Kotlin/Package Maintainer Guide
This guide contains information for people interested in creating and maintaining ebuilds for packages that use Kotlin. Maintainers of Kotlin library packages such as dev-java/kotlin-stdlib and dev-java/kotlin-reflect should also consult the Kotlin library package maintainer guide.
The Kotlin ecosystem
Many Kotlin projects use Gradle as the build system, which is the first obstacle to build packages for those projects with Portage. As of February 2022, Gradle is not integrated with Portage yet, and there is not an eclass that can be used to build and package artifacts for a Gradle project easily. Invoking Gradle directly in an ebuild is not feasible because Gradle downloads project dependencies from the Internet on its own, requiring network-sandbox
to be disabled in Portage's FEATURES and preventing any dependencies installed by Portage to be reused[1], so it is against the best practices.
Yet it is still possible to build most Gradle-based Kotlin projects without Gradle thanks to the feasibility of reverse engineering and the standalone Kotlin command-line compiler. Those Gradle-based Kotlin projects use the Kotlin Gradle plugin, which calls the Kotlin compiler to compile Kotlin source files. The plugin prints the Kotlin compiler arguments it would use to Gradle debug logs controlled by gradle --debug
, which are standard Kotlin compiler options recognized by the standalone compiler. In general, invoking the standalone compiler using the same set of compiler arguments the Kotlin Gradle plugin would use produces the same results.
Gentoo packages for the standalone compiler and Kotlin eclasses are provided to support this approach of building Kotlin packages within Portage. The eclasses provide an easy-to-use interface to the standalone compiler. By following this guide, the set of Kotlin compiler arguments required to build a Kotlin project can be discovered quickly, and an ebuild for the project can thus be created.
The current framework for Kotlin support on Gentoo focuses on the Kotlin/JVM platform, which is the most widely used and the most mature target platform for computer applications among all supported platforms. When a Kotlin project is built for the Kotlin/JVM platform, it can be well-integrated with other Java packages and JVM to augment the Java ecosystem on Gentoo. A Java package on Gentoo can use a Kotlin package as a dependency like if it were a normal Java library.
The following eclasses are available for packages that use Kotlin:
- kotlin-utils.eclass
- The eclass that provides the backbone for any eclasses and ebuilds that need to use the Kotlin compiler. It does not export any phases; rather, it provides various helper functions for decomposed steps to build a Kotlin package.
- This eclass is suitable for packages whose Kotlin part is small and not the major part, like Reactor Core 3.4.14, which is a Java package with 415 Java source files and only 4 Kotlin source files.
- kotlin.eclass
- The eclass for packages written entirely or mostly in Kotlin. It exports various
phase functions that call the helper functions in kotlin-utils.eclass, so by inheriting this eclass, ebuilds need not call those helper functions on their own and do not need to definesrc_*
phase functions at all if the default behaviors suffice. - This eclass adds dependency on the Kotlin compiler by default. If the Kotlin compiler is not always needed, kotlin-utils.eclass should be used instead.
These eclasses all inherit java-pkg-simple.eclass because they use the same approach as java-pkg-simple.eclass for building a package targeting JVM: the build system employed by the upstream is circumvented if it is not integrated with Portage, and command-line tools are invoked directly to simulate the build steps performed by the build system.
There are some other kotlin-*.eclass files that are generally not needed by normal Kotlin packages; those eclasses are mainly for Kotlin library and compiler packages.
Obtaining Kotlin compiler arguments for a package
The most important step for creating a new Kotlin package is to find out the Kotlin compiler arguments that the Kotlin Gradle plugin would use to build the project. After the arguments have been collected, an ebuild can be written fairly quickly.
To summarize, the method of collecting the Kotlin compiler arguments is to build the project using Gradle with the --debug
option and search for the arguments in the output. As Gradle debug logs are very verbose, finding the arguments in the output is not a trivial task. This section will introduce strategies that make this task easier.
An example of creating a package for a real-world Kotlin project will be presented below to demonstrate the entire procedure. The package being created in the example is kotlinx-cli 0.3.4, which uses Gradle as the build system.
Use a suitable version of JDK to run Gradle
As of February 2022, the recommended JDK versions for running Gradle are JDK 8 and 11; JDK 17 is not recommended for compatibility reasons. Gradle has started to support JDK 17 only since version 7.3[2], which was released in November 2021. Many Gradle-based projects are still using a Gradle version older than it, for which JDK 17 cannot be used.
Prepare the project's source tree
To build the project, its entire source tree, including the Gradle build script build.gradle*, needs to be downloaded. The source tree can either be unpacked from an archive or cloned using a version control system. In the latter case, make sure the version being packaged is checked out, unless a live ebuild is to be created.
If the project uses the Gradle Wrapper, using the wrapper is recommended so the exact Gradle version the upstream uses will be run. To find out if the Gradle Wrapper is used, check if the source tree has a gradlew script in its root directory. The project being packaged in this example uses the Gradle Wrapper, thus it will be invoked in the following steps.
Find out the Gradle compilation task for Kotlin/JVM
Gradle usually runs dozens of tasks to compile all sources of the project for the assemble
lifecycle task, which causes the Gradle debug logs to contain too much information. Usually, only one of the tasks will invoke the Kotlin compiler to generate classes for Kotlin/JVM. By running only this task with the --debug
option, the amount of debug log messages to search for is greatly reduced.
Projects that target multiple platforms (including the project being packaged in this example) have multiple tasks that will invoke the Kotlin compiler, and each of them generates the classes for only one platform. In this case, only the task for the Kotlin/JVM platform should be run; tasks for Kotlin/JS, Kotlin/Native, Kotlin for Android etc. should be ignored.
To check the compilation task Kotlin/JVM, run ./gradlew assemble --dry-run to get a list of all tasks that would be executed for the assemble
lifecycle task, and then find out the proper task by using task names as clues.
user $
./gradlew assemble --dry-run
As its name suggests, the :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm
task shown in the example output is the compilation task for Kotlin/JVM.
Run the task with debug level logging enabled
After knowing the correct compilation task, the debug logs can be collected from the output of ./gradlew --debug.
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm --debug
As of Kotlin 1.6, the Gradle Kotlin plugin prints the compiler arguments in a message that contains the string Kotlin compiler args:
. There will also be two more messages before the message that are relevant to the compiler invocation:
- The first message contains the Kotlin compiler class called. For Kotlin/JVM, the class should be org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler.
- Important
If a class that is not org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler is shown in this message, the task is not for the Kotlin/JVM platform. Please check the correct compilation task for Kotlin/JVM and try again.
- The second message contains the classpath with which the Kotlin compiler was called. This message can usually be ignored.
The following is a truncated example of messages printed for a compiler invocation:
2022-02-01T18:50:22.341-0800 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN] Kotlin compiler class: org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler 2022-02-01T18:50:22.341-0800 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN] Kotlin compiler classpath: /home/leo/.nobackup/gradle/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/... 2022-02-01T18:50:22.341-0800 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN] :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm Kotlin compiler args: -Xallow-no-source-files -classpath /home/leo/.nobackup/gradle/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.6.0/baf82c475e9372c25407f3d132439e4aa803b8b8/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.6.0.jar:...
The output may still be too verbose to inspect. To make searching easier, any of the following strategies may be used:
- Use a pager like less for convenient scrolling and searching:
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm --debug | less
- Write the output to a file for further inspection and print it to the console at the same time:
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm --debug | tee /tmp/kotlinx-cli-compileKotlinJvm.log
- Filter out irrelevant lines and print only log messages for Kotlin compiler invocation:
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm --debug | grep -B2 'Kotlin compiler args:'
- If the output has been saved to a file, it can be filtered in a similar manner:
user $
grep -B2 'Kotlin compiler args:' /tmp/kotlinx-cli-compileKotlinJvm.log
It is recommended that the message containing the compiler arguments is saved to a file to ease the inspection on it later on.
The messages might no longer show up after the compilation task has been run at least once. This is because Gradle skips tasks that it has already completed. To let the messages be printed again, rerun the task with the
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm --debug --rerun-tasks
Make a human-readable list of compiler arguments
The length of Kotlin compiler arguments can make inspections on them difficult. To decompose the arguments into lines of individual options and values, tr can be used to replace spaces with newline characters. If the arguments have been saved to a file, the following command can be used to complete this:
user $
grep 'Kotlin compiler args:' /tmp/kotlinx-cli-compileKotlinJvm.log | sed -e 's/^.*Kotlin compiler args://' | tr ' ' '\n'
It is recommended that this output is saved to a file too since it still contains some very long arguments that can be decomposed, such as the value of -classpath
, and -Xcommon-sources=
. For example, the following command saves the output to /tmp/kotlinx-cli-kotlinc-args.txt and prints it to the console at the same time:
user $
grep 'Kotlin compiler args:' /tmp/kotlinx-cli-compileKotlinJvm.log | sed -e 's/^.*Kotlin compiler args://' | tr ' ' '\n' | tee /tmp/kotlinx-cli-kotlinc-args.txt
Kotlin eclasses primer
This section contains fundamental information regarding the Kotlin eclasses.
Eclass variables to be set before inherit
This subsection covers @PRE_INHERIT
variables, which are variables that should be defined before a Kotlin eclass is inherited.
Compatible Kotlin feature releases
A Kotlin project might be compatible with multiple Kotlin feature releases, even if it declares only one version in its Gradle build script. To allow an ebuild to use any compatible Kotlin feature release to build the package instead of pin a specific feature release, the Kotlin eclasses require a KOTLIN_COMPAT variable to be set before inherit
for declaring all compatible Kotlin feature release versions.
KOTLIN_COMPAT is similar to PYTHON_COMPAT and LUA_COMPAT: it must be declared as an array, and it should contain a list of identifiers for the Kotlin feature releases supported by the ebuild. The identifier format is kotlin1-x
for Kotlin 1.x.
The Kotlin eclasses will generate KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET USE_EXPAND flags for the ebuild, which work like PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET and LUA_SINGLE_TARGET. Those USE_EXPAND flags may be utilized by users to select the version of Kotlin compiler they would like to use to build the package before it is merged.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Effectively generates IUSE="+kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-5"
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-5 )
inherit kotlin
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Effectively generates IUSE="kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-4 kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-5"
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
inherit kotlin
Unlike Python and Lua, there are no KOTLIN_TARGETS USE_EXPAND flags, as no Kotlin eclass supports selecting multiple feature releases at once. For Python and Lua, a separate copy of a package is required for each implementation; Kotlin is more like Java, on which a single JAR can be used on all implementations compatible with it, so there is no need to build a single package multiple times for different implementations.
If a new package is being created, it is recommended that only a single identifier is added to KOTLIN_COMPAT first. More versions can be added later after compatibility tests.
Assuming the feature release of the Kotlin version declared in the Gradle build script is 1.x, the initial identifier added to KOTLIN_COMPAT is suggested to be for the first feature release in the following list (from top to bottom) that has a supported KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET:
- 1.x
- 1.(x + 1)
- 1.(x + 2)
- 1.(x - 1)
- 1.(x - 2) or lower, which are unlikely to be compatible
For example, kotlinx-cli 0.3.4 declares Kotlin 1.6.0 in gradle.properties under its source tree[3], which corresponds to feature release 1.6. At the time this example was created, kotlin1-6
was not a supported KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET, nor were kotlin1-7
and kotlin1-8
. kotlin1-5
was available, making Kotlin 1.5 the first version in the list that had a supported KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET. So, the initial value of KOTLIN_COMPAT should be ( kotlin1-5 )
Declaration of special USE flags
Similar to JAVA_PKG_IUSE in java-pkg-2.eclass, the Kotlin eclasses recognize a KOTLIN_IUSE variable set before inherit
that can be used to enable extra eclass functionality controlled by USE flags. Supported USE flags include:
- Install an archive of the package's source files so they can be viewed from some IDEs.
- Every ebuild should include this USE flag in KOTLIN_IUSE, unless there are no source files to archive (for instance, the ebuild is for a binary package or a metapackage).
- Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run the package's tests, which are controlled by
. - If this USE flag is included, another eclass variable KOTLIN_TESTING_FRAMEWORKS should also be defined to include identifiers for testing frameworks to run in
. This variable is analogous to JAVA_TESTING_FRAMEWORKS in java-pkg-simple.eclass. Supported values include:junit-4
: Run tests with JUnit 4pkgdiff
: Compare JAVA_JAR_FILENAME with JAVA_BINJAR_FILENAME using dev-util/japi-compliance-checker and dev-util/pkgdiff on available architectures
If kotlin-utils.eclass is inherited, then:
has no effect unlesskotlin-utils_dosrc
is called from the ebuild.KOTLIN_IUSE="test"
has no effect unlesskotlin-utils_test_compile
is called from the ebuild.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
inherit kotlin
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
A Kotlin package's dependencies pertaining to Java usually can be categorized into the following types:
- Kotlin compiler
- A provider of virtual/kotlin.
- Dependencies for KOTLIN_IUSE
- Tools needed to support USE flags defined in KOTLIN_IUSE.
- Kotlin libraries
- Libraries that are a part of the Kotlin programming language itself, such as dev-java/kotlin-stdlib, dev-java/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, dev-java/kotlin-test-junit, dev-java/kotlin-reflect, etc.
- A provider of virtual/jdk.
- A provider of virtual/jre.
- Classpath dependencies
- Third-party Kotlin libraries, Java libraries, and other JVM libraries that should be present in the classpath for both javac during build time and JVM during runtime.
- Build-only JVM libraries
- JVM libraries that are needed only during build time.
- Runtime-only JVM libraries
- JVM libraries that are needed only during runtime.
This subsection will cover how each type of dependencies should be handled in a Kotlin package's ebuild.
Kotlin compiler
kotlin.eclass automatically inserts dependency specifications for virtual/kotlin into DEPEND, so the ebuild does not need to include them.
kotlin-utils.eclass does not automatically insert virtual/kotlin into DEPEND. If the package needs to use the Kotlin compiler, the dependency needs to be added by the ebuild. A KOTLIN_UTILS_DEPS output variable is provided by kotlin-utils.eclass for conveniently inserting dependency specifications for virtual/kotlin that are conditional upon KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET USE_EXPAND flags, so the correct feature release of Kotlin compiler respecting KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET can be pulled.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
inherit java-pkg-2 java-pkg-simple kotlin-utils
# Effectively sets DEPEND="
# >=virtual/jdk-1.8:*
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-4? ( virtual/kotlin:1.4 )
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-5? ( virtual/kotlin:1.5 )
# "
There is no need to depend on virtual/kotlin in RDEPEND. Kotlin compiler's output for the Kotlin/JVM platform is *.class files that are fully compatible with Java, so the Kotlin runtime is not needed for using Kotlin packages during the runtime.
Dependencies for KOTLIN_IUSE
If KOTLIN_IUSE contains any recognized USE flags, then some extra build dependencies are needed to support them.
kotlin.eclass automatically inserts specifications for those dependencies, so the ebuild does not need to include them.
kotlin-utils.eclass does not automatically insert the dependency specifications. If the package defines any recognized USE flags in KOTLIN_IUSE, the dependency needs to be added by the ebuild. A kotlin-utils_iuse_depend
function is provided by kotlin-utils.eclass for conveniently inserting those dependency specifications into DEPEND.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
inherit java-pkg-2 java-pkg-simple kotlin-utils
src_compile() {
src_install() {
java-pkg_dojar "${JAVA_JAR_FILENAME}"
use source && kotlin-utils_dosrc src/main
Kotlin libraries
None of the Kotlin eclasses automatically insert dependency specifications for any Kotlin libraries into the dependency classes, thus ebuilds must declare Kotlin libraries they need themselves.
Same as the Kotlin compiler, Kotlin library packages are slotted based on the feature releases, so it is important to ensure that the correct slot is defined in the dependency specifications. It is recommended that Kotlin libraries and the Kotlin compiler are all in the equal slot for the same feature release. This is because the versions of Kotlin libraries and compiler pulled and used by the Kotlin Gradle plugin are matched by default. Using Kotlin libraries for a feature release different from the compiler might not be supported by JetBrains or the package upstream.
A kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep
function is provided to allow the correct slot of Kotlin libraries that matches the feature release of Kotlin compiler selected via KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET to be used. It takes a set of dependencies as input and echoes a series of dependency specifications for them that are conditional upon KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET USE_EXPAND flags. Instances of string ${KOTLIN_SLOT_DEP}
in the input will be replaced by the proper slot.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
# Effectively sets DEPEND="
# >=virtual/jdk-1.8:*
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-4? ( dev-java/kotlin-stdlib:1.4 )
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-5? ( dev-java/kotlin-stdlib:1.5 )
# test? (
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-4? ( dev-java/kotlin-test-junit:1.4 )
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-5? ( dev-java/kotlin-test-junit:1.5 )
# )
# "
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
test? (
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
The argument to
should be wrapped in a pair of single quotes ('
). Otherwise, instances of ${KOTLIN_SLOT_DEP}
in the argument will be expanded before they are passed into the function. Wrapping it in single quotes prevents parameter expansions and thus ensures ${KOTLIN_SLOT_DEP}
strings are given to the function verbatim.CP_DEPEND
java-utils-2.eclass recognizes a special, undocumented CP_DEPEND variable for dependencies that should be present in the classpath for both javac during build time and JVM during runtime. By using CP_DEPEND, there is no need to repeat the same dependencies in JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH for adding them to the classpath.
The output of kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep
cannot be used in CP_DEPEND. kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep
echoes a dependency specification containing USE-conditional operators, which will be treated as invalid tokens by java-utils-2.eclass. For instance, the following dependency declarations do not work:
in CP_DEPEND# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
# Effectively sets CP_DEPEND="
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-4? ( dev-java/kotlin-stdlib:1.4 )
# kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-5? ( dev-java/kotlin-stdlib:1.5 )
# dev-java/foo-bar:0
# "
# which does NOT work
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
test? (
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
pkg_setup() {
JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp '
This will lead to an error like the following when the package is being compiled:
>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4/work/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4 ... * ERROR: dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4::spark-overlay failed (compile phase): * Invalid CP_DEPEND atom kotlin_single_target_kotlin1-4?, ensure a SLOT is included * * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 127: Called src_compile * environment, line 2733: Called kotlin_src_compile * environment, line 2681: Called kotlin-utils_src_compile * environment, line 2565: Called java-pkg_gen-cp 'JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH' * environment, line 1595: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die "Invalid CP_DEPEND atom ${atom}, ensure a SLOT is included";
Therefore, to add dependencies included in the argument to kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep
to the classpath, they must be declared in JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH instead.
The format of dependency specifications recognized in JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH is different from that of the ebuild dependency classes: ${CATEGORY}/${PN}:${SLOT}
should be written as ${PN}
if SLOT equals 0
or ${PN}-${SLOT}
otherwise. A kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp
function is provided to make the format conversion easier.
Like kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep
(whose name ends in dep
), kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp
(whose name ends in cp
) replaces instances of ${KOTLIN_SLOT_DEP}
with the slot of Kotlin libraries that the package links to when it is compiled. However, kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp
must be called from a phase function because the slot depends on which KOTLIN_SINGLE_TARGET USE_EXPAND flag is enabled, so it can only be determined while the package is being built.
to help set JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
KOTLIN_DEPEND="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
test? (
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
pkg_setup() {
JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp '
Other dependencies
Other non-Kotlin dependencies and tools that are not pulled as dependencies by the Kotlin eclasses can be declared normally as if they were for a normal Java package.
should be put into DEPEND regardless of which EAPI is used.- JRE
should be put into RDEPEND.- Classpath dependencies
- These dependencies can be put into CP_DEPEND.
should be added to both DEPEND and RDEPEND if it is not empty, regardless of which EAPI is used. - Build-only JVM libraries
- These libraries should be put into DEPEND regardless of which EAPI is used.
- Runtime-only JVM libraries
- These libraries should be put into RDEPEND.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{4..5} )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
KOTLIN_DEPEND="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
test? (
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
pkg_setup() {
JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH+=" $(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp '
Converting Kotlin compiler arguments to an ebuild
After collecting the Kotlin compiler arguments needed to build a Kotlin package and knowing the basics about Kotlin eclasses, an installable ebuild for the Kotlin package is only a few variables away. kotlin-utils.eclass provides some variables for conveniently setting common Kotlin compiler options; it automatically uses the values of these variables to assemble the complete Kotlin compiler command and invokes it to run the Kotlin compiler.
Each of the following subsection contains instructions to convert the compiler option described by the subsection title to an eclass variable's value. When applicable, the example from #Obtaining Kotlin compiler arguments for a package will continue to be used for demonstration.
The -classpath
option for the Kotlin compiler is identical to the option with the same name for javac: it includes paths to JARs and directories containing classes that may be needed by the sources being compiled.
Kotlin libraries whose JAR appears in the classpath should be handled with instructions in #Kotlin libraries; other JARs' providers should be put into CP_DEPEND.
If the value for the -classpath
option in the Kotlin compiler arguments is too long to read, the following command may be used to make it more readable:
user $
grep -A1 -e '-classpath' /tmp/kotlinx-cli-kotlinc-args.txt | tail -n1 | tr ':' '\n'
This may be converted to the following dependency declaration:
KOTLIN_DEPEND="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
pkg_setup() {
# Don't forget this!
JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
This option usually contains a set of Kotlin source files and is thus very long. The following command can be used to produce a more readable list of files:
user $
grep '^-Xcommon-sources=' /tmp/kotlinx-cli-kotlinc-args.txt | sed -e 's/-Xcommon-sources=//' | tr ',' '\n' | sort
Although the number of files might look overwhelming, it is common that the files all reside in only one or two directories. Please find the smallest set of directories that contain all the files. Subdirectories may be omitted as long as it would not cause extra files to be included in the set. In this example, all the source files are under the core/commonMain directory in the project's source tree, so this directory alone constitutes the smallest set of directories containing all the files.
Then, the smallest set of directories may be defined inside an array and assigned to the KOTLIN_COMMON_SOURCES_DIR variable.
To verify if the smallest set of directories is correct, run the following commands, and compare their output with the list of files in the value of the -Xcommon-sources
option. Replace the value of KOTLIN_COMMON_SOURCES_DIR with what would be defined in the ebuild, and replace /tmp/kotlinx-cli/ with the path to the project's source tree's root (a trailing slash /
is needed):
user $
user $
find "${KOTLIN_COMMON_SOURCES_DIR[@]/#//tmp/kotlinx-cli/}" -type f -name '*.kt' | sort
*.kt source files
The *.kt file paths that are standalone arguments are the Kotlin source files to be compiled. For these files, please also come up with the smallest set of directories containing all of them, and define them in an array assigned to the KOTLIN_SRC_DIR variable. The smallest set of directories can be verified similarly.
KOTLIN_SRC_DIR=( core/jvmMain core/commonMain )
user $
KOTLIN_SRC_DIR=( core/jvmMain core/commonMain )
user $
find "${KOTLIN_SRC_DIR[@]/#//tmp/kotlinx-cli/}" -type f -name '*.kt'
This option's value can be set in the ebuild using the KOTLIN_MODULE_NAME variable. This variable's default value is ${PN}
, so if the option's value in the Kotlin compiler arguments is the same as ${PN}
, then the variable can be omitted.
and -language-version
These options do not always appear in the Kotlin compiler arguments for a package. If they do, and they have the same value, the value can be set in the ebuild using the KOTLIN_WANT_TARGET variable. If their values are not the same, or only one of the options is specified, then the arguments need to be added to the KOTLIN_KOTLINC_ARGS array.
-api-version 1.5 -language-version 1.5
-api-version 1.5 -language-version 1.4
-api-version 1.5
-language-version 1.4
-language-version 1.4
-language-version 1.4
If this option appears in the Kotlin compiler arguments, then the project contains Java source files in addition to Kotlin source files, and the Java source files are located in the directories specified in the value of this option. These directories should be added to an array assigned to the KOTLIN_JAVA_SOURCE_ROOTS variable.
In addition, when the -Xjava-source-roots
option is used, there should also be a Gradle compilation task for the Java source files which may be called :compileJava
or alike. This task invokes javac, whose arguments can be obtained by searching for occurrences of string NormalizingJavaCompiler
user $
grep 'NormalizingJavaCompiler' /tmp/kotlin-stdlib.log
For each javac option, please follow the action specified in the table below:
javac option | Action |
-source and -target |
If their values are the same, specify the value via KOTLIN_JAVA_WANT_SOURCE_TARGET; otherwise, add verbatim to KOTLIN_JAVAC_ARGS |
-encoding |
If the value is UTF-8 , ignore; otherwise, set the value using the JAVA_ENCODING variable
-h |
If the directory specified in the value contains no files, ignore; otherwise, add path of the directory relative to S to KOTLIN_JAVAC_ARGS |
-s |
Ditto |
-sourcepath |
If no value is specified for the option, ignore; otherwise, add path of the directory relative to S to KOTLIN_JAVAC_ARGS |
-classpath |
Ignore |
-d |
Ignore |
*.java source files | Ignore |
-Werror |
Ignore1 |
Duplicate options | Ignore |
Other options | Add verbatim to KOTLIN_JAVAC_ARGS |
- 1 If
is included in KOTLIN_JAVAC_ARGS,src_compile
is very likely to fail because the bootstrap class path warning is common when javac is called from Portage, and the warning will cause a compiler error when-Werror
is in effect.
Options to ignore
The following options in the Kotlin compiler argument for a package should be ignored and not added to the ebuild.
- This option enables Kotlin compiler plugins at the specified paths. This is only required when the Kotlin compiler is called by the Kotlin Gradle plugin; the standalone Kotlin command-line compiler comes with all default Kotlin compiler plugins installed and enabled, so in general, there is no need to include any extra plugins using this option.
- However, if the Kotlin project uses an extension plugin, a custom plugin or a third-party plugin, then this option should not be ignored and should be added to KOTLIN_KOTLINC_ARGS.
- Here are some ways to check whether a Kotlin project uses a non-default Kotlin compiler plugin:
- Look at the project's Gradle build script to see if any Kotlin compiler plugin artifact is pulled as a dependency
- Go through the list of JARs in the value of this option, and see if there is any JAR that has a file name does not contain
and does not exist under the lib directory under the Kotlin compiler installation path
- This option can be ignored if the
option is set because-no-stdlib
[4]. -jdk-home
- This option can be ignored unless a different JDK from the one pointed by JAVA_HOME is intended to be used[5].
- This option merely specifies the output path where classes built by the Kotlin compiler should be stored, thus it is bound to vary when the project's source tree is unpacked to a different path. The Kotlin eclasses will set a proper output path using this option, so ebuilds need not include it.
- This option can be ignored if the extra verbose output of the Kotlin compiler is not desired.
- This option can be ignored if the Kotlin compiler version information printed to standard output when this option is enabled is not desired.
Other options
All other options that neither have a dedicated subsection above nor have been mentioned in #Options to ignore should be added to the array assigned to the KOTLIN_KOTLINC_ARGS variable.
-jvm-target 1.8
Options changed between Kotlin feature releases
The command-line interface of the Kotlin compiler usually changes between feature releases. If the feature release of Kotlin compiler used to build the Kotlin project within Portage is different from the feature release of the Kotlin Gradle plugin used by the project, those changes might cause package build failures. Fortunately, some failures can be fixed quickly and easily.
For the example used throughout this guide, the instructions in the previous sections should lead to production of the ebuild below. As per the criteria listed in #Compatible Kotlin feature releases, kotlin1-5
was selected as the initial and only element for KOTLIN_COMPAT despite the fact that the Kotlin Gradle plugin's version is 1.6.0.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-5 )
inherit kotlin
DESCRIPTION="Pure Kotlin implementation of a generic CLI parser"
SRC_URI="https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-cli/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
KOTLIN_DEPEND="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
# Restore value of S overridden by java-pkg-simple.eclass to default
KOTLIN_SRC_DIR=( core/jvmMain core/commonMain )
-jvm-target 1.8
pkg_setup() {
JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
When the package is being installed, the following error will be reported because -opt-in
is a new Kotlin compiler option added in Kotlin 1.6 and is not available on Kotlin compiler 1.5:
* kotlinx-cli-0.3.4.tar.gz BLAKE2B SHA512 size ;-) ... [ ok ] * Using: openjdk-8 * Using Kotlin compiler package: kotlin-bin-1.5 >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking kotlinx-cli-0.3.4.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4/work >>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4/work >>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4/work/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4 ... >>> Source prepared. >>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4/work/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4 ... >>> Source configured. >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4/work/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4 ... * Compiling ... error: invalid argument: -opt-in=kotlin.Experimental info: use -help for more information * ERROR: dev-java/kotlinx-cli-0.3.4::spark-overlay failed (compile phase): * kotlin-utils_kotlinc failed
Removing the -opt-in
options from KOTLIN_KOTLINC_ARGS will produce the following warnings instead:
core/commonMain/src/ArgParser.kt:136:6: warning: this class can only be used with the compiler argument '-Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn' @OptIn(ExperimentalCli::class) ^ core/commonMain/src/ArgParser.kt:177:33: warning: this API is experimental. It may be changed in the future without notice. private var usedSubcommand: Subcommand? = null ^
The first warning message implies that there is a -Xopt-in
option available on Kotlin compiler 1.5, which should be equivalent to Kotlin compiler 1.6's -opt-in
option judging from the similarity between their names. In fact, all errors and warnings on Kotlin compiler 1.5 can be eliminated by replacing -opt-in
with -Xopt-in
-jvm-target 1.8
Pruning dependency list
The Kotlin Gradle plugin often includes JARs that are unnecessary in the -classpath
option's value for the Kotlin compiler. It is recommended that the dependencies providing those redundant JARs are removed from the ebuild's dependency classes, so users will not be forced to install unnecessary dependency packages.
One method of checking for unnecessary dependencies is to use the jdeps tool, which is shipped with JDK, to inspect the Java packages needed by the Kotlin project's JAR artifact.
Build a Kotlin project's JAR using Gradle
The JAR artifact of the Kotlin project built by Gradle is preferred to the JAR generated by the ebuild because Gradle can certainly reproduce an exact upstream build of the project. To build the project's JAR artifact for the Kotlin/JVM platform using Gradle, use the same method in #Find out the Gradle compilation task for Kotlin/JVM to get a list of all tasks that would be run for the assemble
lifecycle task, then find the task whose name suggests that it builds the JAR for Kotlin/JVM. For the example used throughout this guide, the task is :kotlinx-cli:jvmJar
Once the correct task is found, run it to build the JAR:
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:jvmJar
If the task is the correct one, a JAR will be created somewhere under the project's source tree. It can be found using find:
user $
find . -type f -name '*.jar'
./gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar ./core/build/libs/kotlinx-cli-jvm-0.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
If the project uses Gradle wrapper, there will be a gradle-wrapper.jar in the output, which can be ignored. The (other) JAR in the output, ./core/build/libs/kotlinx-cli-jvm-0.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar, is then the JAR artifact of the Kotlin project for Kotlin/JVM.
Analyze the JAR's dependencies
jdeps can be invoked against the project's JAR to get a list of Java packages it depends on after the JAR has been built:
user $
jdeps ./core/build/libs/kotlinx-cli-jvm-0.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
There will likely be a lot of Java packages that are "not found", which is expected. These packages can be resolved by adding the JARs that provide them to the -classpath
option's value for jdeps.
To start with, use java-config, which is a specialized Gentoo utility, to generate a classpath of packages that would be in the ebuild's CP_DEPEND and JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH. Then, the classpath can be supplied to jdeps.
user $
PKGS=( kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.5 kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.5 kotlin-stdlib-1.5 jetbrains-annotations-13 )
user $
jdeps -cp "$(java-config -dp "${PKGS[@]}")" ./core/build/libs/kotlinx-cli-jvm-0.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
If the classpath is complete, then there should be no more "not found" Java packages in the output.
Note that in this example, although the classpath contains four different packages' JARs, only a single JAR, kotlin-stdlib.jar, is actually used to satisfy the dependencies of the project's JAR. If only kotlin-stdlib.jar is added to the classpath for jdeps, the output will be the same, and there are still no Java packages that are "not found".
user $
PKGS=( kotlin-stdlib-1.5 )
user $
jdeps -cp "$(java-config -dp "${PKGS[@]}")" ./core/build/libs/kotlinx-cli-jvm-0.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
As a sanity check, the string not found
may be searched in the output of jdeps using grep. If the following command prints nothing, then the classpath is complete.
user $
jdeps -cp "$(java-config -dp "${PKGS[@]}")" ./core/build/libs/kotlinx-cli-jvm-0.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar | grep 'not found'
Thus, dev-java/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, dev-java/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 and dev-java/jetbrains-annotations:13 can be removed from the ebuild's dependency classes, producing a more compact set of dependencies:
KOTLIN_DEPEND="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
pkg_setup() {
JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
After pruning the dependencies, please make sure to test the ebuild again and see if the package can still be compiled. If the removal of dependencies causes any compiler errors, some removed dependencies might need to be added back, though they may be added just as build-only dependencies, which only go into DEPEND, not RDEPEND.
Testing a package
To help assure a high quality of packages, any JAR generated by a Kotlin package's ebuild should be tested for consistency and equivalence with the JAR built using Gradle.
Enable the src_test
For some Kotlin projects, the upstream includes a test suite in the project's source tree, which can be run using Gradle's check
lifecycle task. If the testing frameworks used in the test suite are integrated with the Kotlin eclasses, and Gentoo packages for the test dependencies are available, then the Kotlin eclasses can execute the tests in the src_test
All Kotlin packages are encouraged to support running the test suite from src_test
whenever possible because this enables the standard way to check and verify packages on Gentoo and helps other maintainers easily test their changes to packages.
Obtain Kotlin compiler arguments for test sources
The test sources from the test suite need to be compiled into test classes before the tests can be executed, which means that the Kotlin compiler arguments that the Kotlin Gradle plugin would use to compile the test sources need to be collected too. The method to find out the compiler arguments for test sources is similar to the steps for #Obtaining Kotlin compiler arguments for a package: first find out the Gradle task for compiling the test classes for Kotlin/JVM, then collect the compiler arguments from Gradle debug logs.
For test sources, the check
lifecycle task should be used instead of assemble when ./gradle --dry-run is used to get a list of tasks to be run for it:
user $
./gradlew check --dry-run
In the above example, the compilation task for test sources for Kotlin/JVM is :kotlinx-cli:compileTestKotlinJvm
. This task can then be run with ./gradlew --debug so the Kotlin compiler arguments can be collected.
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:compileTestKotlinJvm --debug | tee /tmp/kotlinx-cli-compileTestKotlinJvm.log
For the test compilation task, there might be two sets of Kotlin compiler arguments printed to the debug logs: the first set is for the main sources of the package itself, and the second set is the one for the test sources. The task name pertaining to a set of compiler arguments is printed before the Kotlin compiler args:
string in the log message:
2022-02-04T10:47:07.372-0800 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN] :kotlinx-cli:compileTestKotlinJvm Kotlin compiler args: ... ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Assuming the last set of Kotlin compiler arguments in the debug logs is for the test sources, grep 'Kotlin compiler args:' | tail -n1 can be used to extract it alone and filter out all other messages containing Kotlin compiler arguments.
user $
grep 'Kotlin compiler args:' /tmp/kotlinx-cli-compileTestKotlinJvm.log | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/^.*Kotlin compiler args://' | tr ' ' '\n' | tee /tmp/kotlinx-cli-test-kotlinc-args.txt
The Kotlin compiler arguments for the test sources are usually mostly identical to those for the main sources with the following differences:
usually contains extra test dependencies.- An extra
option might be used in test sources compilation, which is for allowing test sources to access internal members of classes in the main module. -Xcommon-sources
usually points to a different set of files.- The list of *.kt source files passed into the Kotlin compiler will always change.
Add Kotlin compiler arguments to ebuild
Once the Kotlin compiler arguments for test sources are collected, they can be added to the ebuild in a way that is analogous to #Converting Kotlin compiler arguments to an ebuild with a few minor differences.
- Extra test dependencies specified in the value of
should be added to DEPEND and JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH. - The value of the
option needs to be properly handled. - For each other type of Kotlin compiler arguments, the name of the eclass variable for it starts with
instead ofKOTLIN_
. For example, the eclass variable for directories containing test source files isKOTLIN_TEST_SRC_DIR
The value of -classpath
used in test sources compilation might contain the following elements, as shown in the example below:
- A directory in the project's source tree that contains the classes built from the main source files
- JARs of test dependencies
- JARs in the value of
used to compile the main source files
user $
grep -A1 -e '-classpath' /tmp/kotlinx-cli-test-kotlinc-args.txt | tail -n1 | tr ':' '\n'
Everything except the JARs of test dependencies can be ignored. The following JARs can be ignored as well because they do not contain any file required for compiling any test sources:
- kotlin-test-common*.jar
- kotlin-test-annotations-common*.jar
Therefore, in this example, only the following files are not ignored:
- kotlin-test-junit*.jar
- kotlin-test*.jar
- junit-4*.jar
- hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
The presence of junit-4*.jar indicates that the tests use JUnit 4, which is a testing framework supported by KOTLIN_IUSE="test"
and KOTLIN_TESTING_FRAMEWORKS. Thus, the following definitions of these variables should be added to the ebuild:
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-5 )
inherit kotlin
With these variable definitions, kotlin.eclass will automatically add test? ( dev-java/junit:4 )
to DEPEND. kotlin-utils.eclass does not automatically do this, but the ebuild only needs to call the kotlin-utils_iuse_depend
function in DEPEND to achieve it. Therefore, the ebuild does not need to declare the test dependency on JUnit 4 itself. In addition, because hamcrest-core-1.3.jar is a dependency of JUnit 4, dev-java/hamcrest-core:1.3 will be pulled with dev-java/junit:4 together, so it does not need to explicitly declared either.
The only unresolved test dependencies at this point are kotlin-test-junit*.jar and kotlin-test*.jar, which are provided by dev-java/kotlin-test-junit and dev-java/kotlin-test respectively. Since the latter package is a dependency of the former one, declaring merely dev-java/kotlin-test-junit as a dependency will also cause both packages to be pulled.
In conclusion, declaring dev-java/kotlin-test-junit alone is sufficient for satisfying test dependencies.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-5 )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
KOTLIN_DEPEND="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
test? (
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
pkg_setup() {
JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
# Don't forget this!
JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp '
Any classes and JARs specified after -Xfriend-paths
in a Kotlin compiler invocation will have their internal members visible to the input source files during the compiler execution, which is why this option is often used when test sources are being compiled: all the classes and JARs being tested will be included in the value of -Xfriend-paths
so the test sources can access everything in them for the sake of verification.
The proper value of -Xfriend-paths
in the context of an ebuild is ${JAVA_JAR_FILENAME}
. java-pkg-simple.eclass declares the JAVA_JAR_FILENAME variable for the name of the JAR file that src_compile
will create, and it defines a default value for it. Because Kotlin eclasses inherit java-pkg-simple.eclass, they honor this variable as well. Therefore, an ebuild for a Kotlin package can freely use JAVA_JAR_FILENAME even if it does not explicitly define this variable.
Since JAVA_JAR_FILENAME contains the classes generated by the Kotlin compiler during src_compile
, adding it alone to the value of the -Xfriend-paths
option in the ebuild is sufficient to simulate the effect of -Xfriend-paths
when the project is built by Gradle.
There is not a dedicated eclass variable for -Xfriend-paths
yet, so ebuilds should define it in KOTLIN_TEST_KOTLINC_ARGS
for src_test
# Reuse arguments for the main source files
Example ebuild with src_test
At this point in the example, the ebuild would look like this:
with dependencies simplified, compiler arguments modified for Kotlin 1.5, and src_test
enabled# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-5 )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
DESCRIPTION="Pure Kotlin implementation of a generic CLI parser"
SRC_URI="https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-cli/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
KOTLIN_DEPEND="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
test? (
$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_dep '
# Restore value of S overridden by java-pkg-simple.eclass to default
KOTLIN_SRC_DIR=( core/jvmMain core/commonMain )
-jvm-target 1.8
KOTLIN_TEST_SRC_DIR=( core/commonTest )
pkg_setup() {
JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp "${KOTLIN_LIBS}")"
JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="$(kotlin-utils_gen_slot_cp '
Manually check the package
Unfortunately, for some Kotlin packages, it might not be feasible to enable the src_test
phase because of missing Gentoo packages for test dependencies or absence of a test suite provided by the upstream. In this case, the packages can still be checked manually.
Test classes using Gradle
If there is a test suite for a package, but some test dependencies do not have a Gentoo package available, then the classes compiled for the package within Portage can be unpacked from the package's JAR to the correct location in the project's source tree before the tests are launched using Gradle.
First, find the Gradle task for both compiling the main source files for Kotlin/JVM and executing the tests for Kotlin/JVM from the output of ./gradlew check --dry-run; the #Obtain Kotlin compiler arguments for test sources section contains an example of the output. In that example, judging from their names, :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm
is the task to compile the main sources, and :kotlinx-cli:jvmTest
is the task to run the tests for Kotlin/JVM.
If this has not been done yet, install the ebuild being manually tested onto the system.
Next, the path to the top-level directory where classes compiled from the main source files will be stored needs to be found. Clean the project first to avoid existence of irrelevant build artifacts interfering with the path search; then, run the main sources compilation task once, so the classes will be generated in the project's source tree.
user $
./gradlew clean
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm
The classes will be put somewhere in the source tree and can be located using find:
user $
find . -type f -name '*.class'
In this example, the top-level directory's path is ./core/build/classes/kotlin/jvm/main. The directory hierarchy under this path (kotlinx/cli) is the standard Java package layout for kotlinx.cli
, the main Java package of this Kotlin project.
kotlinx/cli is thus not the top-level directory of classes artifacts and should not be included in the top-level directory's path.
At this point, classes that were generated when the ebuild was installed can be unpacked from the JAR installed by the ebuild to the system to this top-level directory using app-arch/unzip. The directory should be specified via the -d
option, and the path to the JAR installed by the ebuild can be obtained using java-config -p:
user $
unzip -o -d ./core/build/classes/kotlin/jvm/main "$(java-config -p kotlinx-cli)"
Finally, the tests can be launched by running the task for executing them. However, remember to exclude the main source files compilation task using the -x
option, or Gradle will recompile those files and overwrite the classes otherwise, causing the wrong classes to be tested against.
user $
./gradlew :kotlinx-cli:jvmTest -x :kotlinx-cli:compileKotlinJvm
After the test execution, a test report might be available and can be accessed via opening a file named index.html in the project's source tree:
user $
find . -type f -name index.html
Check API compatibility
If a test suite is not available at all, the package can still be checked for API compatibility with the JAR built by Gradle using dev-util/japi-compliance-checker. The tool can be installed by running:
root #
emerge --ask dev-util/japi-compliance-checker
If this has not been done yet, install the ebuild whose JAR is being checked onto the system.
Next, build a JAR for the Kotlin project using Gradle and find its location in the project's source tree using the instructions in #Build a Kotlin project's JAR using Gradle. Then, use japi-compliance-checker to compare the JAR in the source tree with the JAR installed by the ebuild:
user $
japi-compliance-checker --lib=kotlinx-cli-jvm -v2 gentoo ./core/build/libs/kotlinx-cli-jvm-0.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar "$(java-config -p kotlinx-cli)"
Testing a package on another Kotlin feature release
Once an ebuild that contains only one identifier in its KOTLIN_COMPAT is verified to be working on the corresponding Kotlin feature release, it may be tested on other Kotlin feature releases available on Gentoo, so KOTLIN_COMPAT can include all feature releases compatible with the ebuild.
To enable convenient Kotlin ebuild testing against different Kotlin feature releases, the KOTLIN_COMPAT_OVERRIDE environment variable can be set to force a certain feature release to be used to build a package. Its value should follow the same syntax as KOTLIN_COMPAT. When KOTLIN_COMPAT_OVERRIDE is set, the Kotlin eclasses will limit the following packages to the feature release specified in its value:
- virtual/kotlin
- Kotlin libraries that satisfy all the following criteria:
- The slot is specified to be the verbatim string
- The package name is passed in as an argument in an invocation of the
function - The output of the aforementioned function invocation is added to JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH or JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH
- The slot is specified to be the verbatim string
The dependencies for the feature release specified by KOTLIN_COMPAT_OVERRIDE must be already present on the system.
For example, the following command tests kotlinx-cli-0.3.4.ebuild using Kotlin 1.6:
root #
KOTLIN_COMPAT_OVERRIDE="kotlin1-6" ebuild kotlinx-cli-0.3.4.ebuild clean test install
If the ebuild's src_test
phase is not enabled and thus it needs to be manually checked, the following command may be used instead to build the package using a different Kotlin feature release and install it to the system:
root #
KOTLIN_COMPAT_OVERRIDE="kotlin1-6" ebuild kotlinx-cli-0.3.4.ebuild clean merge
If no compatibility issues are detected, then the Kotlin feature release can be added to KOTLIN_COMPAT in the ebuild.
# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
KOTLIN_COMPAT=( kotlin1-{5..6} )
KOTLIN_IUSE="source test"
inherit kotlin
Common issues
This section documents some common issues and their solutions or workarounds.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
For some Kotlin packages (especially larger packages), the following error might occur during src_compile
>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/okhttp-4.7.2-r2/work/okhttp-parent-4.7.2 ... * Compiling ... ERROR: Exception while analyzing expression at (172,30) in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/okhttp-4.7.2-r2/work/okhttp-parent-4.7.2/okhttp/src/main/kotlin/okhttp3/internal/cache/CacheInterceptor.kt org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Exception while analyzing expression at (172,30) in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/okhttp-4.7.2-r2/work/okhttp-parent-4.7.2/okhttp/src/main/kotlin/okhttp3/internal/cache/CacheInterceptor.kt at org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.expressions.ExpressionTypingVisitorDispatcher.logOrThrowException(ExpressionTypingVisitorDispatcher.java:246) ... Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method) ... exception: org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Exception while analyzing expression at (172,30) in /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/okhttp-4.7.2-r2/work/okhttp-parent-4.7.2/okhttp/src/main/kotlin/okhttp3/internal/cache/CacheInterceptor.kt at org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.expressions.ExpressionTypingVisitorDispatcher.logOrThrowException(ExpressionTypingVisitorDispatcher.java:253) ... Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method) ... * ERROR: dev-java/okhttp-4.7.2-r2::spark-overlay failed (compile phase): * kotlin-utils_kotlinc failed * * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 127: Called src_compile * environment, line 2764: Called kotlin_src_compile * environment, line 2711: Called kotlin-utils_src_compile * environment, line 2600: Called kotlin-utils_kotlinc '-d' 'target/classes' '-classpath' '...' '@kotlin_sources.lst' * environment, line 2578: Called die
As the name of the underlying error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) suggests, this is caused by the JVM executing the Kotlin compiler running out of memory.
To solve this issue, simply allocate more memory to the JVM. This can be done by setting a proper maximum Java heap size using the -Xmx
option for JVM. The Kotlin eclasses supports a KOTLIN_KOTLINC_JAVA_OPTS variable for specifying options for the JVM that runs the Kotlin compiler. The exact proper value varies depending on the package, but a reasonable value can usually be found after only a few trial-and-errors.
- ↑ Yuan Liao. Introducing ebuilds That Build Kotlin Core Libraries from Source, Leo3418's Personal Site, July 5th, 2021. Retrieved on July 10th, 2021.
- ↑ Gradle 7.3 Release Notes, November 9th, 2021. Retrieved on February 5th, 2022.
- ↑ gradle.properties, Kotlin/kotlinx-cli GitHub repository, December 2nd, 2021. Retrieved on February 4th, 2022.
- ↑ Kotlin compiler options/-no-reflect, Kotlin docs, December 1st, 2021. Retrieved on February 4th, 2022.
- ↑ Kotlin compiler options/-jdk-home path, Kotlin docs, December 1st, 2021. Retrieved on February 4th, 2022.