Incus/Gentoo Github pullrequest testing
An easy and automated way for testing ebuild contributions via Gentoo's Github mirror that's based on Incus.
Summary: You keep a base container updated and in a tidy condition. You make copies of the base container, use the copies to test ebuild contributions, and delete the copies when you're done. This is automated as much as possible; in an ideal situation all you ever have to do, is give one command.
Pros | Description |
* safe (unprivileged) | No root privileges or access required. |
* fully isolated environment | Play / test as much as you like, your live system won't break. |
* runtime testing | Not just build-test, but run GUI applications too. |
* discardable snapshots (fast with binpkgs & SSD/NVME) | No need to constantly run emerge --depclean in your test system. |
* fast set-up for single-time use | If you simply need a container for one-time testing, it's usable in less than 5 minutes. But there are better alternatives for that. |
* use emerge against ::gentoo repository | Using emerge is much better than using ebuild to test your work. |
* OpenRC <-> systemd support | Need to test systemd environment, but you use OpenRC? Incus can do that. |
* testing multiple PRs in parallel | Launch as many build tests as you wish, and they won't interfere with each other. |
* limit resources | Apply per-container rules for maximum amount of CPU cores, RAM, or CPU usage. |
* need a musl system? | Or a clean environment to test -native-symlinks, clang, etc. |
Cons | Description |
* this exact environment takes a while to set-up | But for continuous usage it's very resilient and takes little maintenance. |
* I/O and storage heavy | Truly negatable when using SSD/NVME. |
* lots of automation can break | Sometimes manual intervention is required, but rarely. |
* prior knowledge of LXD/Incus | It helps if you've used LXD or Incus before. |
* prior knowledge of git | It helps if you've used git before. |
We're going to need Incus to be installed in the host system, and configured. Using incus-user
is the recommended way.
You should expect to have at least 2-4 GB space per container, especially if they pull rust-bin, gentoo-kernel-bin etc. Therefore it might be wise to mount --bind /var/lib/incus somewhere with more space available, or have /var(/lib) in a separate partition. Using an SSD/NVME is heavily suggested, as it makes all the operations happen in an instant compared to HDDs. Note that upstream suggests using mount --bind rather than symlinking a location. Obviously the base-size can be trimmed by choosing pre-installed packages differently.
Configuring Incus
Please follow the Incus page if this is your first time installing Incus. You should make sure Incus is working, by launching a test container and logging into it. It's recommended to initialize and use incus-user
In this example we are building and sharing our own binpkgs. The official binpkg host can also be configured to be used.
Set up your container
Getting the correct container image
Make sure to choose an image suited for your testing needs. Alternatively, create your own with Distrobuilder#Create_your_own_container_images.
user $
incus image list images:gentoo
user $
incus launch images:gentoo/openrc my-gentoo-gh-test-container
This will download a default gentoo-x86_64 container image, set it up, name it as my-gentoo-gh-test-container and start it. It's possible to simply check that it works,
user $
incus list
user $
incus exec my-gentoo-gh-test-container bash
But for now, it's better to turn it off so it can configured it properly.
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
user $
incus stop my-gentoo-gh-test-container
Edit the container config
default profile
You can edit the 'default' profile which, by default, gets used by containers and contain some necessary options.
user $
incus profile edit default
Especially networking needs to work on each container launched with this profile.
Use a different profile specifically for testing Github PRs if you don't want to mix default
with that.
Container config
Sharing disk location from host on to the container
First check Incus#Sharing files/directories between container and host to do get the basic configuration right. Below there are specific examples to get binpkg and distfile sharing done.
Edit the config file of your container.
user $
incus config edit my-gentoo-gh-test-container
devices: binpkgdir: path: /var/cache/binpkgs source: /home/larry/sde1/binpkg_incus_mtc type: disk distfiles: path: /var/cache/distfiles/ source: /var/cache/distfiles/ type: disk profiles: - default
With the example above, we're sharing our host's distfiles and binpkg directories with the containers. incus-user
will automatically apply raw.idmap
values for your current user onto the profile, which should give read/write access onto the source directories in host.
If you get a message saying "Disk source path not allowed", check Incus's troubleshooting for that.
Make sure your user is in portage group to share your distfiles location between all containers and host!
Launching GUI apps from the container
Check the Incus#X and Wayland apps in a container main wiki page for that.
Launching the container
Now that the relevant parts are updated, the base container can be built. The base is kept up-to-date and clean. You're going to create discardable copies where actual testing happens.
user $
incus start my-gentoo-gh-test-container
user $
incus exec my-gentoo-gh-test-container bash
Initiate configuration
First thing, grab a portage tree. Either by issuing
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
Or alternatively, wget the latest portage tree from any of the mirror's /snapshots/portage-latest.tar.xz and extract it as /var/db/repos/gentoo.
Install dev-vcs/git and an editor of your choice:
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge -av dev-vcs/git app-editors/emacs app-editors/vim
Now initiate the git-repo, and /etc/portage/ configuration for our container. There are two ways for it:
Automatic configuration via a script
A fast and simple way is to use this script:
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
cd /root
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
chmod +x
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
Always read through random scripts you wget from the Internet before running them!
You will need to edit your custom /etc/portage/make.conf.custom file which gets sourced by make.conf after the initialize script has ran! See example here or check your container's /etc/portage/ directory.
When done, skip straight to updating your container.
Alternatively, manual configuration
Prepare the usage of git sync-repo.
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
cd /etc/portage
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
mkdir repos.conf
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
edit /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf
main-repo = gentoo
location = /var/db/repos/gentoo
sync-type = git
sync-uri =
auto-sync = true
Make sure you're using a sync-friendly repo with metadata cache available!
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
rm -rf /var/db/repos/gentoo/*
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge --sync
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
eselect news read
Edit relevant /etc/portage files. Take note from
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
cd /etc/portage
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
mkdir -p env package.accept_keywords package.env package.unmask package.use profile /var/tmp/portage/vbslogs
Edit all the relevant files you need to. make.conf, make.conf.custom, package.use/default, package.accept_keywords/default, package.mask/default, env/test.conf etc.
Always find the latest container /etc/portage config files from and use wget to get them.
If you wish to git pull only the shell scripts used in testing pull requests, and not /etc/portage files, follow these steps:
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
cd /root
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
git clone --depth=1 --no-checkout incus-gentoo-gh
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
cd incus-gentoo-gh/
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
git config core.sparsecheckout true
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
echo container/bin/* > .git/info/sparse-checkout
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
git read-tree -m -u HEAD
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
echo "PATH=\"\$PATH:~/incus-gentoo-gh/container/bin\"" >> /root/.bashrc
Binhost / binpkgs
With the above settings we are enabling binpkgs to be generated, and used, for everything other except packages we're actually testing. This will speed up testing process immensively. Make sure your user has correct permissions in your host to be able to write to shared binpkg directory.
Update your container
If you intend to use your container for stable arch testing, obviously re-define some variables in the make.conf.custom file, such as KEYWORDS. Otherwise, grab a coffee, sit back and relax.
Make sure you've correctly handled your /etc/portage directory, i.e., you have make.conf and make.conf.custom set up. An example make.conf.custom
Please read first, if you're using OpenRC in host system. A fast fix is to
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
mkdir -p /dev/shm
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
mount -t tmpfs -o nodev,nosuid,noexec,mode=1777,size=6144m tmpfs /dev/shm
before trying to update @world. Note that this needs to be done everytime the container is started. You can put those commands in ~/.bashrc inside your container, or use lxc.raw.config. repo ships a script, /root/incus-gentoo-gh/container/bin/ that you can call. The executes it automatically for you.To suppress some noise during update, you can
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge -av app-portage/iwdevtools
Start the update. Remember to switch profiles here if you need to.
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge -uavDN @world
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
perl-cleaner --all
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
eselect news read
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
Be careful when updating /etc/inittab in container not to lose
- it will cause container management issues.Let's use the latest gcc.
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
gcc-config -l
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
gcc-config 2
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
source /etc/profile
You can logout and login to your container for changes to take effect.
Install necessary tools
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge -av app-admin/eclean-kernel app-editors/emacs app-emacs/ebuild-mode app-editors/vim app-portage/gentoolkit app-portage/pfl app-portage/portage-utils dev-util/pkgdev app-text/ansifilter dev-util/pkgcheck sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin app-portage/pkg-testing-tools app-portage/iwdevtools net-misc/dhcp
Obviously, edit to your needs. The base image can be a lot smaller depending on your choices here, but testing-time will increase for ANY GUI application. xorg-server does pull llvm though.
We use pfl to help keep relevant since we are installing tons of different packages over time.
pkgdev, pkgcheck, gentoolkit and portage-utils are installed so we can edit and fix any .ebuild files we are testing.
ansifilter is for cleaner logs. Although it may bug sometimes, be aware of that.
gentoo-kernel-bin ensures we won't run into problems when emerging packages that do kernel modules. They are rare. You can easily share your hosts /usr/src/ and /lib/modules/ if you know you'll never run into these packages, as the container itself uses hosts running kernel. You won't have write access from inside the container to these directories on host, so the ebuilds will fail peacefully.
pkg-testing-tools the tool all of our testing leans onto, and our scripts depend upon.
iwdevtools are a set of scripts that enable many different QA checks to our testing. By default they're enabled with these settings.
net-misc/dhcp just a suggestion for any network connectivity tool. OpenRC by default uses netifrc, which may require more configuring to work out-of-the-box, and config_eth0="dhcp" is specified.Container-specific modifications to pkg-testing-tools
This step is optional, and it's recommended to mask troublesome use flags via /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask/ instead.
Our testing depends heavily on - to "configure" it for specific cases, we'll have to patch it directly utilizing /etc/portage/patches/.
Get the container-specific patches from here:
For example for general pull request testing, against =app-portage/pkg-testing-tools-0.2.0, we'd do:
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
mkdir -p /etc/portage/patches/app-portage/pkg-testing-tools-0.2.0/
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
wget -O /etc/portage/patches/app-portage/pkg-testing-tools-0.2.0/pkg-testing-tool-0.2.0-toggle-more-flags.patch
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge -av app-portage/pkg-testing-tools --usepkg=n
Set up container scripts
If you've followed the steps above, your container should have /root/incus-gentoo-gh/container/bin/ directory with contents from - if you didn't use add this $PATH to your container's /root/.bashrc:
/root/.bashrc & /root/.profile
Finishing touches for your container
Do a world update and depclean remnants after editing our /etc/portage. Then run pfl to submit the initial list, and from now on running pfl from a snapshot-container or main container will only submit modified package list when comparing to base image.
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge --update --newuse --deep @world
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
emerge -a --depclean --with-bdeps=n
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
Log out, turn off container.
my-gentoo-gh-test-container #
(Ctrl+d works too)
Add app-portage/iwdevtools's fantastic **rcd** function to your containers:
eval "$(command repo-cd --bash=rcd --path="/var/db/repos/gentoo:default:.")"
user $
incus stop my-gentoo-gh-test-container
Set up host scripts
Note: Edit the host scripts to your needs. Stuff like pkgdiff-mg can be incus file pushed to the container.
incus copy my-gentoo-gh-test-container my-gentoo-gh-test-container-snap-"${prId}"
incus file push /usr/bin/pkgdiff-mg my-gentoo-gh-test-container-snap-"${prId}"/usr/local/bin/
incus start my-gentoo-gh-test-container-snap-"${prId}"
Automatic way via git sync
user $
mkdir -p ~/bin/incus-gentoo-gh-scripts
user $
cd ~/bin/incus-gentoo-gh-scripts
user $
git clone --depth=1 --no-checkout incus-gentoo-gh-bin
user $
cd incus-gentoo-gh-bin/
user $
git config core.sparsecheckout true
user $
echo host/bin/* > .git/info/sparse-checkout
user $
git read-tree -m -u HEAD
user $
echo "PATH=\"\$PATH:~/bin/incus-gentoo-gh-scripts/incus-gentoo-gh-bin/host/bin\"" >> ~/.bashrc
You should now have the contents of in your host's user dir ~/bin/incus-gentoo-gh-scripts/incus-gentoo-gh-bin/host/bin. git pull occassionally to get updates.
Relog or invoke bash to get $PATH updated.
Manually by wgetting
Just take a look at and wget / copy-paste manually to your host user's bin dir. Add the script dir to your $PATH via ~/.bashrc and/or ~/.profile, relog or invoke bash to get $PATH updated.
Cron job to keep container up-to-date automatically
Use your desired cron system to make the host's maintenance script a cron job. In other words, ~/bin/incus-gentoo-gh-scripts/incus-gentoo-gh-bin/host/bin/ can be ran to keep the base image updated.
Individual scripts explained
Script that attempts to gather all container's base maintenance tasks. Can be cron'd or called manually before each "test session".
Simple helper script to do manual tasks in the base container. Rarely used.
Sets up a generic testing environment fast. You can use this for personal stuff.
Gets a Github pull request as a parameter, and sets up a new environment to test it. Attempts to include every necessary step to confirm that the PR builds.
Quick and dirty script to disable native-symlinks. Ideally this gets called via -n 12345.
Just an error grepper. Spams the screen for any pre-defined checks.
Required for some openrc systems to populate devices inside container.
Gets the Github pull request and applies it onto ::gentoo tree. In future, any git-format patch should be appliable.
Designed to be ran one-time only whenever a new container is launched. Makes boring tasks easier.
Identifies .ebuild files that have changed against git-tree's HEAD state, and proceeds to test them.
Give package as a parameter and it tests reverse dependencies of given package. By default it picks 6 rdeps, but with an -a flag it tests them all. Good for checking library updates which don't have test phase enabled.
Testing that everything works!
Choose any PR to your liking from Do note that it can't be CLOSED, in other words, merged to main tree as that will cause patch merging collision. And it should edit an .ebuild file, ideally adding a new .ebuild to the tree to be tested.
user $ 12345
You can always, at any given time log in to the container and inspect / test everything manually. This is especially handy if you spot a mistake in the .ebuild file and need to test that your modification works.
user $
incus list
user $
incus start my-gentoo-gh-test-container-snap-12345
user $
incus exec my-gentoo-gh-test-container-snap-12345 bash
A couple of real-life examples.