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Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy server with advanced filtering capabilities which can improve privacy. It works by removing or modifying elements of a HTTP request and its response, either on the headers or on the body of the request.

Although comparable to some browser extensions, being a server, it allows different programs to use it, removing the need to add extensions to each browser and with it, its potential associated problems like incompatibilities between extensions. It also helps to reduce browser fingerprinting thanks to the reduction of installed extensions.

It may be combined with caching proxies like squid to improve its overall speed.


USE flags

USE flags for net-proxy/privoxy A web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy

acl Add support for Access Control Lists
brotli Decompress brotli compressed data using app-arch/brotli before filtering
client-tags Enable support for client-specific tags
compression Allow privoxy to compress buffered content before sending to the client, if it supports it
editor Enable the web-based actions file editor
extended-host-patterns Enable and require PCRE syntax in host patterns. You must convert action files to PCRE, see (see tools USE flag). Use at your own risk!
extended-statistics Gather extended statistics
external-filters Allow to filter content with scripts and programs. Experimental
fast-redirects Support fast redirects
force Allow single-page disable (force load)
fuzz Exposes Privoxy internals to input from files or stdout. Intended for fuzzing testing
graceful-termination Allow to shutdown Privoxy through the webinterface
image-blocking Allows the +handle-as-image action, to send "blocked" images instead of HTML
ipv6 Add support for IP version 6
jit Enable PCRE jit (recommended)
lfs Support large files (>2GB) on 32-bit systems
mbedtls Use net-libs/mbedtls for HTTPS filtering
openssl Use dev-libs/openssl for HTTPS filtering
png-images Use PNG format instead of GIF for built-in images
sanitize Enable asan, msan and usan sanitizers. Your compiler must support them
selinux !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
ssl HTTPS inspection support. Enables privoxy to perform SSL MITM filtering, see docs, use with care
stats Keep statistics
threads Enable POSIX threads. Highly recommended, otherwise both build and run-time features may not work properly.
toggle Support temporary disable toggle via web interface
tools Install log parser, regression tester and user agent generator tools
whitelists Support trust files (white lists)
zlib Decompress zlib compressed data using sys-libs/zlib before filtering


To install net-proxy/privoxy:

root #emerge --ask net-proxy/privoxy



To have privoxy start at boot:

root #rc-update add privoxy default

To start manually:

root #rc-service privoxy start


To have privoxy start at boot:

root #systemctl enable privoxy.service

To start manually:

root #systemctl start privoxy.service


Once the server is running, clients have to be made aware of it, to do so, the proxy configuration should be adjusted on each program.

By default Privoxy will listen for connections on port 8118 and the local address (localhost /



Edit > Settings > Network Settings > Settings > Manual proxy configuration

HTTP Proxy Port 8118

Mark the checkbox Also use this proxy for HTTPS


user $chromium --proxy-server="localhost:8118"

Advanced configuration

The default values on Privoxy should work well for most cases, but further configuration can be made using the following methods.

Remember to read the comments of the files or check the online manual.

Web configuration

Pointing a browser like Firefox to status and configuration page.

Editing configuration files manually

All the configuration files are located at /etc/privoxy.

The following are two common cases for modifying the base configuration:

To change the default port where Privoxy listens

Look for:

FILE /etc/privoxy/config

Change it to the desired port, for instance, if the desired port is 8080:

FILE /etc/privoxy/config
To block specific sites

Using a text editor as root edit /etc/privoxy/user.action, and add this at the end:

FILE /etc/privoxy/user.action
{ +block-as-image{reason to block} }


Once the server is running, different tools and methods can be used to test if it is working properly.


If no client has been used yet, only the first line will be present. If a client has issued a request then more results will be present on the output of the command:

root #lsof -i
root # grep -i privoxy
privoxy    5482 privoxy    4u  IPv4  15135      0t0  TCP localhost:8118 (LISTEN)
privoxy    5482 privoxy    7u  IPv4 246374      0t0  TCP localhost:8118->localhost:54486 (ESTABLISHED)
privoxy    5482 privoxy    9u  IPv4 246376      0t0  TCP localhost:55012->localhost:9050 (ESTABLISHED)


root #nmap -sS -p 8118
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2021-10-20 10:07 CEST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000050s latency).

8118/tcp open  privoxy

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.09 seconds

On a browser

Following the link will trigger a default filter on privoxy which will serve a page with the text:

This is Privoxy 3.0.32 on localhost (, port 8118, enabled

a section with the Privoxy Menu and a section with support links.


By itself

Once clients are made aware of the proxy by adjusting their settings to point to the privoxy server they will start using it, including any changes made to the configuration files since the server doesn't have to be restarted to update its behaviour

Forwarding traffic through Tor

Tor is a powerful tool for the anonymity seekers and for many years has been used in combination with privoxy.

As root edit /etc/privoxy/config, look for:

FILE /etc/privoxy/
#        forward-socks5t             / .

Change it to:

FILE /etc/privoxy/
forward-socks5t             / .

Using Squid as cache proxy

After installing Squid and Privoxy, set the clients to use Squid and set Squid to forward traffic to Privoxy.

For instance, change the proxy configuration on Firefox following the steps mentioned above but instead of port 8118 set it to 3128. After that, as root edit /etc/squid/squid.conf and add the following lines:

FILE /etc/squid/squid.conf
# Forward request to Privoxy
cache_peer parent 8118 7 no-query default no-digest no-netdb-exchange
# ACL for FTP
acl ftp proto FTP
# No FTP through Privoxy
always_direct allow ftp
# Immediate restart
shutdown_lifetime 0 seconds
httpd_suppress_version_string on
forwarded_for off
never_direct allow all

Using Squid + Privoxy + Tor

After following all the steps above, the full chain should be working. To confirm that everything is working fine, visit the following 2 URLs.

  2. Tor check

The first URL should get the same result as the browser test done before.

The second URL should end in a page with the text Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor.


Although removing elements from the page makes it lighter and the privoxy process tiself is not big or slow, if too many filters are working at the same time, the final result may be a bit slower than browsing without privoxy.

See also

  • Squid — a web cache and a proxy server application used speed up web browsing.
  • Tor — an onion routing Internet anonymity system.

External resources