD set certificate file from fd --css=FILE attach contents to CSS style sheet --cgi[=PORTMIN-PORTMAX] run as CGI -d, --debug enable debug mode -f, --static-file=URL:FILE serve static file from URL path -g, --group=GID switch to this group (default: nogroup) -h, --help print this message --linkify=[none|normal|aggressive] default is "normal" --localhost-only only listen on --no-beep suppress all audio output -n, --numeric do not resolve hostnames -m, --messages-origin=ORIGIN allow iframe message passing from origin --pidfile=PIDFILE publish pid of daemon process -p, --port=PORT select a port (default: 4200) -s, --service=SERVICE define one or more services -t, --disable-ssl disable transparent SSL support --disable-ssl-menu disallow changing transport mode --disable-utmp-logging disable logging to utmp and wtmp -q, --quiet turn off all messages --unixdomain-only=PATH:USER:GROUP:CHMOD listen on unix socket -u, --user=UID switch to this user (default: nobody) --user-css=STYLES defines user-selectable CSS options -v, --verbose enable logging messages --version prints version information --disable-peer-check disable peer check on a session Debug, quiet, and verbose are mutually exclusive. One or more --service arguments define services that should be made available through the web interface: SERVICE := <url-path> ':' APP APP := 'LOGIN' | 'SSH' [ : <host> ] | USER ':' CWD ':' CMD USER := 'AUTH' | <username> ':' <groupname> CWD := 'HOME' | <dir> CMD := 'SHELL' | <cmdline> <cmdline> supports variable expansion: ${columns} - number of columns ${gid} - gid id ${group} - group name ${home} - home directory ${lines} - number of rows ${peer} - name of remote peer ${realip} - value of HTTP header field 'X-Real-IP' ${uid} - user id ${url} - the URL that serves the terminal session ${user} - user name One or more --user-css arguments define optional user-selectable CSS options. These options show up in the right-click context menu: STYLES := GROUP { ';' GROUP }* GROUP := OPTION { ',' OPTION }* OPTION := <label> ':' [ '-' | '+' ] <css-file> OPTIONs that make up a GROUP are mutually exclusive. But individual GROUPs are independent of each other.
root #
emerge --ask --depclean --verbose www-misc/shellinabox
See also
- Bash — the default shell on Gentoo systems and a popular shell program found on many Linux systems.
- Ssh — the ubiquitous tool for logging into and working on remote machines securely.
External resources
- - A guide on setting up shellinabox.