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iotop is a top-like utility that monitors system input/output.



The CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING variable must be enabled in the Linux kernel for the iotop command to work properly. It can be found at this location:

KERNEL Kernel configuration for iotop

General setup -> CPU/Task time and stats accounting

  [*]   Enable per-task delay accounting Search for <code>CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT</code> to find this item.
  [*]   Enable extended accounting over taskstats Search for <code>CONFIG_TASK_XACCT</code> to find this item.
  [*]     Enable per-task storage I/O accounting Search for <code>CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING</code> to find this item.
  [*] Enable VM event counters for /proc/vmstat (EXPERT)

Additionally, "delayacct" must be added to the kernel command-line such as GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX for grub.


Install the package:

root #emerge --ask sys-process/iotop



root #iotop --help

See also

  • top - A utility that displays Linux processes.
  • atop - A top-like interactive monitor that displays load on the Linux system.
  • htop - Another top-like clone that displays Linux processes.
  • Nload — a super simple, command-line network interface monitoring tool.

External resources