The Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses (or DCC) is an anti-spam content filter based upon the exchange between mail servers of fuzzy checksums identifying message content and the number of such messages received. The checksums are constant across common variations in bulk messages, including "personalizations." The official project website is at
DCC detects bulk mail. It cannot distinguish between solicited and unsolicited bulk mail. This is the biggest drawback to DCC, and the main mitigation is manual whitelisting.
The idea of DCC is that if mail recipients could compare the mail they receive, they could recognize unsolicited bulk mail. A DCC server totals reports of checksums of messages from clients and answers queries about the total counts for checksums of mail messages. A DCC client reports the checksums for a mail message to a server and is told the total number of recipients of mail with each checksum. If one of the totals is higher than a threshold set by the client and according to local whitelists the message is unsolicited, the DCC client can log, discard, or reject the message.
Because simplistic checksums of spam would not be effective, the main DCC checksums are fuzzy and ignore aspects of messages. The fuzzy checksums are changed as spam evolves. Since DCC started being used in late 2000, the fuzzy checksums have been modified several times.
Normal users only run the client.
DCC traffic is DNS-like but appears on UDP port 6276 (greylisting traffic) and 6277 (normal DCC traffic). Inbound and outbound firewall rules should be set to allow this traffic.
First, you probably do not want to enable milter
support for DCC, so disable that USE
flag as follows.
root #
echo "mail-filter/dcc -milter" >>/etc/portage/package.use/dcc
Next, emerge the package. This should not pull in the milter
root #
emerge --ask mail-filter/dcc
Because the ebuild currently installs everything to run as root
we are going to do some permissions cleanup.
root #
useradd -U dcc
root #
mkdir /var/run/dcc
root #
chgrp dcc /var/run/dcc
root #
chmod g+w /var/run/dcc
root #
chmod o-rwx /var/run/dcc
root #
chgrp -R dcc /etc/dcc
root #
chmod o-rwx /etc/dcc
Valid concerns have been raised around these directories surviving a reboot. While a tmpfs mounted directory is probably ideal for this data, feel free to adapt the above based upon your own preferences.
Client only (normal scenario)
The most important binaries installed by the package are cdcc
(Control Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse) and dccifd
(Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse Interface Daemon), which is the preferred interface between postfix and DCC.
We want to add dccifd
as a Before-Queue Content Filter.
First, verify that DCCIFD_ENABLE=on
in the /etc/dcc/dcc_conf
Ensure the interface daemon is enabledDCCIFD_ENABLE=on
Next, we explicitly specify paths to the sockets that the daemon will create and use to communicate. For more information on this, see man dccifd
We are using the path
that we manually created in the Installation section, above./etc/dcc/dcc_conf
Specify port numbersDCCIFD_ARGS="-p /var/run/dcc/dccifd.ascii-socket -o /var/run/dcc/dccifd.smtp-proxy-socket"
Next, add the following values to
Tell postfix to use DCC's interface daemonsmtp inet n - n - - smtpd
-o smtpd_proxy_filter=/var/run/dcc/dccifd.ascii-socket
/var/run/dcc/dccifd.smtp-proxy-socket inet n - n - - smtpd
-o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o smtpd_data_restrictions=
-o mynetworks=
-o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks
Warnings in Postfix documentation about the costs of Before-Queue filters apply more to computationally expensive filters such as SpamAssassin (which, confusingly, can also be configured to use DCC) than
.Server (only if you run a big mailserver)
Before continuing, see Do I need to run a server? in the DCC FAQ. Probably not.
The server binary is called dccd
. Please contribute documentation regarding configuration here. At a guess, probably the process is basically as follows.
It will now be necessary to connect postfix to the DCC server in some DCC-server specific way, please refer to the DCC documentation for this. There is a start within the server section of man dcc
. Finally...
root #
rc-update add dcc default
root #
/etc/init.d/dcc start
To make your changes take effect, reload the postfix configuration.
root #
/etc/init.d/postfix reload