Project:Rust/sys crates
The "*-sys" crates generally provides interfaces to C/C++ libraries from Rust. They are generally very inconsistent. In general, we can find crates that do one of the following:
- require and use system libraries
- default to using system libraries, but silently fall back to vendored dependencies
- default to using vendored dependencies, but support enabling linking to system libraries
- unconditionally use vendored dependencies
app-portage/iwdevtools can be used to detect missing dependencies if the binaries actually linked to them. Eli Schwartz's cargo_vendored_code check can be copied into /usr/local/lib/install-qa-check.d/99rust to help finding crates that vendor stuff. However, in the end the maintainer needs to manually investigate all *-sys crates used in the project, determine how to make them use system libraries and what dependencies to add.
This wiki page aims to collect information on different *-sys crates, to help with fixing current ebuilds and designing a more future-proof solution.
bzip2-sys defaults to using the system libbz2 but it requires bzip2.pc that is not provided by Gentoo. A workaround is to create one in the ebuild:
mkdir "${T}/pkg-config" || die
cat >> "${T}/pkg-config/bzip2.pc" <<-EOF || die
Name: bzip2
Version: 9999
Libs: -lbz2
The issue has been reported upstream: bzip2-rs: Please support linking against system bzip2 without pkg-config.
libdeflate-sys supports using the system library but pins to a very specific version of it. A good workaround is to remove the pin:
sed -i -e '/exactly_version/d' \
"${ECARGO_VENDOR}"/libdeflate-sys-*/ || die
zstd-sys supports linking to system libzstd via envvar: