SELinux/Users and logins

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In an SELinux context, the first part is called the SELinux user. The purpose of a SELinux user is to have an immutable part in a context (i.e. one that the user cannot change himself) both to assist in auditing (who did what) as well as access controls (users cannot work around SELinux user based restrictions). But a SELinux user is not the same as a Linux account. For that, user mappings are put in place that map a Linux user to a SELinux user.


The relation between SELinux users, Linux accounts, SELinux roles and the supported domains is shown in the following drawing.

SELinux users.png

SELinux users

A SELinux user is an identifier that administrators can use to limit which SELinux roles can be used. A Linux account is mapped to one (and only one) SELinux user, whereas a SELinux user can be linked to multiple roles. As shown in the drawing above, SELinux users define which roles can be used. As roles define the privileges of a user, this is effectively used to limit the ability of users to run or execute particular applications.

For instance:

  • The user_u SELinux user linked with the user_r role. This role is allowed to run non-administrative applications (the set of supported SELinux domains).
  • The staff_u SELinux user on the other hand is linked with both the staff_r role and sysadm_r role. That means that users mapped to the staff_u SELinux user can switch between those two roles.

One of the supported domains, newrole_t, is meant for the newrole application which allows users to switch roles. As the user_u SELinux user does not need to switch roles, the user_r role is not allowed to use the newrole_t domain.

The following table gives an non-exhaustive list of SELinux users which can be found on most SELinux systems.

SELinux user Description Used for
unconfined_u SELinux user meant for unrestricted users. Unconfined users have hardly any restrictions in a SELinux context and are meant for systems where only Internet-facing services should run confined (i.e. the targeted SELinux policy store). All users on a targeted system
root The SELinux user meant for the root account The Linux root account
sysadm_u SELinux user with direct system administrative role assigned Linux accounts that only perform administrative tasks
staff_u SELinux user for operators that need to run both non-administrative commands (through the staff_r role) and administrative commands (through the sysadm_r role). Linux accounts used for both end user usage as well as administrative tasks
user_u SELinux user for non-privileged accounts Unprivileged Linux accounts
system_u Special SELinux user meant for system services Not used directly

The list is definitely not complete though. Some distributions offer additional SELinux users by default, such as git_shell_u, guest_u and xguest_u. As the purpose of SELinux users is to restrict what a user can do, the purpose of these specific SELinux users can usually be retrieved from their name - and if not, by querying the roles that they are linked with.

Next to the role mapping, SELinux users can also define the highest clearance of all users mapped to the SELinux user. Linux users cannot gain a higher security clearance than is set for the SELinux user (but they can be assigned a lower clearance).

SELinux login mappings

SELinux login mappings allow for the Linux administrator to map a Linux account to a SELinux user. When a Linux user logs in, a user table is consulted which contains the mappings of users to SELinux users. Based on that information, the initial context is set up for the user (which also contains the SELinux role and user domain). Unlike SELinux users, which can be linked with multiple SELinux roles, user mappings map a user to one (and only one) SELinux user. Multiple Linux users can be mapped to the same SELinux user though.

On a targeted system, all users are mapped to the unconfined_u SELinux user. Otherwise, administrative users are mapped to either staff_u or sysadm_u whereas unprivileged users are mapped to user_u.

On MLS-enabled systems, login mappings can also provide a lower security clearance for individual users, even though the SELinux user has a higher clearance set. Once a clearance is set for a particular user, this user cannot gain a higher clearance - so the clearance of the SELinux user is not a reachable set, but should be seen as a "default" value for login mappings if no clearance is given to the mapping itself.

Managing login mappings

Most administrators will not need to manage SELinux users, but the Linux mappings will be an important table to maintain.

Listing current mappings

With semanage login, the current mappings can be shown.

root #semanage login -l
Login Name                SELinux User             
__default__               user_u                   
root                      root                     
swift                     staff_u                  
system_u                  system_u

If the system supports MLS, then the sensitivity / security clearance of the users is also shown.

root #semanage login -l
Login Name           SELinux User         MLS/MCS Range        Service
__default__          user_u               s0                   *
oper                 staff_u              s0-s0:c0.c1023       *
root                 root                 s0-s0:c0.c1023       *
system_u             system_u             s0-s0:c0.c1023       *
test                 user_u               s0                   *
user                 user_u               s0                   *

The __default__ mapping is a special, fall-back mapping. When no particular mapping matches, then the __default__ mapping is used.

Also, if a login name starts with the % sign, then it will match group membership. For instance, a mapping %users mapping will match all Linux users whose primary group is the users group.

Creating a new mapping

To create a new user mapping, use semanage login.

For instance, to map the Linux user darcia to the staff_u SELinux user:

root #semanage login -a -s staff_u darcia

On MLS-enabled systems, a security clearance can be passed on as well:

root #semanage login -a -s staff_u -r s0-s0:c0.c100 darcia

Modifying an existing mapping

Modification of existing mappings is also done with semanage login.

For instance, to modify the mapping for user darcia to now be mapped with the sysadm_u user:

root #semanage login -m -s sysadm_u darcia

Or to modify the security clearance on an MLS system:

root #semanage login -m -r s0-s0:c0.c20 darcia

If the SELinux user for a user has been modified, it is important to relabel the files of that user using the --force (-F) argument:

root #restorecon -RF /home/darcia

Also have the user log out before modifying and resetting the contexts.

Deleting a mapping

It is possible to delete a mapping so that the user falls back to the __default__ mapping:

root #semanage login -d darcia

If this results in a change of SELinux user, do not forget to relabel the files of the user:

root #restorecon -RF /home/darcia

Managing SELinux users

Management of SELinux users is done using semanage user.

Listing SELinux users

List the current set of SELinux users with semanage user -l:

root #semanage user -l
SELinux User    SELinux Roles
root            staff_r sysadm_r
staff_u         staff_r sysadm_r
sysadm_u        sysadm_r
system_u        system_r
unconfined_u    unconfined_r
user_u          user_r

On MLS-enabled systems, the sensitivity and the security clearance is listed as well:

root #semanage user -l
                Labeling   MLS/       MLS/                          
SELinux User    Prefix     MCS Level  MCS Range                      SELinux Roles
root            sysadm     s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023                 staff_r sysadm_r
staff_u         staff      s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023                 staff_r sysadm_r
sysadm_u        sysadm     s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023                 sysadm_r
system_u        user       s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023                 system_r
unconfined_u    unconfined s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023                 unconfined_r
user_u          user       s0         s0                             user_r

Creating custom SELinux users

It is possible to create additional SELinux users with semanage user.

For instance, to create a SELinux user swift_u with access to the staff_r and dbadm_r roles:

root #semanage user -a -R "staff_r dbadm_r" swift_u
The use of the _u suffix is not mandatory, but a best practice.

On MLS-enabled systems, the default clearance for the SELinux user can also be provided:

root #semanage user -a -R "staff_r dbadm_r" -r s0-s0:c0.c100,c201 swift_u

Updating custom SELinux users

SELinux user settings can be modified using semanage user.

For instance, to update the role set of the swift_u SELinux user to become staff_r dbadm_r and webadm_r:

root #semanage user -m -R "staff_r dbadm_r webadm_r" swift_u

The MLS clearance can be modified as well.

root #semanage user -m -r s0-s0:c0.c50 swift_u

Removing custom SELinux users

Custom SELinux users can be removed using semanage user.

For instance, to remove the swift_u user:

root #semanage user -d swift_u

Make sure that all mappings towards this SELinux user are updated before removing the SELinux user itself.

Also relabel all resources that might currently be "owned" by this SELinux user so that their SELinux user is not invalidated.


By supporting SELinux users and login mappings, additional constraints on users' permissions can be set.